Showing posts with label 3D Realms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3D Realms. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2012

VGR Duke Nukem Forever

If someone took forever to make a cookie - the perfect cookie - no matter the ingredients or the intentions behind, it would taste disgusting. The eggs would turn out rotten, the sugar out-of-date, the chocolate spoilt. Made from expired products chances are it wouldn't be as good as it could if it was simply done on the moment.

Duke Nukem Forever is the longest rumored vaporware to have actually been released. It has been on development for the past 15 years, sometimes in and out of development hell.

But like a strange messiah, it finally arrived in store about a year ago. Now, I'm finally ready to review it.

Don't miss out my previous Duke Nukem-related reviews!
VGR: Duke Nukem Forever
From 3D Realms/Triptych Games/Piranha Games/Gearbox Software
Played on Xbox 360
Also available on PC, PS3 & Mac

Type FPS
Year 1996-2011

This is it!
It took various convulsed turns during production, but it finally became real!

It took about 15 of making of this game, various game engine changes, various co-developers and several publishers to finally make it true.

Duke Nukem Forever took, well, forever to materialize.
Like a bad joke turned truth, 3D Realms were simply too small a studio to handle this dantesque project. After all they came from the "indie scene" of PC sharewares of the early 90s.
And with expectations growing up year after year since the huge success of the original Duke Nukem 3D...
3D Realms wanted to have the best looking game ever. But year after year another more impressive new franchise kept rising. First Half-Life, then Halo, etc.
They even presented various builds of the game over the year, one pretty impressive in 1999 and another one at an E3 convention in 2001. 

Finally around 2010, struggling with financial problems, they were forced to shut down, sell out the Duke and close store. The IP was left with 2K Games, and the impossible task to finish this project and the copyrights to the character with Gearbox.

Without further ado, let's not delve into all that here, and check out the game itself right away...

What? Did you think I was gone forever? (

So, the Duke is back!
Thing start on the possible not with what is probably without a doubt one of my favorite beginning of a game in a long while.

The Duke is seen facing down the Cycloid Emperor, the final boss of the "original" DN3D...only to be revealed to be actually him playing this reimagined ending in a video game (in the game itself) of his past successes.
The Duke is actually at home, with these Holsen Twins girls (yeah...). Where it seems he's been hanging out this past decade.

From here on, it only goes downhill.

Duke Nukem is now a huge interplanetary star, everybody loves him. Men want to be him (and do him!) and women want to do him (and vice-versa I guess?).
Our super-macho over-the-top parody of an action hero is, well, still a parody. And a bit more so than ever.
Duke cracks jokes and one-liners like a gatling gun on fire.

But all is not great and sunny on this side of Las Vegas...

I'm from Las Vegas, and I say: kill 'em all!

Simply put, the aliens are back! Again!
What is it this time, like the gazillionth time? Where do all these guys keep coming from?!

Guys get turned into pigs. Girls are captured to bred more aliens. (yuck and - remember, this is a satire/parody, started in '96!)
Most of the original enemies are back, albeit grittier. Bosses are all back too despite being dead in the past game(s) for some reason.

It still is a fun simple FPS.
And all things should be right and work out like a charm like in the past, right?

Bonjour, le hot stuff.

Only it isn't like before.

The game simply looks dated.
There. I said it! It passed down so many different game engines over the years... The game wasn't nearly finished under his current incarnation when Gearbox picked up the pieces. They just tried their best to keep the current build playable, copy/paste all levels one after the other with a vague storyline binding it all together.

And when I say dated, I don't mean like the original Duke 3D looks "retro" and 16-bits-ysh.
But like it's a dated-current generation game. It's a completely different sort of first person shooter now actually.
Duke can now only carry two weapons at the same time (thank you Halo!). While others tried to stay true to their identity (like Half-Life 2 still used the multi-weapon system that allows Gordon Freeman to play identically as before only in a modern game), Duke here was "adapted" for a modern audience.
Duke can't "boot kick" enemies while holding a weapon, but use his gun for a melee attack. (pressing rapidly the action button to open up a door while sometimes use the kick animation though)
Duke can't run anymore, he only briefly speeds up for a second or two.
Duke reminds me of Danny Glover being too old for this shit.
Duke doesn't carry health packs anymore but regenerate his health like a Spartan now. Which makes the whole game way easier, like it wasn't built for it initially. (a problem? almost dying? crouch down a second or two, get your whole life back, and voilà!)

