Tuesday, April 24, 2012

#Gaming NEWS! Batman: Arkham City's Game of the Year Edition

And as expected, here's the news regarding Batman: Arkham City new DLC chapter and whatnot!

First of all the game's being re-released thanks to the upcoming new Game of the Year Edition!

This cover's kind of a mess, artistically speaking...

Well, I won't be buying it all over again, but let's check it out in more detail...

First, Warner Bros released this following trailer to announce it:

This new edition will be released for Xbox 360 and PS3 on May 29 in most countries.
It will containt from the go all the previously released DLCs.
A code to digitally download the Batman: Year One animated movie (!).

As well as the all-new DLC Harley Quinn's Revenge!

Now, this new final chapter will act as a sort of epilogue. With a playable Robin that will alternate with Batman.
It is said to be at least 2 hours long and will feature new places to explore, new foes to defeat and lots of detective gameplay around.

Here's some pics:

Looking forward to that?

I'll pick this up as DLC for my version of the game later on. Probably if it gets in one of those digital discounts-of-the-week.

I'd have preferred a whole side story with Nightwing or Robin during the game, their side of the events. Preferably facing one of those enemies that got such  lttle screentime, like Harvey, instead of Harley which we already got plenty around.