Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Meet 2 NAM girls that put a whole NEW meaning in VOLUNTEERING !!!
Tiffany: How did you get involved in pageants?
Kennedy:Mom says she bought a dress on ebay for pictures when I was really little and the seller asked if the dress was being used for a pageant. My mom said she didn't know anything about pageants so the seller sent her some links to local events. When I was 4 Tori's grandma told my mom about National American Miss. My mom decided to enter me in the state pageant. I won the state title that year and the rest is history!
Tori: I really enjoyed singing. I wanted to find something to showcase my talent. There really isn't a lot out there for kids and talent. My mom told me about a pageant with an optional catagory for talent. I couldnt wait to get on the stage. I was 9 at the time. I made friends that year and we are still friends today 9 years later.
Tiffany:What made you choose to be an advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness?
Tori: Kennedy and I have both lost family members to breast cancer. We have family members and friends who are survivors as well. Most recently a pageant friend of ours lost her mother to breast cancer. We wanted to do something to help. We wanted to help educate young ladies about the importance of prevention.
Tiffany: Who came up with "Queens for a Cure"?
Kennedy: We were at the state fair with Tori and her family one day in September. We started talking about one of our friends we met through pageants and cheer whose mother had recently died from Breast Cancer. My mom told me about her cousin who also died from breast cancer who had two little girls ages 1 and 4 when she died. Tori and I were so sad that little girls were loosing their moms and we started talking about things we could do. Lots of ideas were exchanged that day and by the time we left the fair Queens for a Cure was formed!
Tiffany: Tell me about the event.
Kennedy: Queens for a Cure is a combination pageant and fundraiser. Contestants compete in 2 mandatory events: Personal Introduction and Formal Wear. Contestants can also compete in several optional events including cover model, best eyes, best hair, best introduction, best formal wear etc. One queen and 4 alternates are chosen in each age group based on their mandatory scores. We also have 3 overall titles awarded to the contestants with the highest combined score in the mandatory events and donations collected for Susan G Komen. All contestants who raise donations over $100 receive a special tiara and are invited to be on our team during the Susan G Komen race for the Cure June 6, 2010. We also wanted to help educate our friends about breast cancer so we invited a guest speaker from the Susan G Komen foundation. We distributed breast cancer publications, pins and shared facts throughout the pageant. We also paid a special tribute to the breast cancer survivors in the audience by inviting them up on stage and presenting them with a rose and they received a moving applause from the audience.
Tori:Our main goal with Queens for a Cure was to raise money and awareness. We wanted the highest award to really include the donations collected for Susan G Koman. We have divisional winners with a combined score of the events on stage. But our three Supreme Titles include a combined score of the events on stage and the amount collected for Susan G. Komen. Everyone who raised 100.00 or more received a tiara and gets her entry fee paid for the Race for a Cure. My favorite part of the day was honoring the survivors on stage and presenting them with pink roses.
Tiffany: How did you organize the event?
Kennedy:We had a lot of help from our moms and our grandmas. We had several meetings where we talked about all the things we needed: Judges, score sheets, decorations, awards, emcee cards, etc. There are A LOT of things to organize. We divided up all the tasks between everyone to be sure everyone had a job and that everything got done.
Tori:We worked with our moms and grandmas. We made many lists and everyone had different roles and responsibilities prior to and the day of the event. We met and talked often. Communication was key. We were able to secure a speaker from Susan G. Komen and we got the theater donated 100%. It was just amazing how many people wanted to help and be a part of Queens for a Cure. We had a webpage to communicate information to contestants. We also wrote a script that was written for Kennedy and I to use as a guid while emceeing the event. Everything went smoothly.
Tiffany: What was your goal?
Kennedy:Our goal was to raise $5,000. We knew that was a big goal but we knew we had a lot of really great pageant friends that could help us achieve our goal. BOY OH BOY were we surprised when we got the final tally and were able to announce to the audience that together we raised $10,111.07! It was an amazing feeling!
Tori:We set what we thought at the time was an ambitious goal of $5,000.00 When the Big check was presented on stage I read the amount prior to announcing it to the audiance. When the total amount of $10,111.07 was announced the roar of the crowed as they rose to their feet was the most amazing feeling I have every had. Thinking about it now, still makes me emotional. One of the judges, a friend who is a local news anchor had recently been diagnosed and was in the middle of her Chemo treatment. As the applause continued I thought about her and how much courage she has to be fighting this and I was honored to be a part of something so amazing.
Tiffany: How has being a titleholder helped you outreach in your community?
Kenneny: I was the 2005 WA Princess Queen. Being a title holder gave me the confidence to look for opportunities in my community and ask to be involved. It has also taught me that I can still make a difference in my community whether I have a title or not.