I'm lookin' for some alien toilet to park my bricks... Who's first?

And the game's not just easier, even on the harder difficulty. (which, by the by, just gives more health to enemies)
It's also completely linear. Simple.

The original Duke 3D, like Doom 1 or 2, offered large, multi-layered explorable levels. Even by today's standards, it took quite some time and know-how to complete them. Plus they had secrets laying all around to search for meaning replay-value.

DNF offers sometimes large open areas where you have to defeat wave after wave of enemies.
And the rest of the time, long corridors to walk down for hours and hours.
Or driving segments.

Weapon wise, all classic weapons are back. They were a bit upgraded visually, but they mostly react similar to their past versions.

And then there's the infamous "stand your ground" parts. Where Duke will be forced to hold a gatling gun and defeat hordes of monsters. It's not fun, it's just long and annoying. Dying while get you back a few steps, always.

Where you'll encounter this game's worst problem, the loading screens.
Understand me, I have a long love for the series and am usually able to stand the worst gaming as to offer. but here the loading times were so frequent and long, and annoying. And did I say frequent? The levels are basically very small mini-areas of the larger current "world" the story is taking place in. And you'll encounter loadings all the time each time you move onward a new segment. (street-> building area->first floor->floor->floor->floor->floor->out of building->street->driving segment <- all these separated by various loading screens, not counting you dying like an idiot here and there, adding more loading screens...)
No doubt the game reloading the entire levels/textures/engine each time, coming from the unnatural disjointed development behind Forever.

Another day, another disembowelment

Speaking of the driving parts, I cannot stress you enough how useless they were.
Like ID Software's Rage, they seem to compose most of the game for some reason.
But here they really detract from the core of this game. They're also long. Most of the time not really entertaining. It feels a bit tackled on. And I do remember from earlier versions of the game it seem they were "added" the more recently.

It really feels like they originally simply wanted to make the game bigger, in scope and epic proportions.
But perhaps it was too much to handle? 3D Realms just wanted to make the best sequel ever, making a bold new original title for the FPS genre, with such standards established by the classic Duke 3D.
But there's a thing to understand here, 3D Realms never was a big studio to begin with. They've never been as big as, say, Ubisoft Montreal who can pump out an Assassin's Creed-like game per year. And they aren't as big financially or professional as EA and other similar big name companies.

Also, they never actually had the pressure of an actual release date, being self-published. (though they were financed by external publishers for the would be-release) Unlike their brother company ID Software.
They produced their own engines and rebuild the games several times over.
But Duke Nukem Forever should have taken the time and resources ID took from Doom 2 to Doom 3. Nothing more, nothing less.

Damn it, why do they always take the hot ones?

I write a lot for a simple review, you might say I'm passionate about the subject.

The game at its core seems to be a less fun remake of Duke Nukem 3D than the actual so awaited sequel. 
The game isn't really "bad" per say. It looks dull, boring too. It isn't really that ugly.

It certainly pertains to another genre of FPS than Duke 3D. While Duke Nukem 3D was more about humor, puzzles, big open areas and exploration (Portal anyone?), Duke Nukem Forever is a more straightforward arcade experience with crass humor.
dall game looks boring not ugly

The multiplayer is basic. Very basic.
Quake 3 Arena basic, but good to my tastes. I actually found myself playing it quite a lot over this past year.

The best aspect is probably the sound area. Sounds are great, dynamic. From weapons to enemies grunt. The voice acting can be a bit stereotypical, but for a reason.
And Jon St. John returns, at his best! (though his lines could have been better...)

Gearbox retain the rights to character.
The game actually made quite a lot of money, despite bad press, reviews and hate from the community.
From the long development hell and name only I'm sure.

Overall, the babes are back, but Duke isn't at his top form. 
"Oops, outta ammo."

The game is fun, sorta, kinda. 
For such a bad example how to badly manage a video game production, it actually is playable which is already surprising.
3D Realms ended up releasing various different unrelated games over the years based on earlier prototypes during production. Such as Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project or Max Payne with Remedy.
Forever actually looks a lot like PREY another title spawned from this one.
Visually it shares many of its aesthetic, visuals and gameplay. Though Forever seems to be a parody of PREY, it is PREY that ends up looking like the better of the two.

