Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Ohio cops this month arrested a man for drunk driving on a motorized bar stool, which can be seen below in a police evidence photo. Kile Wygle, 28, crashed his bar stool near his Newark home earlier this month and called 911 due to his injuries. When an asked what happened, he answered, "I wrecked my bar stool." According to a Newark Police Division report, Wygle's homemade ride is powered by a Briggs & Stratton lawnmower engine. Wygle noted that the bar stool could hit nearly 40 miles per hour, but that he was only going 20 when he wiped out late in the afternoon on March 4 (a witness told police that he spotted someone driving a "strange motorized machine" before the crash). Wygle, who failed a series of field sobriety tests, was charged with DUI and driving with a suspended license, both misdemeanors. His bar stool was not impounded.

Friday, March 27, 2009

My two favorite things... together?

The only way this could be better is if naked hot chicks were riding trails in the background with dragons fighting each other.


Friday, March 20, 2009

little bikes

Subrosa Cheers Brother! (Brighton Ain't Ready Bonus Section) from Subrosa Brand on Vimeo.
so ryan sheer is a badass and from the NW and he started this company.
pretty sweet oh and this is his car.

also hoang tran is totally nuts.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

People I think are cool: Tony

Truly the unsung hero of Tonicfab. While Landon runs the blog, shines his pearly whites, and gets all the girls, Tony is behind the scenes, hooking us up with some of the coolest original artwork, both in metal and on paper, ever. Go Tony.

Why does everybody hate Sam Hill?

He wears black now, and doesn't race in a t-shirt anymore. Get over it.

Everybody hates Sam Hill because he wins a lot. People hated Fabien Barel for the same reason, but at least there was still a justifiable reason to hate him: he's french.

People hate Sam Hill because he's too good? Please. How can you hate this:

Trail photos soon,


Baaronbot 08/Sam Hill 05

I hate spanish class.

Things that are cool: berms

If you haven't noticed, we at team robot are pretty big fans of berms. I like berms.

Aussies: something in the water


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Team Robot:: Full Retard or nothing

Team Robot is here for you, as long as you are a lame, hollow shell of an individual, hunched over a computer for far too long, who checks unfunny bike-blogs in an attempt to find meaning in his pitiful life.

Professional acting advice notwithstanding, Team Robot is committed to bringing your bike news at Full Retard.

Team Robot: Pinned at Full Retard.

Little bikes little rides

Tonic Fab bitches