Friday, April 27, 2012

#Gaming NEWS! new Rayman game

So apparently it's official, we're gonna have a new Rayman game, and it's gonna be called Rayman: Legends.

But take what you're seeing with a grain of salt, it seems it's neither final nor something they wanted to show actually. As some guys from Ubi just said recently:
"An internal video showing images of Rayman Origins’ sequel has leaked over the Internet,” said the firm. “This video was intended as a purely internal demonstrative video, and in NO way represents the final game, the final console or their features."
This explains the fake-3D look and strange way it doesn't bland as well or look as cartoony as Origins. It's just tests!

I can't wait to see on which systems this will be available! (please...Xbox 360 too..), specially since I don't like the idea of buying a new system, like the upcoming Wii-U, at full (expensive) price.
But it looks like that version will get some extra content, like platformers often used too in the "old days". (remember the original Rayman? or Earthworm Jim? etc.)
And apparently people who have bought collector editions of Ubisoft games, those that came with the statues, will be able to get new levels??? Through barcodes or via a "chip" like the Skylanders game on the Wii perhaps?
Does this mean an Assassin's Creed level like the Rabbits showed there? A Splinter Cell, a Prince of Persia, etc..? Nice.