Now that it actually exists... Duke Nukem Forever kinda lost a lot of its "magic"...
But oyu know what? I'm actually glad it does. It wouldn't have been the same to lose it and Forever never seeing the light of the day.
People might dislike and hate it, but you know it will probably never lose its legendary development status.

It took about ~15 years in the making, but I won't be surprised it another sequel is released in 2-3 years down the line...

Duke Nukem Forever is pretty fun.
Though it has some very bad segments, leftovers that needed to be smooth down a bit.

It is a very strange experience.
Easily tons of time better than all those military/realistic FPS they keep releasing all the time these days...
But I wouldn't call it great either.
Anyway, it's faithful to the classic Duke Nukem 3D in spirit only. It's a completely different kind of FPS.
Duke cracks a lot of jokes, but not as clever as before. Gaming/meta jokes, with Duke playing a game in the game (the prologue of the story), a crack at Halo mildly disguised.

Not super amazing visually, linear. But fun like I said above.

It's absolutely not on "Portal 2" level for example. But I wouldn't miss playing it!
Give it a try if you find yourself interested. Chances are, you'll find something to like in this game.

But Forever has his share of problems.
It's trying to be modern game. It's trying to also be like the original even though it doesn't share much with it.
Like I said, graphics and controls could have been better, specially for a ~15 years in the making game...but it's fun anyway!
The lack of secrets really annoys me (where they cut due to 2K Games' demands?)

I give it 1/3. Which by my ratings means bad. But what were you expecting with such a disconnected development? I wouln't give it 0 though.

I give it:
1 / 3 Quack!

VGR: Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me 
By Gearbox Software
Type DLC
Year 2012

Released earlier this year, The Doctor Who Cloned Me
is an expansion pack that follows directly the ending of the main game.

Dr. Proton, the villain of the original Duke Nukum - errm, Nukem is back!
He's prepared an army of Duke-Terminator clones to defeat the alien invasion once and for all and take over the world too, of course!!!

This DLC was actually made from various scrapped content from the main game (which in a way, should have been packaged along it therefore!)
The "Dukinators" are back. So is Dr. Proton who was scrapped as early as 2001.

The story is this time around interesting and worth to follow.
It takes Dukes from an underground base under Area 51, which looks quite a lot like the futuristic LA from Duke 3D, to the desert in the middle of the night aboard a schoolbus, to the Moon itself!

The plot is funnier, with better humor, Duke even gets a comedic sidekick the size of a doll(!!).

Gameplay-wise, it's sadly built upon the previous above title, so no changes there. But since the maps are much more coherent and well thought here, everything goes down smoothly this time.

Such a better self-contained game!
More original layouts in the levels, no frame-rate issues like Forever.

It costs 800 Microsoft points on the Xbox Live, just like Forever itself. They should have made this a stand alone title, so it wouldn't suffer from the same loading times.

I give this one a: 2 / 3 Score! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

VGR Duke Nuclear Winter

While you guys wait for my own review of Duke Nukem Forever, which I haven't finished yet and want to explore in detail in a future review properly, here's another Duke Nukem 3D expansion!

This one is the last of the proper new episodes released for the game as add-ons.
Other add-ons were released (officially or not) but those were just map packs. (like Duke Xtreme to name one)
VGR: Duke: Nuclear Winter
From Apogee Software/3D Realms/Simply Silly Software/WizardWorks
Played on PC 
Also available on /

Type FPS/Expansion
Year 1997

Nuclear Winter was the only expansion made by Simply Silly Software for Duke 3D.
Though such name for a game studio wouldn't inspire me much confidence, if they got officially selected by 3D Realms and released on disc means it is at least playable unlike some unofficial non-licensed expansions.

Released for Christmas '97, it was an appropriate Christmas-themed brand new episode featuring new enemies, new settings and more!

Oh man... Those aliens f*ckers are back and annoying the hell out me!

