Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Nationals Day 2 !!!
The second day of nationals has came to an end !!! What a day ! The Princess contestants had a BLAST at Disneyland, while the Jr Pre Teen contestants took to the national stage to compete in the optional competitions !!! The girls were amazing in talent ! The Casual Wear outfits were straight from the catwalks and in the spokesmodel competition I know we have some future news broadcasters among us !!! I heard the actress competition was so funny with star quality commercials ! The Pre Teen contestants also arrived today ! They had check in, orientation and a GROOVY 70's PARTY !! WHAT AN AWESOME DAY !!
Check out the episode of "The Breanne and Tiffany Show"
Check out the episode of "The Breanne and Tiffany Show"
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Nationals Day 1 !!!

The first day of 09 national pageant has officially came to an end !!! Today was AWESOME !! I got to see so many familiar faces and meet so many new friends !! We started the day with Princess and Jr PreTeen check in, then we moved into the Grand Ballroom for Orientation! It was SOOO much fun ! The National Queens took to the stage to welcome all of the national contestants and all of the staff was introduced ! Plus the National Queens took to the runway for an official NAM fashion show ! Plus Breanne Maples and myself introduced our NEW YOUTUBE Show !!! Move over Miley and Mandy , its hello to "The Breanne and Tiffany Show !!!

Check out this AWESOME video of your NAM National Jr PreTeen Kaydianna Davis with her Dad Brett and NAM All -American Jr PreTeen Kaitlyn Rigdon with her Dad, Dancing at the 50's PARTY !!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
T'was the night before nationals ...

And all through the hotel NAM staff is working hard to make tomorrow a BLAST !!! All of the staff arrived today we have been working hard unpacking trophies and stuffing goodie bags !!! I love being able to reunite with my NAM family ! All of the princess and Jr preteen girls check in tomorrow and go to orientation ! Your in for a real treat, we have sooo MUCH in store for you !!! I will continue to update as much as possible ! Get ready for fun pictures, videos and more !!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Dude, Bro, chill
Definition of "Bro:"
Definition 1:
Obnoxious partying males who are often seen at college parties. When they aren’t making an ass of themselves they usually just stand around holding a red plastic cup waiting for something exciting to happen so they can scream something that demonstrates how much they enjoy partying. Nearly everyone in a fraternity is a bro but there are also many bros who are not in a fraternity. They often wear a rugby shirt and a baseball cap. It is not uncommon for them to have spiked hair with frosted tips.
Bros actually chose this name for themselves as they often refer to each other as "bro" even though they are not related.
I couldn't go to sleep last night because some bros at the party next door kept screaming, "Whoooooo!!! YEAAHHHHH! Whooooooo!"
Definition 2:
That one's for you Patrick. For those who don't know, Pat's a big college football fan, and lover of bros everywhere. BIIIGGG fan.
Definition 1:
Obnoxious partying males who are often seen at college parties. When they aren’t making an ass of themselves they usually just stand around holding a red plastic cup waiting for something exciting to happen so they can scream something that demonstrates how much they enjoy partying. Nearly everyone in a fraternity is a bro but there are also many bros who are not in a fraternity. They often wear a rugby shirt and a baseball cap. It is not uncommon for them to have spiked hair with frosted tips.
Bros actually chose this name for themselves as they often refer to each other as "bro" even though they are not related.
I couldn't go to sleep last night because some bros at the party next door kept screaming, "Whoooooo!!! YEAAHHHHH! Whooooooo!"
Definition 2:
That one's for you Patrick. For those who don't know, Pat's a big college football fan, and lover of bros everywhere. BIIIGGG fan.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pinkbike is the best
I've been looking into building a trail. I don't know how to build a trail or berms, so I checked on pinkbike. Thanks "Dmadness" from Canada:
"i've built a couple. I usually Sharpen some Steak's and Drive em into the Ground at angle.. then Weave a couple of thin Branches through them Horizontally, till I have A wicker looking frame.. I've ridden a couple In this fashion without Throwing dirt on em and they work fine But they are much better if you then Build a dirt up on them.. you gotta pack it good And it helps if you have some Clay type dirt ( look for "trail mix" bags at your local Home hardware or such.. it's a mix of Clay and Dirt basically and it Set's up well with the addition of a little water."
That's probably the best advice I've ever heard. Weave loose sticks into stakes in the ground, and then ride it... Genius!
Maybe even add some dirt (that I purchased from home depot?). How many bags of "trail mix" dirt would you have to buy for a 1 minute long track?
"i've built a couple. I usually Sharpen some Steak's and Drive em into the Ground at angle.. then Weave a couple of thin Branches through them Horizontally, till I have A wicker looking frame.. I've ridden a couple In this fashion without Throwing dirt on em and they work fine But they are much better if you then Build a dirt up on them.. you gotta pack it good And it helps if you have some Clay type dirt ( look for "trail mix" bags at your local Home hardware or such.. it's a mix of Clay and Dirt basically and it Set's up well with the addition of a little water."
That's probably the best advice I've ever heard. Weave loose sticks into stakes in the ground, and then ride it... Genius!
Maybe even add some dirt (that I purchased from home depot?). How many bags of "trail mix" dirt would you have to buy for a 1 minute long track?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It is Time to Start Packing for NATIONALS 2009 !!!

