Monday, April 30, 2012

#Gaming NEWS! Deck13's upcoming titles

Here's some gaming news from the old world for a change.
Today's program, Deck13's upcoming adventure games!
Deck13 Interactive is a German video game company who's been making lots of fun adventure games for this past decade, while American companies quickly lost interest in the genre and only got back in it a couple years ago.

They're the guys behind such games as the fun Ankh series, the fantastic Jack Keane and the original Venetica more recently.

Their upcoming title, Haunted, will be released by the end of the month (in most of Europe, that is).

This supernatural adventure will be darker than Deck13's previous titles, but still retain some humor here and there throughout the adventure.
The story is set in the 19th century, in London. You play as Mary, a girl that was being part of some strange experiment but ran off. She has the ability to see and itneract with ghosts.
All in all, it's a pretty classic point and click game, featuring the usual inventory system, various difficulty settings for experienced and beginners alike (through the difficulty set, the game will offer clues, etc.).
 Mary will obtain different ghost companions to help out resolve puzzles, which will add a little gimmick gameplay in this classic forumla.
Also, other Deck13 speciality, like Jack Keane tried to offer in the past, the game will contain an entire bonus scenario in the form of sidequests that are optional. A nice bonus for an adventure game (which tend to be pretty linear usually).

Here's some screens!

 Looks promising!
A definitive must play!


The other fantastic news is that their previous hero's coming back in Jack Keane 2!
The original game was a great tribute to old adventure games and adventure movies such as the Monkey Island series, Indiana Jones, the original The Mummy movie, etc.
The game was long, fun and a great example how to make a modern "classic" point & click adventure game.

This new adventure is called "Jack Keane und das Auge des Schicksals"/"Jack Keane et l'oeil du destin" (aka Jack Keane and the Eye of Destiny if they keep the same title in English).

Things are looking mighty promising so far, it's looking great! It really shows Deck13's worked on graphically more complex games since the original, but thankfully the game will still retain the original's art style and direction.
The new episode will introduce new characters, revamp the old ones, and the new adventure will take Jack from city backdrops to more exotical places such as jungles, islands (again!) and even Egypt it seems...

Check out these concept arts and first in-game screens:

Can't wait for this one!
Love Jack Keane! (the theme song was so epic and catchy~)

#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: Here comes the Blue Beetle!!

Here's some pretty kickass cosplay of Ted Kord aka The Blue Beetle!
It's from the guys over at Blinky Production.

The costume looks pretty faithful, right down to the details. And the bb gun looks badass!!
More pics below~

Amazing "stills".
Hollywood couldn't make it look better!

One more BWAHAHAHAHA!! for the road :)

*misses Ted more than some actual dead relatives*

#BestOf Histeria! - "Trust Buster"

We all know Warner Bros. 90s cartoons such as the DC animated series, Tiny Toons, Animaniacs or even Freakazoid.
But one series that is barely mentioned nowadays is Histeria!, which aired from 1998 to 2000.
The last from the WB animation studios' renaissance.

Here's a little song, by Theodore Roosevelt, which is actually a Ghostbusters parody.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

#MusicBOX - Jonathan Coulton - Je Suis Rick Springfield

Here's one of the great songs from Jonathan Coulton's recent album.
Funny and catchy, it's "Je Suis Rick Springfield", with lots of fake awful-sounding fake French the way I like it :P

ComicPageOfTheWeekend: "I'm looking for Amanda Love!!"

Somewhere else, Moe Szyslak understands the pain...

(Click for bigger pic)

Savage Dragon #70 © Image Comics

ComicPanelsOfTheWeek: Is he..,?

Here's Firestorm, and no, he "isn't". But 'didn't hurt to ask.

(Click for bigger pic)

Scan courtesy from
JLI © DC Comics

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Guest blog @ Boosterrific

I wrote a little guest-blog entry on the greatest website you've never heard of, Boosterrific!

Why don't you check my opinion and view on Booster Gold, from a "Swiss" perspective?
Booster Gold International: Switzerland

Don't hesitate to also give a look at the other entries such as:
Booster Gold International: Canada
Booster Gold International: Germany
Booster Gold International: Israel

ComicPageOfTheWeekend: Jason Todd is a gentleman

I'm sure the other Robins against this villainess, Dick Grayson or Tim Drake, wouldn't have minded having a look :P

(Click for bigger pic)

Batman © DC Comics

Super Dictionary: flower

He just really likes his flowers.

(Click for bigger pic)

Super Dictionary © DC Comics

Friday, April 27, 2012

#Gaming NEWS! new Rayman game

So apparently it's official, we're gonna have a new Rayman game, and it's gonna be called Rayman: Legends.

But take what you're seeing with a grain of salt, it seems it's neither final nor something they wanted to show actually. As some guys from Ubi just said recently:
"An internal video showing images of Rayman Origins’ sequel has leaked over the Internet,” said the firm. “This video was intended as a purely internal demonstrative video, and in NO way represents the final game, the final console or their features."
This explains the fake-3D look and strange way it doesn't bland as well or look as cartoony as Origins. It's just tests!

I can't wait to see on which systems this will be available! (please...Xbox 360 too..), specially since I don't like the idea of buying a new system, like the upcoming Wii-U, at full (expensive) price.
But it looks like that version will get some extra content, like platformers often used too in the "old days". (remember the original Rayman? or Earthworm Jim? etc.)
And apparently people who have bought collector editions of Ubisoft games, those that came with the statues, will be able to get new levels??? Through barcodes or via a "chip" like the Skylanders game on the Wii perhaps?
Does this mean an Assassin's Creed level like the Rabbits showed there? A Splinter Cell, a Prince of Persia, etc..? Nice.

#Gaming NEWS! MKVita + DOA5

Here's a new trailer for Mortal Kombat on the Vita and one for Dead or Alive 5!
First up, the Mortal Kombat one.
It's actually the "complete" trailer from which that previous Kitana trailer was cut from. (so...was that a teaser for this new trailer? are we at a point where peope make trailers for trailers? wait a minute...Yes!!)

Well, I won't be getting this game...since I already have it for Xbox 360!
But I can enjoy this live trailer nonetheless :P


Meanwhile Tecmo released a new trailer for Dead or Alive 5, this one featuring Bayman and Christie, two more returning characters!
Are they gonna make some vids for all the characters? Probably so.

I love the new "more realistic" artstyle.
Looks great!

Some news regarding more Virtua Fighter guests are expected soon, more precisely Sarah Bryant and Pai.
In the meantime, enjoy some concept arts as well as Hi-Res screens of the new level:

Again, I just love the new artstyle!
Character faces do look different instead of the same copy-paste generic anime. They all have different details and facial features now!