The pitch:
Santa Claus has been captured! So we are told in a little CGi animated sequence at the start.
Those aliens bastards from Duke 3D are back with a vengeance.
They captured the old man and brainwashed him so he will help 'em conquer the world through an elaborate scheme.
And they've made a deal with Santa's lil' helpers who have formed an anti-Duke force, the Feminist Elven Militia.

Duke will have to travel from L.A. to the North Pole in order to put a stop to this Evil Santa and the alien invasion, once and for all! Again!

It's cold. It's freezing. And friggin' civilians are annoying the hell out of Duke, singing in the streets...

The game offers a whole new episode to explore.
It plays and looks as the original Duke 3D was, though it does require the Atomic updated edition to run smoothly and propose some of its nice implementations. (such as snow on screen, etc..)

The weapons are all the same, no custom modifications as it was the case in the awesome Caribbean themed add-on.

You'll visit plenty snow themed locations, including the 2 first levels straight from the original Duke 3D (Episode 1), only played in reverse from end to start, until Duke gets to the roof where it all began, catch his helicopter back to the North Pole.
You'll explore Santa's headquarters, a Christmas themed village, a toy factory, etc..
It's kinda funny to see Duke battling aliens in such out of ordinary places. (which changes the mood from the past Los Angeles or Washington for example)

There isn't new weapons, but hopefully there's brand new enemies, like evil Snowmen, throwing snow at you and freezing Duke, variations of the Snowman on vehicles, the Elf gals using dual guns..
Also there's mutated Santa Clauses Pigs instead of the usual PigCops (but serving the same purpose and behave the same), the aliens are back wearing Xmas hats, etc..

 Hail to the Noel, biatch!

It's not a particularly long episode, I found myself surprised to finish it so fast and easily.
There's also a serious lack of secrets. Apart from both returning level's own original secrets (and some minor tweaking around), the new levels have usually 1 to 3 secrets.
Only 7 levels and no secret hidden level this time.

"Santa Claws" is the final boss of the episode. Unlike previous Duke bosses, he isn't a gigantic monster but a human-sized foe who acts like the Duke, meaning he can use a jetpack, has access to most of Duke's arsenal, can take "steroids" to pump himself, etc..
It's quite different and harder than usual regular Duke bosses.

The game is filled with new appropriate Xmas music.
It gets a bit repetitive after a while, but is funny to hear in the background while playing Duke nonetheless.

No actual proper pop culture reference..though Mario (!) playing Mario Kart does make a completely random appearance and you'll even partially visit Doom's first level in that same chapter!

Overall, it was...okay.

The game originally received mostly a negative response from the fans, unlike both previous Sunstorm Interactive developed expansions.

There's a serious lack of new weapons or new Duke quotes (which would have been great in this setting), but so was the case for the much more appreciated Duke it out in DC.

Some also critized the reuse of the previous levels Red Light District & Hollywood Holocaust from Duke Nukem 3D... And it's a legit critic. I mean it looks cheap to simply have those old levels back, and back then paying for a brand new game..and ending up with 2 reassessed levels seems like a pretty cheap move on the part of the developers.
But playing those today, I guess I find this a bit funnier than "back then".
It's fun to have Duke go through those well-known environments under new circumstances.

All in all, it's playable, decent, fun. But I'd take Duke Caribbean over this anyway.
Try it!
For fans who want more Duke Nukem maps to go through!

I give it:
 2 / 3 Invaders!

Monday, June 13, 2011

AwesomeCosplay Pic of the day: Hail to the King!

Duke Nukem at the GC 2008

The Duke is back, finally!

Time to kick some ass and have some more Duke Nukem-related posts!

Friday, June 10, 2011

VGR Duke it out in D.C.

With Duke Nukem 3D's success, expansions were inevitable.

This add-on is Sunstorm Interactive's first expansion to Duke 3D.
This time, Duke visits actual real-life landmarks, in....
VGR: Duke It Out In D.C.
From Apogee Software/3D Realms/Sunstorm Interactive/WizardWorks
Played on PC 
Also available on /

Type FPS/Expansion
Year 1997

After the release (and the very good reception) of Duke Nukem 3D, 3D Realms released the tools the fans could use to make their owm Duke 3D levels. People were able to play with the Build Engine, fans and pros alike took this occasion to be creative and have fun with one of the earliest and best 3D engines that was easy to access.
With so much creativity around, Apogee organized various contest to select some of the best creator levels which would end sold officially under their guidance.