Tori:I think learning at such a young age about the importance of volunteering really helped me see the rewards with volunteering. Being a part of NAM requires volunteer hours at the National Level and I think it is fantastic to get the kids involved. I started volunteering at 9 years old. There wasn't a lot of organizations that would take someone under 9 so I had to create oppotunities in my own community. It is much easier now that I am 18. But I think starting Queens for a Cure opens the door for many others to get involved either with Susan G. Komen or even another organization
Tiffany:What advice can you give to other girls who want to start reaching out in their community?
Tori:I know it is not easy finding a big organization who will allow someone under 16 to volunteer.
When getting involved in your community it doesn't have to be something big. I use to sing at nursing homes, volunteer coach, and helped clean up my school. You will set an example and might encourage others to do get invovled. If we all did something small today, together that would be HUGE! I remember when I was younger thinking, I may be small in size, but I can make an Impact too. See It, Believe It Achieve It.
Tiffany: Kennedy what advice can you give to girls your age that want to start volunteering?
Kennedy:If there is something that you really want to do - you can do it! When you are young you will really need your parents help, so put together a plan for what you want to do. Tell them what you want to do and why and together you will make a great team!
Tiffany:What do you girls want to do when you grow up?
Kennedy: I really love to be on stage so I hope to perform on Broadway when I grow up. I'd also like to be a teacher.
Tori: I will be attending Central Washington University in the Fall. I am currently involved in the Teaching Academy where I am teaching 5th grade one hour a day. I really am enjoying it. I hope to teach 5th grade in the future as well as Direct Musicals at a local Community theater. I want to volunteer with public speaking and hope one day to have the opportunity to Emcee NAM as well.
Tiffany:What is your favorite part of National American Miss?
Kennedy: My favorite part is being on stage with the cool lights and music. I also really look forward to seeing all my friends and the staff members every year, its just a really fun weekend.
Tori: My favorite part of competition is Interview and Talent. I love to see the staff and my pageant friends as well. I met Brian and Meagan 9 years ago at my very first pageant. I want to contiue to be a part of NAM for the rest of my life. I have seen the changes it makes in young ladies lives. My life is forever changed because of it.
Tiffany: Tell me about yourself
Kennedy: I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade. My favorite subject in school is Math. After school I either go to dance class or theater rehearsals. I just joined the competition dance team this year and I am having a lot of fun doing that. Earlier this year I was cast as Kate in Annie Jr and I am currently in rehearsals for Seussical Jr where I am playing the Sour Kangaroo. Singing is really my passion so I try to work in a few voice lessons here and there too when my dance and theater schedule allows. I had a great time at NAM nationals this year and I can't wait for my state pageant! I decided to try a new optional at nationals this year, Spokesmodel. To my delight I won the Jr PreTeen National Spokesmodel title! I hope I am able to attend the national pageant again next year!
Tori: I am 18 and a Senior this year. I am the Secretary/Treasurer for my Senior Class. I am very invoved in leadership at my school. I am excited to start college in the fall at Central Washington University. I am involved in school and community theater. I am currently in High School Musical II, playing the part of Gabriella. I love to work with kids. I am currently teaching a 5th grade reading class and I also teach Sunday School. In my free time I love to go camping, playing in the mud on my quad, getting coffee with friends and singing in the rain
favorite song+favorite bmxer= favorite video part
Chazz will be posting his PA race report soon, including some sweet pictures of himself in his skinsuit.
but for now just check out Aitken in Square One's old UP IN ARMS video.
but for now just check out Aitken in Square One's old UP IN ARMS video.
Up in Arms - Mike Aitken from on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Meet Danielle Walker The 2009 National American Miss California Teen !!!
Let's meet Danielle Walker the beautiful young lady that took home the 2009 National American Miss California Teen title !!! Danielle placed in the top 10 at the national pageant as well as taking home the National Spokesmodel title and placing in the top 5 for Talent and Casual Wear Modeling !!! Danielle has an amazing voice and some day soon she will be Broadway bound !!!
Tiffany: What does your title mean to you?
Danielle: My title is very meaningful in my life. It is a goal that I set for myself and accomplished. I am very honored and proud to be my states representative. I try my best not to take it for granted because I know how many girls dream of being Miss California. I feel grateful and blessed to be apart of the namiss family.
Tiffany: What activities are you involved in?
Danielle: Currently I am a full time student. I participate in my school's voice and dance program. I'm practicing for three concerts at this moment. The first is a mixed vocal concert, the second is opera, and the third is a dance perfromance for afro-carribean and standard ballroom. My ballroom partner and I are also very interested in competiting, soon we will start preparing for that.
Tiffany:What do your future plans include?
Danielle:After I graduate college with a degree in music performance I plan to apply for grad school. My ultimate goal is to become a professional singer and entertain international audiences.