Here is a packing list you can go by, you don't want to forget anything !!!
1. Your formal dress
2. Interview suit
3. Opening Number Shirt From State
4. Shoes for every outfit
5. Casual Clothes for rehearsals
6.Everything you need to your hair
hair spray, shampoo, hair clips etc
7.Camera to capture all your pageant memories
8. Make up ( for Jr Teen, Teen and Miss)
9. Sewing kit ... just in case
10. Opening Number outfit
11. For anything else you might need there is a Target across the street haha
Monday, November 16, 2009
Good news
When the robots come, and we will, we can now justify killing everyone:
if granny can operate a machine gun, then we can justify killing her too.
if granny can operate a machine gun, then we can justify killing her too.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Kaydianna Davis National American Miss Jr Pre Teen 2008-2009

A word from Kaydianna
I am a spunky 10 year old from Michigan City , Indiana. We moved to BIG CITY Texas about 4 years ago. I love it here!!!I love to dance , dance and sing sing sing.. I can sing almost anything.. Like right now.. My mom is typing and I am singing. Also I am very random!!! I could be in a restaurant and just bust out dancing. And or singing and or both!! I am pretty loud. I feel bad sometimes because I don't scream like a girl. I scream really low. It sounds like someone is dying..I love shopping with my MOM and Dad. Ok well not both of them just my Mom and using my Daddy's money. I am the only girl on both sides of the family,but maybe not for long. I spend alot of time at church with my Jlife program. We do alot of mission projects across the state of Texas for kids like you and me. I love sushi again.. there was a time that I didn't like it but I Love it now!! I love Jesus, he is truly my homeboy!! I have a naturally funny family. Well we think we are? We are always joking around and laughing at my brother. I want to dance in one of the Kenny Ortega productions ... Disney Productions. That's all for me now !!! Peace!!!
Tiffany: How has your life changed since winning your national title ?
Kaydianna: Well I'm a little richer than I was when I started..and I got a frequent flyer miles card. Sometimes I have a headache from wearing the crown haha, but It's been SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!
Tiffany:What do you like to do for fun ?
Kaydianna: Dancing ! Shopping with my mom, and I love having sleepovers with my friends.
Tiffany: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Kaydianna: A lot of things.. but I want to end up in HOLLYWOOD !!!
Tiffany:What makes your state special?
Kaydianna: it is really HOT !
Tiffany:If you could only tell me one thing about yourself what would it be ?
Kaydianna: CRAZY FUN.. Ok that's 2 words but if you but them together its one !
Tiffany:How would your friends describe you ?
Kaydianna: Crazy Fun haha :)
Tiffany: What is your favorite pageant competition?
Kaydianna:My favorite is interview because its a challenge and they are going to know the real me like it or not.
Tiffany: Who is role model?
Kaydianna: My mom... She is AWESOME !
Tiffany: Finish this sentence: People would be surprised to know...
Kaydianna : That when I scream I don't sound like a girl...I scream really low lol
Tiffany: What was the first thing you did after you won your national title?
Kaydianna: I couldn't breathe the first thing I did was breathe ! Then I thought. are they for real ??
Tiffany:How did you prepare for the national pageant?
Kaydianna: I practiced interview questions and my introduction a lot !
Tiffany:What is the best advice you can give to a future NAM contestant?
Kaydianna: Be yourself because there is only one you !!!
Tiffany:What is your favorite quote ?
Kaydianna: Believe in yourself because if you don't believe how can any one else?
Tiffany:If you stuck on a deserted island what three things would you bring with you ?
Kaydianna: cell phone, food, and my mom
Tiffany:What is your favorite TV show or movie ?
Kaydianna: Anything Disney !
Tiffany:What activities are you involved in ?
Kaydianna: dance of course, Praise and Worship team and Junior Leaders Program at my church
Tiffany: What is the best advice you have received ?
Kaydianna: People change things but God never changes
Tiffany:If you had to eat one thing the rest of your life what would it be ?
Kaydianna: CANDY ... I'm an addict!
Tiffany: If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be ?
Kaydianna: The Day in the Life of ME ... Duh !

Signing Autographs !

Kaydi's Headshot!

Winning Moment!!!
Now lets meet the Kaydianna's beautiful mom Candice. This mother and daughter duo are just a like and so much fun to be around !Candice is a wonderful mom and has taught Kaydianna what it means to be a true winner
Tiffany:What life skills has Kaydianna learned from being involved in NAM?
Candice: Kaydianna has turned from this shy girl who used to hide behind her father when people would talk to her to, An amazing girl who talks all the time !We cant get her to be quiet... She has really turned into a GREAT speaker.
Tiffany:What is your favorite Pageant memory of Kaydianna?
Candice:My favorite pageant memory is when she hits the stage for formal wear .. She and her Dad always take my breath away. I always tear up when I see them.
Tiffany: Would your recommend NAM to other families?
Candice: ABSOLUTELY!!! This has been one of the best experiences of our lives. The title was an extra added bonus. We have met so many AWESOME families across America.
Tiffany: What will Kaydianna take away from her NAM experience?
Candice: Her friends. Confidence . And being able to speak publicly.
Tiffany: What advice can you give to future NAM parents?
Candice: Take all that you can away from this,be your daughters Biggest Fan!! It starts with you!
Tiffany:As a parent how have you seen your daughter change after wining her national title?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tierra Gonzalez-Hammonds National American Miss PreTeen 2008-2009