Some of these level packs became actual Expansions rather than just new levels put on a compilation CD.

Sunstorm Interactive developed 2 Add-ons containing brand new exciting maps and even some story.
This is their first official expansion for Duke Nukem 3D.

Fun factoid: this above is actually a real quote from Bill Clinton.

The aliens attack the capital, Washington D.C.!!
This time around, the plot is merely an excuse to explore D.C. rather than a proper continuation of the story in Duke Nukem 3D.

Aliens land into the Capitol and start wrecking carnage on their path.
It's a good thing it happens while the Duke was already there. Bad thing for them then. These alien scums won't see it coming.

While they destroy government locations around Washington, with Duke Nukem on their butts, the president gets kidnapped (never referred to as, but implied with actual pictures shown on walls to be Bill Clinton).

It's a new episode composed of 10 new levels (with one of them being a secret one to find) where the player must defeat the new invasion, rescue the president and stop the Cycloid Emperor one more time. (resurrected? the guy keeps getting his butt kicked by Duke, why can't he learn from his past mistakes...)

Come and get some...and visit the capital!

The game uses the same exact gameplay as the original Duke 3D.
It's once more time an FPS, where you'll have to collect various keys to progress over non-linear maps. Duke can equip himself with a variety of weapons (same returning from the original game, no alterations). There's lots of secret zones to find and loads more one-liners from Duke. (sadly, no new lines were recorded for this expansion apart from the use of some obscure already recorded sentences put into good use here)

This time Duke will actually visit real life locations, based around the actual Washington!
Most levels were inspired by their real counterparts, and it's always fun to realize or recognize these places recreated in the BuildEngine. Even if like me you haven't visited Washington city, seeing these places in the game is pretty fun.

You'll visit landmarks such as the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian Institution..
And worry not, it's never dull, you'll also visit a secret marine base (and a huge submarine in the same level), secret passages in the above list of location and a top secret base (as the top secret level).

Time to do like my car keys and get lost.

Considered by some like the best expansion to Duke Nukem 3D and like the worst by the others, the levels in Duke it out in D.C. are huuuuuuge!
But really, huuuuuuge!

The "Smithsonian Terror" level for example is based around the real life massive museum. It's huge, goes on forever, contains very large corridors, various zones and multiple floors.
You'll often find yourself lost and will need to spend some time with each map to finally be able to go on without getting completely stuck in some place.
The game isn't that long per say. There's only one secret level and the levels contain very few secret (between 2-5 secrets in general, there's even a level that doesn't have any secret! blasphemy!).
But this expansion is made of what might easily be the largest, biggest maps done for Duke Nukem 3D!

Besides that? The game is pretty good. Some good music was composed for this new episode.
Bill Clinton makes another one of his famous appearance from the 90s (that president was everywhere back then, Animaniacs, Ready2Rumble, etc..).
There's not much pop culture references this time around... besides a Red October parody, H.G. Wells' Time Machine making a surprise appearance (and part of a level design)...

Overall, a good expansion, but none I'd call "essential".
If you're a fan, check it out! Wanna play some more Duke 3D? Give it a try!
But try to track it down on bidding least, don't put too much money into this one. You might be able to score a copy for pretty cheap if you find a place that has old PC games in second hand.

No new weapons, no new enemies... 
Not much new sprites done specifically for this episode, since it recycles most of its graphics from the earlier games.

The level design is pretty good...although too large and kinda confusing. (I didn't had much problems myself...apart from  one or two times where I got lost/wasn't sure where to go to continue)
It doesn't take too long to complete either.

Most levels were designed by Robert Travis, winner of Total Entertainment Network's contest  scoring him "Best independently designed and produced maps".

Finally, it's easily the most difficult expansion to get working properly on a modern computer nowadays...
You might have either a problem booting up this one or end up having the music being replace by DN3D's original score rather than the original new tunes.

I give it:
 2 / 3 Invaders!