Tiffany: What community service activities are you involved in?
Danielle: I've had many wonderful opportunites this year to work with charitable organizations. Some of the most memorable were Kids Helping Kids; an event to raise money for Haiti, Toys for Tots, and the Alzheimer's association. At this moment I'm working to collect prom dresses for girls who's families can't afford to buy one.
Danielle: NAM girls have many definitions; friendly, ambitious, talented, caring...just to name a few. I personally believe that each name girl redefines what it means to be a queen. Each girl is so different and brings so many positive things to this world that it would be impossible to create a very accurate description.
Danielle: The best advice that was given to me is simple, "DO NOT GIVE UP." I have failed more times that I have succeeded in life but no one ever seems to notice. They only awknowlegde my accomplishments. This fact gives all of my failed attempts a true purpose. I may not succeed the first time I try something new but, my failures keep me humble and give me great appreciation for the goals I do accomplish.
Tiffany: What is your favorite NAM memory?
Danielle: My favorite nam memory is when the pageant finalists are sang to on stage. It is a perfect moment. As I stand on stage waiting anxiously for the results, I think of everything that I went through to prepare for the pageant. It's the happiest time for me because I tell myself, "What's done is done, I've tried my best." To me it's an indescribable feeling of personal achievement.
Tiffany:What advice do you have for future NAM contestants?
Danielle: My advice to them would be to slow down as much as possible during pageant weekend. Just look around an be happy to be where you are at any given time during the pageant.
Tiffany: What is your favorite part about NAM?
Danielle: My favoite part about NAM is that they aren't looking to crown a girl that fits into a certain mold or persona. We are able to showcase who we really are during competitions. The staff is always friendly and encourages each contestant to have fun just being herself.Tiffany:What is your most prized possession
Danielle: My most prized possession is a ring that my grandmother gave to me when I was a little girl. It holds a lot of sentimental significance. My grandmother is my personal role model and is someone I continuously look up too.
Tiffany: How would your friends describe you?
Danielle: My friends say that I'm happy all the time. I would agree with them. I love life and try to take everyday for what it is, good or bad. I'm just thankful for all the things and people that God has blessed me with. I try to let everyone know how much they mean to me and that I love having them in my life.Danielle: If I could eat dinner with anyone, it would be with Sutton Foster. I love to sing her songs for talent competitions because I think she has an amazing voice. She seems like a very genuine person, also someone who can give me some advice about singing.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Meet Tara-Nicole Azarian The 2009 National American Miss North Carolina Jr Preteen !
Lets get the scoop on the young lady that took home the NAM North Carolina Jr Preteen title last year !!! Tara-Nicole is a very busy tween with a very bright future ahead of her ! She is an all-star cheerleader and very busy actress!!! Lets get to know more about her...
Tiffany: What does your title mean to you?
Tara-Nicole: It means a great deal to me. I worked very hard to win my State NAM title! It's also an affirmation that NAM does look for "real" girls. My mom & I prepared for the pageant together. I do not have a coach, I wrote my introduction & we shopped for my clothes at regular formal stores. Me being me was all I needed to be...and that's how I think it should be! Pageants should encourage & motivate girls to be the best THEM they can be & not to try to be anyone else!
Tiffany: What activities are you involved in?
Tara-Nicole: I am an actress, I am an All-Star cheerleader, a Girl Scout, I dance & I volunteer!
Tiffany: Tell me about the up coming movie you are in.
Tara-Nicole: Well, I've been in several movies that are in post production or have been released in theaters or film festivals. My latest movie to be released is an indie film called "Judith: The Night She Stayed Home." It's a prequel to the movie "Halloween". It has received several good reviews so far & one even mentioned me!!! You can read more about it on IMDB. Also, if you know where to look for me, you can see me several times in the movie "Blood Done SIgn My Name" which is in theaters now.
Tiffany: What was it like working on set?
Tara-Nicole:Well...every set is different. Some are fast paced & high energy & others are more relaxed. Josh Hasty ("Judith" director) & Kenny Caperton ("Judith" Producer) ran a very fun, relaxed set. I loved, LOVED every second working with them....but, I happen to love working in horror films, as I find the FX (special effects) make-up fascinating. I also REALLY like films when my character is evil....ask any actor - there's nothing like playing a villain!
Tara-Nicole: "Judith: The Night She Stayed Home" is a backstory about the characters in the "Halloween" movie. I play Jamie Perry. I am a sweet girl from the neighborhood, who decides to trick or treat at Michael's house!
Tiffany: When can we watch it?