It's time to get to know your reigning National PreTeen Queen Tierra Gonzalez-Hammonds ! I first met Tierra when she was just a Princess contestant, I knew then that she was something special ! It has been an honor to watch Tierra grow into a beautiful young lady. Tierra is a straight A student, an awesome dancer and has stage presence like no other. Tierra has dreams of impacting the world as an elected official and even one day becoming President of the United States. Tierra is the definition of hard works pays off. I'm so excited to see what this talented and beautiful young lady will do next. You never know, I might be saying I know the first women president !!!
A word from Tierra !
I am a 13 year old, 8th grader at Pacific Beach Middle School in beautiful San Diego, California. Science is my favorite subject in school this year, but I really enjoy American History and PE, too. Even though I am a typical girlie-girl (pink is my favorite color), I love flag football. I feel blessed to live one short block from the water, and like every Southern California girl, I love the beach! Most of my time outside of school is spent at my dance studio, Mystic Steppers. I started at age 3 as a gymnast, switched to competitive cheerleading at age 6 and settled on dance a few years ago. We preform all types of dance, but compete mainly in hip-hop. Now my big decision is what I will pursue in High School next year.
I am lucky to have a mom who is also my best friend. Sometimes I think she is a little crazy, but I realize that I definitely inherited that trait from her. My little brother Antonio is 6 years old, and has been my biggest fan for as long as I can remember. My Grandpa also lives with us. As a family, we like to go camping, play games, and go to one of Southern California's last drive-in theatre. And, we go to Disneyland about once a month!
We are also very active with our church and community. Civic participation is something I was taught at a very early age. I have had the opportunity to meet just about every elected official who represents us: from my City Councilman to the President of the United States. I used to want to become a political reporter because I noticed that reporters don't always ask the tough questions that I want answers to. But, now, I think I could do more by becoming an elected official, and answering those questions before a reporter has to ask!
I am lucky to have a mom who is also my best friend. Sometimes I think she is a little crazy, but I realize that I definitely inherited that trait from her. My little brother Antonio is 6 years old, and has been my biggest fan for as long as I can remember. My Grandpa also lives with us. As a family, we like to go camping, play games, and go to one of Southern California's last drive-in theatre. And, we go to Disneyland about once a month!
We are also very active with our church and community. Civic participation is something I was taught at a very early age. I have had the opportunity to meet just about every elected official who represents us: from my City Councilman to the President of the United States. I used to want to become a political reporter because I noticed that reporters don't always ask the tough questions that I want answers to. But, now, I think I could do more by becoming an elected official, and answering those questions before a reporter has to ask!
Tiffany: How has your life changed since winning your national title ?
Tierra:Well, in some ways it hasn't. I still have to clean my room, do my homework and help watch my little brother. But, I have had the opportunity to travel to places that I never thought I would see, meet amazing people and take more pictures than most people take in a lifetime.
Tiffany: What do you like to do for fun ?
Tierra: I love to do anything that puts me on stage. I have a passion for dance, I love to tumble and perform. I also really enjoy doing volunteer work. It is a blast to hang out with friends and do something good for other people.
Tiffany: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Tierra: I used to want to be a political reporter for CNN. However, the historic election of Barack Obama inspired me to want to make news, not just report it. Now, I want to have a career in law and politics. I plan to become a District Attorney, then run for higher political office. I eventually would like to be the President of the United States.
Tiffany: What makes your state special?
Tierra: Everything! It is California, after all!
Tiffany: If you could only tell me one thing about yourself what would it be ?
Tierra: That I love my life.
Tiffany: How would your friends describe you ?
Tierra: They would say that I was kind and loyal, and a little bit of a drama queen.
Tiffany: What is your favorite pageant competition?
Tierra: My favorite part of competition is the interview. It is not always my highest score, but I always have so much fun speaking with the judges. Interview has taught me to look people right in the eye when I talk with them and to always be myself.
Tiffany:Who is role model?
Tierra: My mom. She is a single mom who is crazy busy but always has time for me and my brother. She is also my best friend. Even though a lot of people think she has an important job, she never treats anyone like she is more important than they are.
Tiffany: Finish this sentence: People would be surprised to know...
Tierra: I am deathly afraid of Mr. Potato Head.
Tiffany: What three words best describe you ?
Tierra: Caring, ambitious, and quirky
Tiffany: What was the first thing you thought after you won your national title?
Tierra: I really can't remember. I was really in shock. In both the 2003 Princess NAM Nationals and 2006 JPT NAM Nationals I had made it down to the final two. The emcee always says "And then there were two." Twice, I heard my name called out as the first runner-up. So, naturally, when Joy Saprano said "And then there were two," I expected California to be announced as first runner-up. When she said the first runner up was Florida, I was almost confused. I was so excited, the next thing I remember was about 10 minutes later when I was signing my contract with Mr. Mayes.
Tiffany: How did you prepare for the national pageant
Tierra: My mom would make me do my introduction on the way to school every morning, and then we would talk about things that may come up in interview. We talked about my hometown, what I like to do, our family - just to get me thinking about various questions that come up in interview.
Tiffany: What is the best advice you can give to a future NAM contestant?
Tierra: Listen to your mom, she is probably right. Sometimes girls our age think some things are cool or not cool. Our parents may think differently. The key is, the judges are more likely to be like our parents than like a preteen. Perfect example: wearing nude pantyhose with your interview suit. I hate nude pantyhose, but my mom convinced me that it was proper for pageant interviews. I think she was right. But for the record, not even my Mom wears nude pantyhose with her suits in real life!
Tiffany: What is your favorite quote ?
Tierra: Go Big or Go Home! - In other words, if you aren't going to put 100% in what you do, you shouldn't even be doing it!
Tiffany: What do you want your legacy to be ?
Tierra: I hope people will remember me as the National American Miss Preteen who never gave up.
Tiffany: If you were stuck on a deserted island what three things would you bring with you ?
Tierra: Food, my cell phone and my mom. I am a very practical person.
Tiffany: What is your favorite book, TV show and Movie ?
Tierra: I love all of the Harry Potter Books, it is the nerd in me. My favorite TV show is "America's Best Dance Crew." My favorite all time movie was "Over the Hedge," which brilliantly taught kids about environmentalism and urban sprawl, but the remake of FAME was a close second.
Tiffany: What activities are you involved in ?
Tierra: At my school,I am a member of the Video Club. We write, produce, direct and star in the school news every week. I am also very active in the Builders Club, which finds and promotes relevant volunteer activities for our middle school. I dance about 15 hours a week with a competitive dance team called The Mystic Steppers. We do all types of dance: ballet, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop and some gymnastics. I also do a volunteer work. I have donated over 100 hours to the United Way's Food Pantry this year, volunteer for my church's homeless shelter, and work on a number of food drives. I have been a member of the Surfrider Foundation for 5 years, and help at beach clean-ups many times each year.
Tiffany: What is the best advice you have received ?
Tierra: You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Tiffany: If you had to eat one thing the rest of your life what would it be ?
Tierra: Sushi!!!
Tiffany: If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be ?
Tierra: The Best is Yet to Come
Tierra's Modeling Shot
Tierra and her little brother
Your in for a real treat, its time to meet Tierra's inspirational mom Lorena! Lorena and Tierra have a very special bond, if you ever have a chance to meet them you will see just how dynamic this mother and daughter duo are. Lets get some words of wisdom from a pageant queen herself, thats right Lorena too has graced the stage as a title holder.
Tiffany:What life skills had your daughter learned from being involved in NAM?
Lorena: Tierra has learned so much from NAM, including how to interview, how to speak in public and how to present herself in front of adults. But I also think she learned a valuable lesson that boys often have many outlets to learn and girls far fewer: How to win with humility and lose with grace.
Tiffany: What is your favorite Pageant memory of Tierra ?
Lorena: Of course, it is hard to beat the moment she won the National Preteen title. She had worked so hard, and wanted it so bad, I just cried watching her finally fulfill her dreams on stage. For months beforehand she would say, ever single day, "But mom, you don't understand how much I want this." It was amazing to watch her win it!
But, I also remember taking her to breakfast the morning of the National Finals her Princess year. She was only 7 and I had been blown away by how great all of the queens had been all week long. I tried to have a discussion with her about how proud I was of what she had done that week, and how much I loved her and would be so excited just to watch her on stage that night. I told her it didn't matter if she even made top ten, she was a winner to me. She looked up from her pancakes and said, "Mom, I know you didn't see it, but I did really well in interview. I think I might win." All I could do was laugh because I was so worried she was too young to understand what was going to happen that night. She was much more aware than I had given her credit for. That evening she came very close. After she was named first runner-up she did cry, but then she hugged the winner and told her congratulations and how beautiful she was. I was just so proud of watching her develop emotionally.
Tiffany:Would your recommend NAM to other families?
Lorena: Absolutely. This pageant has not only been such an amazing way for Tierra to grow and flourish, but has really allowed us to grow closer as mother and daughter, too.
Tiffany: What will Tierra take away from her NAM experience?
Lorena: Along with memories to last a lifetime, she has built friendships that I know will continue long after she has given up her title.
Tiffany: What advice can you give to future NAM parents and contestants?
Lorena: Read your magazines, prepare, practice and practice some more BEFORE you get to the pageant. But, once you are there, just have fun. Use pageant week to do everything offered, and build a lifetime of memories. At the end of the day, the pageant goes by too fast. And, parents, don't forget to hug your daughter and tell her how well she did. That is what will mean the most to her!
Tiffany: As a parent how have you seen Tierra change after wining her national title?
Lorena: I think she really believes no dream is too big. I have watched her try new sports, switch schools, and revamp her career ambitions. It is like she now knows she can achieve anything she sets her mind to doing
Tierra with her sister queen Kaydianna and her gorgeous mom Lorena !
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Brianna Lewis National All-American Miss Princess

