Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cartoon NEWS! X-Men Anime

While DC is still kickin' ass strongly in the animation be it on DVD/Bluray or TV, Marvel is still experimenting weird decisions and trying to find its audience.
(note: Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes kicks ass)

The upcoming new Marvel animated project will be X-Men "Anime"!

Alright, this cover isn't related to this upcoming anime movie, but I thought it was fitting for this post.

And here's the trailer:

A...alright I guess.
To grab a new and more mainstream audience probably.
I'm personally not really interested, but I'm sure with the game Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, there will be an audience for cartoon series.

This series will be available in April. It will air on G4, where it will be joined by an Iron Man anime, a Wolverine anime and probably a Blade one much later (only rumoured for now)