It's still bumpy, rocky, and unpleasant down there in New Mexico, which by the way, is way worse than the old Mexico. You figure when someone makes something new, they'll make it better, right? Wrong.
The old Mexico:

Cheap shit
Gnarly prostitutes
The ocean
Spike-faced death fish
The New Mexico?
The New Mexico blows.

The New Mexico wasn't all bad, though. I only sent this sweet uphill huck to flat once, and Eric was telling all about how he was three feet off my wheel. It was good. I thought I blew my shock when I landed.
Phil sucked on this jump:

On the plus side, Phil didn't suck at racing. In fact, he un-sucked at racing all the way to FOURTH PLACE!! Phil said he had a shitty run too, so I can't wait to see Phil really uncork.

Apparently at MSC races they only podium 3-deep. When we found out that Phil was one spot off the podium, we found the event organizer, Paul Rowney, who had us hunt down the 5th place guy and 4th and 5th place women to get permission to podium them without medals. We did, and phil got to be on the podium. Technically he was on the ground. Whatever.

Mr. Phil Wiering, your 3rd place Pro Gravity Tour dude.