Friday, January 21, 2011

TV NEWS! Abrams new mystery box will be...

J.J.Abrams finally revealed details about his future new series (for 2012-13?).

That's right, you guessed it!
Alcatraz will be a show that involve, well, the prison-island Alcatraz.
And feature time travel.


Here's an interview from Abrams himself:

ABRAMS: We do. We have a few projects. We have a show for Fox called Alcatraz, that starts shooting on the 19th, which I could not be more excited about.
Is Alcatraz actually about Alcatraz?
ABRAMS: Alcatraz does involve Alcatraz.
Will it be shot in the actual prison?
ABRAMS: Some will be, yes. There are sets being built, but there will be some of the pilot shot in San Francisco at Alcatraz.
What is the series about?
ABRAMS: I don't want to give anything away because no one wants to hear that, but I will say that it's a beautifully written and surprisingly emotional script, although not surprising when you know that Liz Sarnoff wrote it. She's amazing. The show is about an incredibly odd and mysterious turn and secret about the prison of Alcatraz, and a modern-day mystery that involves something very odd that happened there 50 years ago.
Who have you cast?
ABRAMS: The cast is unbelievable. It's Sam Neill, Sarah Jones, Jorge Garcia from Lost – who was the first person we cast and is just the greatest with an amazing role – and Johnny Coyne, who's an amazing English actor. We have a spectacular cast. There are a number of other actors and it is wonderful. I'm really excited about the show.
Yay! Another mystery box!

Source: collider