It's time to get to know our 08-09 NAM All-American Princess Queen. This Cute and Spunky kiddo comes to us from the land of Lincoln. For such a young girl she has BIG dreams and is very busy !!! Lets get to know this beautiful tot and find out what it is like to be a real life princess !!! The world better watch out because Brianna Lewis is coming through !!!
A word from Brianna
Hi, my name is Brianna Lewis, and I am the reigning National All-American Miss Princess. I am a fun and friendly little girl from Illinois who dreams of being a teacher and Miss Universe in the future. I like playing with my family and friends and being silly most of the time. I also like board games and reading lots of books. I know that I was put on earth to make a difference and I am already by caring about others and being involved. I do lots of community service projects and I try to show kindness to everyone. Because I know I can do all things through Christ, the sky is the limit for me!!!
Tiffany:How has your life changed since winning your national title ?
Brianna: Because of my title I have been able to travel to places I've never been to before and show other little girls that their dreams can come true
Tiffany: What do you like to do for fun ?
Brianna: For fun I like to play with my friends and my family and watch movies. Lately I've been challenging myself to read as many books as I can.
Tiffany: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Brianna: When I grow up I want to definitely be a teacher like my mother. Maybe teach Kindergarten.
Tiffany: What makes your state special?
Brianna: Illinois is a great state because it's next to Indiana and that's where Michael Jackson was born!
Tiffany: If you could only tell me one thing about yourself what would it be ?
Brianna: I love Jesus, and that's the most important thing you need to know about me.
Tiffany: How would your friends describe you ?
Brianna: My friends think I'm the funny and crazy girl in the class. But, I don't get in trouble.
Tiffany: What is your favorite pageant competition?
Brianna: My favorite pageant competition would have to be interview because it teaches me how to speak to others with confidence in myself and what I'm saying.
Tiffany: Who is role model?
Brianna: Jesus is my role model, because you can't find anyone better to be like. I try to be most like Jesus and treat others with love and kindness
Tiffany: Finish this sentence: People would be surprised to know...
Brianna: I wrote my first book when I was six about a cat named Hunter Frisky.
Tiffany: What three words best describe you ?
Brianna: Funny, Sensitive and Kind best describe me
Tiffany: What was going through your mind when you won your national title?
Brianna: After I won my national title I thought, "am I dreaming?"
Tiffany: How did you prepare for the national pageant?
Brianna: I prepared hard for the National pageant. I practiced with my mom nearly every day. I would write my own schedules and put down what I wanted to practice and when I wanted to practice. Then I practiced like I was on the stage. My teddy bears and dolls were my judges.
Tiffany: What is the best advice you can give to a future NAM contestant?
Brianna: I would tell any future NAM contestant how great NAM is and how much fun I have competing with National American Miss. I would tell her that NAM will help her be the best person she can be. I would tell her to have fun and smile all the time.
Tiffany: What is your favorite book?
Brianna: My favorite book is Mallory on the Move and it's about a girl who has to move to a new place and doesn't want to, but she does and she meets a new friend whose sister is very mean. Although Mallory's new friend's sister gets along with Mallory's brother, she is still very mean to Mallory.
Tiffany: What activities are you involved in ?
Brianna: Right now I am involved in praise dance and I do a lot of community service.
Tiffany: What is the best advice you have received ?
Brianna: My mother gave me my best advice and it is to never give up and trust in God. Now, I tell my mother that all the time.
Tiffany: .If you had to eat one thing the rest of your life what would it be ?
Brianna: Anybody who knows me knows I cannot live without my chicken nuggets- and please put the barbeque sauce on the side!
Tiffany: If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be ?
Brianna: The Queen with BIG Dreams: The Story of Brianna Lewis. It would be very dramatic.