Friday, June 3, 2011

VGR Duke Caribbean

With Duke Nukem 3D's success, expansions were inevitable. (not too shy of being the first game to have done lots of things as seen in its review, probably making all these some of the earliest form of expansions PC games have known as well)

This add-on is actually the 2nd developed by Sunstorm Interactive.
And it takes Duke (and the player) to a much needed change of settings.
VGR: Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach
From Apogee Software/3D Realms/Sunstorm Interactive/WizardWorks
Played on PC 
Also available on /

Type FPS/Expansion
Year 1997

After the release (and the very good reception) of Duke Nukem 3D, 3D Realms released the tools the fans could use to make their owm Duke 3D levels. People were able to play with the Build Engine, fans and pros alike took this occasion to be creative and have fun with one of the earliest and best 3D engines that was easy to access.
With so much creativity around, Apogee organized various contest to select some of the best creator levels which would end sold officially under their guidance.
Some of these level packs became actual Expansions rather than just new levels put on a CD.

Sunstorm Interactive developed 2 Add-ons containing brand new exciting maps and even some story.
This is their second official expansion for Duke Nukem 3D.

It all started on a beach...

In this all new adventure, Duke Nukem is finally taking his well deserved vacations in a tropical island...when suddenly trouble ends up finding the Duke as usual.
It seems that the aliens are also having their own vacation on that very same island!

The aliens have set up a brand new breeding ground in the Caribbean and are starting to wreck havoc on the islands...
It seems it's once more time up to Duke to clean up their mess and save the babes.

Once again, the player has to take the role of Duke Nukem in a whole new episode set in the sunny Caribbean islands, killing hordes of monster and facing a big baddie at the end. (once again the Emperor, back for more!)

Life's a beach!

This add-on was based around the original Duke Nukem 3D, so it's once again an old school 32-bits era 3D FPS, using most of the same controls and gimmicks.

This new episode is set over 7 new levels (plus an hidden 8th level!).
The levels are rather long and fairly large. I find them even larger than some actual Duke 3D levels, with lots more ground to cover and new interactive elements to have fun with.

The tone is definitively less serious (as possible as it is) and funnier than past episodes.
The game's biggest selling point is its sunny Caribbean atmosphere and theme. Everything is tuned to reflect these new settings.
New redone sprites, enemies sporting Hawaiian shirts, babes in bikinis, beaches, hotels...

The best part is probably the weapons.
There aren't any "new" weapons per say. But they were all redesigned to fit the theme. Duke now uses water compressed guns, a coconuts bazooka, explosive pineapples..
The ice gun's now more comical, so is the shrink ray/voodoo ring, etc..
And even the Red/Blue/Yellow Cards are now Credit Cards, health is measured in bananas, the shield is now sun cream.... it's complete different approach to the usual world of Duke Nukem.

It's time to limbo!

It's a very funny and complete new episode!
Maybe a bit short, but the larger worlds to explore quite make up for it.
The secrets are maybe a tad bit simpler to find, cracks are easily spotted on walls and there aren't any "stay here to make a panel shift" or "jump through the 4th window on the 2nd floor to find hidden room" type of secrets here.

Duke travels through various original settings on his faitfhul Kobayashi Maru boat (ha!), from voodoo caves to an amusement park, passing through a cruise boat and more!

Overall, easily the best official expansion done for Duke 3D, probably amongst the best expansions for any game I've ever played myself honestly!
The game may not have been done by 3D Realms, but it is a true Duke game in spirit.
It even features new voice work by Jon St. John, THE voice of Duke Nukem!

Sadly on the negative aspects, it was made from the original Duke 3D, so it doesn't take advantage of some of the "Atomic Edition" updates (like weather conditions, 3D tables and objects, etc..) nor its new enemies and weapon.
And it is only one episode long, so pretty short. (take this as a new episode rather than a new "game")

Charlie Wiederhold, who created several levels for this add-on was later hired by the actual 3D Realms to work for them. He then started working on the would-be Duke Nukem Forever sequel...only to end up quitting to join Gearbox Software. (strange turn of events!)

Gameplay's great like the classic game. Level design quite original and the game itself is very funny.

Even the music is pretty darn' good! The title theme is a mixture of Hawaii Five-0's theme with Duke Nukem 3D's Grabbag. Amazing combo!
And there's lot of fun tunes for the rest of the games, always fitting the mood of the different levels and playing with the tropical theme.

I give it:
 2.5 / 3 Invaders!