Tara-Nicole: The premiere for "Judith" was March 7th in Raleigh, NC. I know it's scheduled for many more screenings, but I do not have the schedule yet. I will keep you updated though! I will say that is is a film for only teens & adults to see, since it's a horror film. I do have another film in post produciton, "katy Dee, Girl Detective" & it is a family / Christian / mystery perfect for the entire family. It is a straight to DVD release & will be available sometime early summer. I will let you know as soon as I get my copy!
Tara-Nicole: Well...actually acting is what I love to do! And that's a good thing, because it is hard work & very time consuming. Besides acting, I totally love All-Star cheering. The gymnastics element keeps me comming back for more after every practice. My family & I are also HUGE Disney freaks & we go to Disney World in FL as often as we can. I know every inch of all 4 parks blindfolded! :o)
Tiffany: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Tara-Nicole: Personally: I want to be happy & successful, Professionally: I want to continue acting.
Tiffany: If you could have one wish what would it be?
Tara-Nicole: hmmmmm. Ok, if you mean a wish for would be to go on one of the new Disney Cruise ships - I am dying to check out the water roller coasters the new ships have! If it's a wish for would be for every child to have at least one person in his or her life that loves them to the end of time. We all need that absolute, unconditional love & support to make us good people & successful people. Kids are the future. Just think of how much could be achieved if every child had a stable home life?
Tiffany: What does your title mean to you?
Tara-Nicole: It means a great deal to me. I worked very hard to win my State NAM title! It's also an affirmation that NAM does look for "real" girls. My mom & I prepared for the pageant together. I do not have a coach, I wrote my introduction & we shopped for my clothes at regular formal stores. Me being me was all I needed to be...and that's how I think it should be! Pageants should encourage & motivate girls to be the best THEM they can be & not to try to be anyone else!
Tiffany: What activities are you involved in?
Tara-Nicole: I am an actress, I am an All-Star cheerleader, a Girl Scout, I dance & I volunteer!
Tiffany: Tell me about the up coming movie you are in.
Tara-Nicole: Well, I've been in several movies that are in post production or have been released in theaters or film festivals. My latest movie to be released is an indie film called "Judith: The Night She Stayed Home." It's a prequel to the movie "Halloween". It has received several good reviews so far & one even mentioned me!!! You can read more about it on IMDB. Also, if you know where to look for me, you can see me several times in the movie "Blood Done SIgn My Name" which is in theaters now.
Tiffany: What was it like working on set?
Tara-Nicole:Well...every set is different. Some are fast paced & high energy & others are more relaxed. Josh Hasty ("Judith" director) & Kenny Caperton ("Judith" Producer) ran a very fun, relaxed set. I loved, LOVED every second working with them....but, I happen to love working in horror films, as I find the FX (special effects) make-up fascinating. I also REALLY like films when my character is evil....ask any actor - there's nothing like playing a villain!
On the set of "The Trial" with Matthew Modine
Tiffany: What is the Movie about? Tara-Nicole: "Judith: The Night She Stayed Home" is a backstory about the characters in the "Halloween" movie. I play Jamie Perry. I am a sweet girl from the neighborhood, who decides to trick or treat at Michael's house!
Tiffany: When can we watch it?
Tara-Nicole: The premiere for "Judith" was March 7th in Raleigh, NC. I know it's scheduled for many more screenings, but I do not have the schedule yet. I will keep you updated though! I will say that is is a film for only teens & adults to see, since it's a horror film. I do have another film in post produciton, "katy Dee, Girl Detective" & it is a family / Christian / mystery perfect for the entire family. It is a straight to DVD release & will be available sometime early summer. I will let you know as soon as I get my copy!
Filming "Judith"
Tiffany: What do you like to do for fun?Tara-Nicole: Well...actually acting is what I love to do! And that's a good thing, because it is hard work & very time consuming. Besides acting, I totally love All-Star cheering. The gymnastics element keeps me comming back for more after every practice. My family & I are also HUGE Disney freaks & we go to Disney World in FL as often as we can. I know every inch of all 4 parks blindfolded! :o)
On the set of "Blood Done Sign My Name" with Rick Schroder
Tara-Nicole: Personally: I want to be happy & successful, Professionally: I want to continue acting.
Tiffany: If you could have one wish what would it be?
Tara-Nicole: hmmmmm. Ok, if you mean a wish for would be to go on one of the new Disney Cruise ships - I am dying to check out the water roller coasters the new ships have! If it's a wish for would be for every child to have at least one person in his or her life that loves them to the end of time. We all need that absolute, unconditional love & support to make us good people & successful people. Kids are the future. Just think of how much could be achieved if every child had a stable home life?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Beacon Hill- some weren't so lucky
Unfortunately for Tyler Gilsdorf, his weekend ended on a pretty sour note with a broken wrist. But look on the bright side, at least his unhappy moment was well-captured by a bevy of photographers and filmers:

Here's some more pictures of my nose case to near-death:

And just remember folks, all of these pictures on this post are screen captures from this fine video from last weekend:
Also, enjoy lots of good riding, and my crash all over again at 1:09 in this video from Mark Brent over at

Here's some more pictures of my nose case to near-death:

And just remember folks, all of these pictures on this post are screen captures from this fine video from last weekend:
Also, enjoy lots of good riding, and my crash all over again at 1:09 in this video from Mark Brent over at
Kendyl Kimbler 09-10 National All-American Miss Jr Teen meets Miss America 2010 Caressa Cameron !!!