Now lets meet Brianna's wonderful mom Yvette !!! Its time to meet the mom behind this outgoing princess and find out how she raised such a smart and beautiful young girl !
Tiffany: What life skills has Brianna learned from being involved in NAM?
Yvette: Brianna has become a very outgoing girl in large part due to her involvement with NAM. She was very shy when she started NAM, but she is now very confident in herself and what she can do if she just believes in herself.
Tiffany: What is your favorite pageant memory of Brianna ?
Yvette:My favorite pageant memory of my daughter is her name being called as the All-American Princess queen and the look of shock on her face when she realized she'd won. I'll never forget it!
Tiffany: Would your recommend NAM to other families?
Yvette: I would definitely recommend NAM to other families, and I do! NAM is a wonderful organization, and I hope more and more families will come to realize it and take advantage of it in the very near future.
Tiffany: What will Brianna take away from her NAM experience?
Yvette: I think the most important thing Brianna has learned is that she can achieve her goals if she is determined to do so. She's learned that no goal can be reached without a plan or confidence in yourself.
Brianna with her mom Yvette and her little brother...What a pretty family !
Monday, November 9, 2009
Madeline Hancock Says " I Do" ...

This Friday November 6 at 6:30pm Madeline Hancock said "I do" to Justin Campbell. Madeline's gorgeous wedding was in Magnolia Texas, right out side of Houston. I first met Madeline in the summer of 2001, when I was Miss Texas Teen and she was Miss Texas Jr Teen. I can't believe it has been almost 10 years since we first met and began our journey with National American Miss !!! The wedding was Beautiful !!! Madeline looked stunning in her white lace wedding gown. I always say once a pageant girl... always a pageant girl ! Madeline has worked as a choreographer for Steve and Kathleen Mayes since 2003. Her big day was a blast !!! Other staff members there were Lakishia Edwards, Tracie Pinson, Leslie Delgadillo,and of course National Directors Steve and Kathleen. A big CONGRATULATIONS to Madeline and Justin !!! What a fun weekend ! I wish them all the best !

Madeline working it for the camera !

Me, Tracie, LaKishia, and Leslie

Us girls with Madeline !

Madeline with Steve and Kathleen !
Sunday, November 8, 2009
took the words right out of our metal robot mouths
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Nicole Renard National All-American Miss PreTeen 2008-2009

