Friday, November 18, 2011

Drawings - "New Character" cartoony Bee-girl

~Let's make up a random new character!~

Taken off my deviantArt.

So, last night I decided to make this random drawing session as I went along~
Creating a random new character with the input from my dA watchers.

Here's a recap in a single blog post!
I made a series of polls to define the direction first.

I asked first "What's it gonna be" Was it gonna be a toon, a realistic character, a superhero,...
Which "Gender" to use 
Which "Tone" to use Would it be a funny character? Something over-the-top? A grim and gritty one?..
And finally "what would it be based upon"  An animal? Insect? Human? Anthropomorphic star shaped vegetable?

Anyway, it was decided it would be a cartoon funny Bee-girl. (the stats changed a bit since last ight, more or less)

Here's the following sketches I did, to simplify things, I'll be keeping the descriptions I posted along them in the present tense :P

STEP 1!!
Now I'm starting from this above drawing. A Bee, since people are asking for some insect-like creature.
I like to take a look at the real thing before creating a toon based upon it :P

STEP 2!!
Alright! Got it right in one try! I thought I was gonna make various attempts, but I'm actually already pleased with the look!
It still a bit rough, need to simplify and define details now.

STEP 3!!
Much better toon-proportions :P
What d'you think of her haircut? Should I change things a bit or is this a perfect run in one try?

STEP 4!!
Okay. Black panties, little sting comin' out of her lil' behind, stripped legs, short haired Betty Page-like cut, DBZ' Cell-shoes thingies.. I think we got it!


I decided to follow-up this creation with making her first picture.
Like the above, I updated a "work in progress" deviation as I went along, to involve people in the creation process!

And done!
So, whaddya think? Not bad for our improvised character, heh?

Next step, her name!
Which is still on-going as I write this on deviantArt. Follow the link!