Hi Everyone! This is Kendyl, your National All American Miss Jr. Teen! One of the best memories so far during my reign Is going to Las Vegas with my sister queens to see the Miss America Pageant. Well, imagine my excitement when I found out that Miss America, Caressa Cameron was coming to my hometown!!! Thanks to a promotion by DSW Shoes, I WAS GOING TO MEET HER live and in person!!!
OK, First Decision...What do you wear to meet Miss America??? 5 outfits later, Mom and I decided on Texas Casual (blue jeans and a nice sweater). Straight hair or curled? Straight, since it was so windy outside. Shoes? Boots that my sister bought at DSW. I will tell her tomorrow that I borrowed them (maybe). So, ready to go fight the TX traffic! I couldn't wait to get there!
My first impression of Miss America was how TINY she was! You know how you always picture celebrities as larger than life? She is beautiful, flawless skin, and the prettiest smile! I found out her first pageant was "Future Little Miss America" when she was 7, she won Miss Virginia on her second try and her favorite part about Texas is the food !!! She loves Tex Mex and of course she LOVES shoes! She gets a new pair from DSW everyday !What did I like the most about Miss America? Caressa is a real, friendly, down to earth, NORMAL person...Just like
OK, First Decision...What do you wear to meet Miss America??? 5 outfits later, Mom and I decided on Texas Casual (blue jeans and a nice sweater). Straight hair or curled? Straight, since it was so windy outside. Shoes? Boots that my sister bought at DSW. I will tell her tomorrow that I borrowed them (maybe). So, ready to go fight the TX traffic! I couldn't wait to get there!
My first impression of Miss America was how TINY she was! You know how you always picture celebrities as larger than life? She is beautiful, flawless skin, and the prettiest smile! I found out her first pageant was "Future Little Miss America" when she was 7, she won Miss Virginia on her second try and her favorite part about Texas is the food !!! She loves Tex Mex and of course she LOVES shoes! She gets a new pair from DSW everyday !What did I like the most about Miss America? Caressa is a real, friendly, down to earth, NORMAL person...Just like
Kendyl with Miss America 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Meet Kelli McBee the 09-10 National American Miss Oregon Teen !!!!
Lets take a look at this outstanding young lady who captured the Miss Oregon Teen title as well as the Golden Achievement in Community Service Award at the National Pageant !!!
Tiffany: What does the title of NAM Oregon Teen mean to you?
Kelli: The title of Miss Oregon Teen means so much more to me than it sounds. After so much hard work preparing my speeches, finding the "perfect" dress, and trying to let my natural self shine through, winning the title was the most exhilarating feeling of reward for my preparation during the end of my busy senior year! More than that though, the title has truly enabled me to serve my community and make meaningful contributions. The most significant was my Books For Soldiers Drive, that I'll describe below, but also holding a Queen's Day at the Children's Museum, riding in parades, and being a role model for women of all ages.
Tiffany:What activities are you involved in ?
Kelli: This year has been busy with some great extracurricular activities! I have been actively involved every week in the Boston College Student Admissions Program as a Day Visit Host, Greeter, and High School Ambassador. I also volunteer weekly for Learning to Serve which is a service program (see below), Circle K which is the college extension of Key Club service club, lecturing at St. Ignatious Church every month, being a member of the College Republicans Club, SwingKids swing dance club, and playing on the intramural softball team during the fall. I am also a St. Thomas Moore Society member, Big & Little Sisters Mentee, take salsa dance lessons, piano lessons, and work out 4 to 5 times each week.
Tiffany: What did you do to earn the NAM Golden Achievement in Community Service Award ?