Hey NAM fans, its time to get the inside scoop on the 08-09 National All-American Miss Preteen Queen Nicole Renard. What makes this outgoing freshman tick? I can truly say that Nicole is one of a kind, I can not wait to see what her future holds!! This bubbly and beautiful preteen comes to us from the great state of Washington. Nicole is an award winning dancer, an awesome public speaker and was just elected as freshmen class president!It has been an honor to get to know the Renard family over the last several years. Nicole's successor has some BIG shoes to fill !
A Word from Nicole !!
I am fourteen and a Freshman in High School. I am involved in Leadership at my school and was voted the Freshman Class President.Dancing's what I do. – I’ve been dancing since I was two. Tap is my favorite!Jesus is my #1 priority and He has a plan for every thing He does. I'm learning how to say the cat is on fire in every single language.A peacock is an epic animal and I've always wanted to touch one on the nose! It’s my favorite animal!I have a nightly routine of always eating a bowl of ice cream with my papa.I feel bad when I watch touchy movies because everyone crying and blubbering but I just cant bring myself to a single tear. I try real hard. When I'm bored I roll around on the ground and it makes my back feel better or sometimes I run around my neighborhood as fast as I can but it always seems to go slower than I think. I collect high-top shoes that are bright and vivacious. Basketball shorts are my most prized possession and they look great with em.I've always wondered why they put brail on drive-thru ATM machines?????If you want me to be hyper feed me one package of fun dip (preferably the razz-apple magic dip flavor) a dr. pepper and SOBE energy (citrus flavored) Besides the fact that I love my sister and family so much, thats about all:)
Tiffany: How has your life changed since winning your national title ?
Nicole: I have realized that many girls are now looking up to me and want to be who I am so I have learned to have fun with everything I do and continue to be a good role model.
Tiffany: What do you like to do for fun ?
Nicole: I love taking pictures!! I like going outside and taking pictures of random things and then coming back inside and editing them.
Tiffany: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Nicole: I want to work for Disney Pixar Animation. I want to draw and animate the characters and maybe even be the voices of them!
Tiffany:What makes your state special?
Nicole: Washington is a very unknown state. Not many people think there are talented girls there but I am living proof that Washington is a great place to live and there are a lot of outstanding girls.
Tiffany:If you could only tell me one thing about yourself what would it be ?
Nicole:I can lick my elbow. Most people say that It is humanly impossible but I can do it.haha :)
Tiffany:How would your friends describe you ?
Nicole:They would say I am very outgoing and crazy. On spirit days at my school even if no one dresses up, I come to school with the craziest out fit and encourage others to dress up next time!
Tiffany:What is your favorite pageant competition,and what have you learned from it?
Nicole:Interview. This used to be my least favorite and I used to get so nervous but I have learned so many things from doing it over and over again. I now know that I can talk with adults and not be afraid and just have a normal conversation with them and have lots of fun!
Tiffany: Who is your role model?
Nicole: My role model is my sister. She is always there for me and always has good feedback and helpful tips
Tiffany:Finish this sentence, People would be surprised to know...
Nicole:That I don’t like it when the car door handles are wet. I can’t stand touching them for some reason.
Tiffany:What three words best describe you ?
Nicole: I am funny, energetic and flexible
Tiffany:What was the first thing you did or thought after you won your national title?
Nicole:Did I seriously just make top 10, wait top 5? Wait I won??????????? I could not believe it!!!
Tiffany:How did you prepare for the national pageant?
Nicole:I practiced with my mom for interview and had some other people out side of my family be judges and I also practiced with my dad for formal wear.
Tiffany:What is the best advice you can give to a future NAM contestant?
Nicole: Live it up. Your National American Miss weekend will go by so fast and you are going to have so much fun so soak in all the advice you can get and make the best out of your experience.
Tiffany:What is your favorite quote ?
Nicole:"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tiffany:If you were stuck on a deserted island what three things would you bring with you ?
Nicole:an airplane and a toothbrush and chocolate
Tiffany:What is your favorite book, TV show and Movie ?
Nicole:Book: Peter and the Starcatchers, TV show: So you think you can dance, Movie: Madagascar 2 (seen it 53 times lol)
Tiffany:What activities are you involved in ?
Nicole:ASB leadership, Synergy performing company, young Life, campaigners
Tiffany:What is the best advice you have received ?
Nicole:If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at your self and make a change. –Michael Jackson
Tiffany:If you had to eat one thing the rest of your life what would it be ?
Nicole: Ice cream :) cookie dough flavored!
Tiffany: If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be ?
Nicole: Where the usual is unusual and the unusual is usual… usually

Nicole and her Sister Victoria

Nicole at the national pageant

Behind the scenes of Nicole's queen video

What an AWESOME dancer !
Let's get to know the lady responsible for this very talented Preteen... Nicole's mom Pam Renard!! I got to ask Pam some questions, on just what it is like to be Nicole's mom and what it is like to have a daughter as a national queen !!!
Tiffany:What life skills has Nicole learned from being involved in NAM?
Pam: Those of you that know Nicole would never believe she used to be shy. When she was little, I put her in dance hoping she would be able to overcome this. It helped some. My older daughter started to do NAM and Nicole watched from the audience. After a few yrs of watching, she decided she would like to try. It was amazing to watch her grow year after year. After 1 yr as a Jr. Pre-teen and 2 yrs as a Pre-teen, she won the National All American title. Now, she is very outgoing and friendly. She is not scared to perform on stage and speak in public.
She was also elected Freshman Class President this yr. She was able to run a campaign and give her speech without any problems. After her election, she was in charge of selecting a delegate from her class. The applicants filled out an application and went through an interview. Nicole reviewed the applications and ran the interviews. It was an awesome experience for her to be on the other side of the table during the interview. I keep telling myself she is only 14!!! I am so proud of her!
Tiffany: What is your favorite Pageant memory of Nicole?
Pam: When she won Nationals! It was so funny to see her reaction. She was so shocked- truly! It was something we will never forget!
Tiffany: Would your recommend NAM to other families?
Pam: Definitely!! All ages can benefit from this experience. You not only get to present yourself on stage and in the interview, but it is also fun! They get to meet so many girls and make life long friends.
Tiffany: What will your daughter take away from her NAM experience?
Pam: Confidence, experience, many new friends and fun memories.
Tiffany:What advice can you give to future NAM parents and contestants?
Pam: Have fun! Read the guidebook and follow the rules for each age group. Prepare before you go and get organized. That way when you get there, you are ready and not stressed out. Also, be yourself, not what you think the judges want you to be!! Again…have fun!!!!
Tiffany: As a parent how have you seen Nicole change after wining her national title?
Pam: Nicole has really blossomed this year in many areas. NAM has given her so many opportunities!! I watched her this summer as we visited different state competitions. She made many new friends! I saw her help so many girls and give them encouragement throughout the pageant weekend. She was a true leader and role model.I also saw Nicole learn to not be afraid to be herself. She is 5’9” tall and 14 yrs old, that is pretty tall! She was 13 when she competed and probably about 5’7”. She was the tallest Pre-teen! She loves being tall now. She is getting asked to model because of her height! It’s not such a bad thing. She is honored to be chosen as the National All American Pre-Teen !

Nicole and her mom Pam !
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Meet The 08-09 National All-American Miss Teen Kristin Gilbart

A Word From Kristin :
I was born in Newport Beach, CA, and have lived in Southern California my whole life – which I totally love. Outdoor fun with my friends and family are my favorite spare time activities – especially wake-boarding at Big Bear Lake or Lake Havasu. My other interests include reading, movies, politics, shopping, and volunteering at Birth Choice of Temecula and teaching the toddler Sunday School class at my church. I graduated from Calvary Chapel High School, in Murrieta, in 2007, where I was active in cheer, and then attended Azusa Pacific University as a freshman in 2008. I completed my sophomore college year at Mt. San Jacinto College. This year I transferred to Chapman University to complete my undergraduate degree, where I’m majoring in Broadcast Journalism – and I absolutely love it! Classes in my major are challenging and work-intensive, but they’re so much fun. In addition to my school work, I joined Delta Gamma sorority, and am active with the Action in Africa club. I did my first pageant at the age of 13 when I received an invitation from NAM in the mail to enter the Jr. Teen Miss California pageant. Little did I know what a fun and life-changing experience that would turn out to be. On my 3rd try, in 2005 I was crowned NA Miss California, Jr. Teen at the age of 15. I then entered Miss California in the Teen division in 2007 and 2008, resulting in my going to nationals in 2008 and being crowned National All-American Miss Teen. Representing NAM nationally this year has been a complete blast, especially the fun I had with my sister queens at the state pageants I visited this summer. I’m looking forward to meeting all the girls coming to Nationals next month and wish everyone the very best!
Kristin's Interview !!!
Tiffany : How has your life changed since winning your National Title ?
Kristin : Since winning my national title my life has changed in so many wonderful ways. Not only have I been given a once in a lifetime opportunity to represent National American Miss nationally, but I have formed so many amazing friendships along the way with my beautiful sister queens. Additionally, I was able to travel across the country this summer and visit numerous state pageants, were I got to meet so many talented young women. This year will be one I will forever cherish.
Tiffany: What do you like to do for fun ?
Kristin: For fun, I enjoy several activities. During the summer, my favorite sport is wakeboarding. I also enjoy spending time in the water whether it’s my pool or at the beach. This year, I got to experience zip lining, which was a ton of fun, and I would love to do it again. Aside from outdoor activities, I love shopping and baking. Lastly, I am involved in my sorority, Delta Gamma, and love going to Disneyland, since it’s only ten minutes from my school!
Tiffany: What do you want to do in the future ?
Kristin :After I graduate college, I hope to enter into the field of political reporting. Next summer I hope to intern in New York City where I will get some first hand experience with my desired career.
Tiffany: What makes your state special ?
Kristin: California is special for numerous reasons. It’s one of the few states where you can drive two hours and be in the desert, then drive two hours the other direction and be in the snow. Not to mention we have a gorgeous coastline of oceans, several desired vacation spots, including San Francisco and San Diego. And what makes it extra special is that this is where NAM nationals are held, where all of the queens and contestants visit Hollywood and Disneyland together!
Tiffany: If you could tell me only one thing about yourself, What would it be ?
Kristin: If I could tell someone just one thing about myself it would be that I try my best everyday to take a moment and notice something new, like how beautiful a flower can be or the unique shape of a cloud in the sky.
Tiffany: What is your favorite pageant Competition?
Kristin: My favorite competition is probably interviews, even though it’s the one I usually am most nervous for. But I love it because once you sit down face to face with the judges, the nerves go away and it’s great to be able to have a personal talk with each of the judges so they get to know a little bit more about each girl and what makes her special.
Tiffany: How would your friends describe you ?
Kristin: My friends would probably describe me as very outgoing, talkative, a good listener, and a trusted friend.
Tiffany: Who is your role model?
Kristin: My role model is my Grandpa. Ever since he was a young boy he was a very hard worker and always paid attention to the needs of others. He never had the opportunity to go to college, but didn’t allow that to stop him from being successful. He has been a profound influence in my life, and I am so proud to be his granddaughter and I miss him very much.
Tiffany: Finish this sentence, People would be surprised to know...
Kristin: People would be surprised to know…that I have been Polynesian dancing since I was 6 years old!
Tiffany: What three words best describe you ?
Kristin: Three words that best describe me are: caring, optimistic, and vivacious.
Tiffany: What was the first thing you did or thought after you won your national title?
Kristin: My first thought after I won my title was “Oh My Gosh, I can’t believe it!!!!”.I was filled with excitement and shock, and I couldn’t wait for the amazing year I had ahead of me.
Tiffany: How did you prepare for nationals ?
Kristin: The way I prepared for the National pageant, wasn’t really any different then how I prepare for the state pageant. I brushed up on my personal introduction and reviewed interview questions. Other than that I was just excited to see all my friends and see what the week had in store. Little did I know I would be walking away with the national title!!
Tiffany: What is the best advice you can give future pageant contestants?
Kristin: My advice for a future NAM contestant is to have fun! Don’t let your nerves or anxiety about the competition take away from all the wonderful things you can gain from participating in the pageant. I promise after just one pageant, you will be a NAM girl forever :)
Tiffany: What is your favorite quote?
Kristin: “Never give up, never give in, and never stop giving”.
Tiffany: If you were stuck on a deserted island what three things would you bring ?
Kristin: If I was stuck on a deserted island and could only bring three things with me, they would probably be my Bible, my BlackBerry, and sunscreen.
Tiffany: What is your favorite book, TV show and movie ?
Kristin: It’s hard for me to narrow it down to just one favorite book, movie and TV show, but the top of my lists include Memoirs of A Geisha for books, “The Holiday” for movies, and “24” as my TV show.
Tiffany:What is the best advice you have ever received?
Kristin:“In all you do, do your best”.
Tiffany: If you had to eat one just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be ?
Kristin: If I had to eat just one thing for the rest of my life it would probably be any type of Asian food. I love Pei Wei, Panda Express, and P.F. Changs!
Tiffany: If you wrote a book about your life what would the title be ?
Kristin: If I had a book written about my life, the title might be “Carpe Diem”, which is Latin for “seize the day”, since that’s what I try to do each day.