Kelli: Having a brother in the military opened my eyes to the hardships that our military service men and women must endure while on duty both here and overseas. After realizing that much of the time, when not fighting, service men and women have little to help pass the time, I created a “Books for Soldiers Drive” that was extremely successful and brightened many soldiers’ days. After deciding that I wanted to hold the drive, I collaborated with various businesses around town to be hosts of drop-off locations. With donation sites at Banner Bank, US Bank, Children’s Museum of Eastern Oregon, Pendleton Public Library, and Starbuck’s, I made elaborate posters to encourage customers to donate books. I learned in the process that marketing would be a good match for me! With the collection bins around town, I wrote a press release to advertise my project and searched for email addresses of soldiers overseas through my brother’s connections and people in my town. For the next four weeks, I picked up books from the sites three times per week. By the end of the project, over 1500 books were collected! With 37 military locations to send the books, I then boxed up assortments of books of mystery, fantasy, novels, and “girly” style, inserted an explanation of the project, and hauled 62 boxes down to the post office. I paid for the postage with my state pageant prize money and in a month, the books had arrived overseas. I received a wealth of thankful emails and letters from the unsuspecting service men and women and knew that I had really improved their situation. One soldier commented that all they had been reading was “Good Housekeeping” and cookbooks! Holding this project was fun for me and improved the situation of others.
Tiffany: What was it like to take home the Golden Achievement in Service Award at nationals?
Kelli: After winning the Golden Achievement in Service Award, I was ecstatic! Service is such a huge part of my life, so it was really rewarding to get recognized for my over 600 hours I've done in high school. It really inspired me to continue volunteering and serving my community and increased my drive to volunteer more.
Tiffany: How has being a titleholder helped you outreach in your community?
Kelli: By being a titleholder, it has been easier to gather community support for projects and improve the community. One big project I've done is "Diplomas Matter," a dropout prevention program for eighth grade students. I also created "Birthday Bags for Foster Kids," the Mr. PHS Contest, a teacher-classroom supply drive, "You Are Special Bags," and have held Queen's Days at the Children's Museum for girls. I've spoken at many club meetings, promoted NAM and pageantry, helped at functions like National Night Out, ridden in parades, and had fun at photoshoots! Using my title is important, so I've tried to do just that!
Tiffany: What advice can you give to girls that want to start volunteering?
Kelli: To girls who want to start volunteering: DO NOT be discouraged from volunteering no matter what act it is. Serving meals in a local nursing home was one of my favorite volunteer opportunities in high school. It seems so simple to serve food with a smile, but to the elderly, it makes a HUGE difference. The same is to be said about planting trees, cleaning up walkways, or whatever volunteering. Little acts of kindness make a big difference in the lives of others.
Tiffany: What are your plans after for the future?
Kelli: I am majoring in communications and minoring in organizational studies. I want to be a successful public relations specialist and a loving mother. Recently, I've decided that I want to stimulate my business side and run my own gown shop, too (thank you NAM for showing me my love for fashion)
Tiffany: What is your defintion of a NAM girl?
Kelli: NAM girls are no typical girls. They have an awareness of the "bigger picture" not just themselves, and show it through making an impact in their world. NAM girls are conscious of the needs of their community and other people. intelligent in their decisions, and involved in their areas of passion. Their inner beauty drives their actions as positively build a better community.
Tiffany: How has being involved in NAM changed your life?
Kelli: The ways in which NAM has changed me life are too numerous to fit in on paper! Fundamentally, competing in my first pageant changed my entire career field from landscape architecture to communications. I learned that I love public speaking, being in the public eye, and interacting with other people- which has directed me to public relations.I also learned skills that I didn't even know I'd picked up pageant weekend, such as ease in talking with others, confidence in myself, who I am, and what I stand for, and great posture. Interview skills will help for the rest of my life.The memories that I've made due to NAM have been the most significant way. My mother and I have a new passion for shopping! We have grown so much closer and I thank NAM for that. My father and I have the best memories when he escorts me. My brothers have really
enjoyed watching me grow and being apart of NAM in their own special way as well.
Tiffany: What is the biggest misconception about "Pageant girls"?
Kelli: I actually wrote about a similar topic for a paper on "pageant girls!" The biggest misconception is that pageant girls are superficial pageant machines who are snooty and mean. I have not met any girls that fit this description while in NAM. Girls are not full of themselves and try to make other participants fail. Of course there is a little competition, but NAM creates true friendships by having a grea group of girls participate. Pageant girls are not dumb, like many may think. They are intelligent, forward-moving role models, doing the best they can to improve the situations of others'.
Tiffany: What advice do you have for girls that want to enter NAM?
Kelli: To girls who want to enter NAM: do it!! Don't hold back! Pageant weekend is a time that you will see yourself grown in immeasurable ways, from public speaking to confidence. If you let yourself be your best you, you will relax and have a blast. Even if you do not win, you have still won in the long run with the qualities that you develop over the weekend. It is important to learn about yourself and your capablities, and this is how you can do it!
Tiffany: If you could have one wish what would you wish for?
Kelli: I was wishing to win the national title, but now my one wish is to live a happy, healthy life with my knight in shining armor and family, preferably in a tropical paradise with a never ending supply of the candy Dots !!!
Tiffany: What does the title of NAM Oregon Teen mean to you?