All you MOM'S out there, this interview is for you !!! Here is some helpful advice from Kristin's wonderful mom, Julie. Check out our one on one interview on just what it is like to be the mom of a national queen !
Tiffany: What life skills has your daughter learned from being involved in NAM?
Julie: So many…! From the very first pageant she did at age thirteen, Kristin learned how to properly dress for an interview (business suit, heels) and conduct herself in an interview situation, which will certainly serve her well when she is doing real-life job interviews in the near future. She can converse easily with adults and articulate her thoughts in a focused and engaging manner. Likewise, the stage presence she developed through her pageants has given her a great sense of self-confidence, which I think has helped her feel competent in everything she does.
Tiffany: What is your favorite Pageant memory of your daughter?
Julie: On Thanksgiving evening last year at Nationals, Kristin started feeling sick. (That is not the favorite memory!) She had a sore throat, felt achy, and, worst of all, she lost her voice. With the final pageant 2 days away, this was a catastrophe, since if she made the top 5 at the final pageant (as of course we hoped she would) we knew she would have to redo her introduction. To stave off disaster, I went to the store and returned to stuff her with mountains of lozenges, gargles, throat spray, etc. Meanwhile, she tried to rest between rehearsals the next day and, hoping her voice would return, did not speak at all – including during the rehearsals (not an easy feat!) Finally, the pageant arrived. When she made top 5 and they handed her the microphone to do her introduction, I had not heard her speak for 1½ days. I held my breath and silently prayed. Miraculously, she did it with just a teensy voice break that most people would not have noticed. When they called her name as queen, there were a lot of happy and grateful tears from both of us!
Tiffany: Would your recommend NAM to other families?
Julie: Without hesitation, I’d recommend NAM – and often have.
I tell moms that NAM is a pageant you can feel good about having your daughter participate in. It not only helps young women to develop personal skills, such as confidence and poise, but it encourages them to be positive role models by emphasizing wholesome values and high standards of conduct. As a result, we have been continually impressed by the caliber of the girls and parents we have met through NAM. Also, we appreciate that NAM embodies integrity in every aspect of its operation and the pageant is so professionally done, from the contestant materials sent out, to the first day of registration, to the judging, to the final pageant. NAM is truly the crown jewel of pageants.
Tiffany: What will Kristin take away from her NAM experience?
Julie: She will take away 8 years worth of treasured memories, and many friendships that will last her lifetime. I don’t think she could adequately put into words how special this time has been for her. All the fun she has experienced during pageants, the people she met, the bond with her sister queens and the NAM staff – it’s been an unforgettable experience that I know she will always cherish.
Tiffany: What advice can you give to future NAM parents and contestants?
Julie: For parents, encourage your daughter to set goals, to practice so she can do her best, and, above all, to have fun and make new friends. Then be sure to let her know how proud you are of all her efforts and accomplishments. Just to try something out of your comfort zone is fantastic! For contestants: take advantage of what is offered in your contestant magazines and workshops in the way of tips on appropriate dress for the different competitions, on how to stand, on giving your introduction, etc. Following this advice will truly give you your best chance of success. Also, remember to wear a smile on your face, try to meet as many girls as you can, and take advantage of the many fun events you will experience. You will come away with treasured friends and memories.
Tiffany: As a parent how have you seen Kristin change after wining her national title?
Julie: Kristin has always been friendly, gracious, and outgoing. But when she won the national crown, she was so proud and honored to represent NAM at the national level, it seemed that she took all those qualities to an even higher level. I could see she was keenly aware of the responsibility she carried as a goodwill ambassador, and took it very seriously. Everywhere we went this year I was touched by the warmth, kindness and friendliness I saw her show to everyone she met, whether it was contestants, parents, or little girls asking for autographs and photos with her. She was never too busy. She took it as a joy and privilege. These qualities will part of her for the rest of her life.

Kristin and her mom Mrs. Julie Gilbart
Monday, November 2, 2009
New bikes for 2010
New team bikes! We at Team Robot are really excited to be working with DopeShit Rim Company for 2010.

I know, it's not funny anymore. We're really running out of material here.
I don't know if i've already posted this car picture, but it's still sweet:

So what's going on at Teamr0b0tland? Mainly:
1. The Baaron's still selling his bike
2. Your Team sucks
3. Our Team rules
4. I went down to California and rode a roller coaster that was so scary it wasn't fun.
5. Your Team still sucks
6. Digging a new downhill trail. No, you don't know where it is.
7. No, I'm not going to tell you
8. The TEAM ROBOT resume looks sweet. Check it out:

I know, it's not funny anymore. We're really running out of material here.
I don't know if i've already posted this car picture, but it's still sweet:

So what's going on at Teamr0b0tland? Mainly:
1. The Baaron's still selling his bike
2. Your Team sucks
3. Our Team rules
4. I went down to California and rode a roller coaster that was so scary it wasn't fun.
5. Your Team still sucks
6. Digging a new downhill trail. No, you don't know where it is.
7. No, I'm not going to tell you
8. The TEAM ROBOT resume looks sweet. Check it out:
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