Kelli: The title of Miss Oregon Teen means so much more to me than it sounds. After so much hard work preparing my speeches, finding the "perfect" dress, and trying to let my natural self shine through, winning the title was the most exhilarating feeling of reward for my preparation during the end of my busy senior year! More than that though, the title has truly enabled me to serve my community and make meaningful contributions. The most significant was my Books For Soldiers Drive, that I'll describe below, but also holding a Queen's Day at the Children's Museum, riding in parades, and being a role model for women of all ages.
Tiffany:What activities are you involved in ?
Kelli: This year has been busy with some great extracurricular activities! I have been actively involved every week in the Boston College Student Admissions Program as a Day Visit Host, Greeter, and High School Ambassador. I also volunteer weekly for Learning to Serve which is a service program (see below), Circle K which is the college extension of Key Club service club, lecturing at St. Ignatious Church every month, being a member of the College Republicans Club, SwingKids swing dance club, and playing on the intramural softball team during the fall. I am also a St. Thomas Moore Society member, Big & Little Sisters Mentee, take salsa dance lessons, piano lessons, and work out 4 to 5 times each week.
Tiffany: What did you do to earn the NAM Golden Achievement in Community Service Award ?
Kelli: Having a brother in the military opened my eyes to the hardships that our military service men and women must endure while on duty both here and overseas. After realizing that much of the time, when not fighting, service men and women have little to help pass the time, I created a “Books for Soldiers Drive” that was extremely successful and brightened many soldiers’ days. After deciding that I wanted to hold the drive, I collaborated with various businesses around town to be hosts of drop-off locations. With donation sites at Banner Bank, US Bank, Children’s Museum of Eastern Oregon, Pendleton Public Library, and Starbuck’s, I made elaborate posters to encourage customers to donate books. I learned in the process that marketing would be a good match for me! With the collection bins around town, I wrote a press release to advertise my project and searched for email addresses of soldiers overseas through my brother’s connections and people in my town. For the next four weeks, I picked up books from the sites three times per week. By the end of the project, over 1500 books were collected! With 37 military locations to send the books, I then boxed up assortments of books of mystery, fantasy, novels, and “girly” style, inserted an explanation of the project, and hauled 62 boxes down to the post office. I paid for the postage with my state pageant prize money and in a month, the books had arrived overseas. I received a wealth of thankful emails and letters from the unsuspecting service men and women and knew that I had really improved their situation. One soldier commented that all they had been reading was “Good Housekeeping” and cookbooks! Holding this project was fun for me and improved the situation of others.
Tiffany: What was it like to take home the Golden Achievement in Service Award at nationals?
Kelli: After winning the Golden Achievement in Service Award, I was ecstatic! Service is such a huge part of my life, so it was really rewarding to get recognized for my over 600 hours I've done in high school. It really inspired me to continue volunteering and serving my community and increased my drive to volunteer more.
Tiffany: How has being a titleholder helped you outreach in your community?
Kelli: By being a titleholder, it has been easier to gather community support for projects and improve the community. One big project I've done is "Diplomas Matter," a dropout prevention program for eighth grade students. I also created "Birthday Bags for Foster Kids," the Mr. PHS Contest, a teacher-classroom supply drive, "You Are Special Bags," and have held Queen's Days at the Children's Museum for girls. I've spoken at many club meetings, promoted NAM and pageantry, helped at functions like National Night Out, ridden in parades, and had fun at photoshoots! Using my title is important, so I've tried to do just that!
Tiffany: What advice can you give to girls that want to start volunteering?
Kelli: To girls who want to start volunteering: DO NOT be discouraged from volunteering no matter what act it is. Serving meals in a local nursing home was one of my favorite volunteer opportunities in high school. It seems so simple to serve food with a smile, but to the elderly, it makes a HUGE difference. The same is to be said about planting trees, cleaning up walkways, or whatever volunteering. Little acts of kindness make a big difference in the lives of others.
Tiffany: What are your plans after for the future?
Kelli: I am majoring in communications and minoring in organizational studies. I want to be a successful public relations specialist and a loving mother. Recently, I've decided that I want to stimulate my business side and run my own gown shop, too (thank you NAM for showing me my love for fashion)
Tiffany: What is your defintion of a NAM girl?
Kelli: NAM girls are no typical girls. They have an awareness of the "bigger picture" not just themselves, and show it through making an impact in their world. NAM girls are conscious of the needs of their community and other people. intelligent in their decisions, and involved in their areas of passion. Their inner beauty drives their actions as positively build a better community.
Tiffany: How has being involved in NAM changed your life?
Kelli: The ways in which NAM has changed me life are too numerous to fit in on paper! Fundamentally, competing in my first pageant changed my entire career field from landscape architecture to communications. I learned that I love public speaking, being in the public eye, and interacting with other people- which has directed me to public relations.I also learned skills that I didn't even know I'd picked up pageant weekend, such as ease in talking with others, confidence in myself, who I am, and what I stand for, and great posture. Interview skills will help for the rest of my life.The memories that I've made due to NAM have been the most significant way. My mother and I have a new passion for shopping! We have grown so much closer and I thank NAM for that. My father and I have the best memories when he escorts me. My brothers have really
enjoyed watching me grow and being apart of NAM in their own special way as well.
Tiffany: What is the biggest misconception about "Pageant girls"?
Kelli: I actually wrote about a similar topic for a paper on "pageant girls!" The biggest misconception is that pageant girls are superficial pageant machines who are snooty and mean. I have not met any girls that fit this description while in NAM. Girls are not full of themselves and try to make other participants fail. Of course there is a little competition, but NAM creates true friendships by having a grea group of girls participate. Pageant girls are not dumb, like many may think. They are intelligent, forward-moving role models, doing the best they can to improve the situations of others'.
Tiffany: What advice do you have for girls that want to enter NAM?
Kelli: To girls who want to enter NAM: do it!! Don't hold back! Pageant weekend is a time that you will see yourself grown in immeasurable ways, from public speaking to confidence. If you let yourself be your best you, you will relax and have a blast. Even if you do not win, you have still won in the long run with the qualities that you develop over the weekend. It is important to learn about yourself and your capablities, and this is how you can do it!
Tiffany: If you could have one wish what would you wish for?
Kelli: I was wishing to win the national title, but now my one wish is to live a happy, healthy life with my knight in shining armor and family, preferably in a tropical paradise with a never ending supply of the candy Dots !!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dialed whip
This picture is real - not doctored in any way - and was taken by a Transportation Supervisor for a company that delivers building materials for 84 Lumber. When he saw it in the parking lot of IHOP, he went to buy a camera to take pictures.

The car is still running, as can be witnessed by the exhaust.
The driver finally came back after the police were called, and was found crouched behind the rear of the car, attempting to cut the twine around the load!
Luckily, the police stopped him and had the load removed.
The materials were loaded at Home Depot. Their store manager said they made the customer sign a waiver.
While the plywood and 2X4's are fairly obvious, what you can't see is the back seat, which contains (are you ready for this?)
10 bags of concrete @ 80 lbs. each.

The car is still running, as can be witnessed by the exhaust.
The driver finally came back after the police were called, and was found crouched behind the rear of the car, attempting to cut the twine around the load!
Luckily, the police stopped him and had the load removed.
The materials were loaded at Home Depot. Their store manager said they made the customer sign a waiver.
While the plywood and 2X4's are fairly obvious, what you can't see is the back seat, which contains (are you ready for this?)
10 bags of concrete @ 80 lbs. each.
My weekend in a nutshell
I went up to Spokane this weekend with our local Giant rep, Paul Lacava for the beacon Hill Double Down Hoe Down race. Ben Tobin aka Caveman hosted us at his pumptrackaliscious house, and snapped a few pictures as can be seen below. I'd never been to Beacon Hill before. It was also my first race in my new, custom Splat Designs TLD helmet. Moreover, my new Evil was amazing on course. Really good bike. It was a pretty sweet weekend, but I'll let the pictures do the talking:
The Good (check out the sweet helmet):

The Bad (yeah, that's actually a 15 foot drop. I was stoked to ride out out of that one):

And the Ugly (yeah, I fell forever down that hill. I was stoked to walk out of that one):

The last photo in that sequence was also the last photo ever taken of my totally sweet helemt in one piece. The visor, unfortunately, has bitten the dust. But we at Team Robot will be doing a visor fix-em-up how-to special very soon, so expect to see that visor alive and kicking at a race near you.
The Good (check out the sweet helmet):

The Bad (yeah, that's actually a 15 foot drop. I was stoked to ride out out of that one):

And the Ugly (yeah, I fell forever down that hill. I was stoked to walk out of that one):

The last photo in that sequence was also the last photo ever taken of my totally sweet helemt in one piece. The visor, unfortunately, has bitten the dust. But we at Team Robot will be doing a visor fix-em-up how-to special very soon, so expect to see that visor alive and kicking at a race near you.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Erika Porras 09-10 National American Miss Preteen give interview to Postlatino Newspaper!!!
Erika is having a great time as the National American Miss Preteen !!! She has been making lots of appearances and having a blast as national titleholder !!! She was interviewed by the Postlatino Newspaper!!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
so our good buddy and member of the ROBOT DO NOT KILL LIST ( its a very short list chances are you are on the other list we have) VERG! went on a trip to this place

then sent us this little gem .........
Thanks Verg.

then sent us this little gem .........
Thanks Verg.
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