Saturday, December 17, 2011

Donald Glover stand up tour - "First Black Spiderman"

For those who actually have a life and didn't follow the whole thing on the internet, this above picture of Donald Glover as Spider-man has an history behind it.

Basically said, it was a sort of nerd-movement that sprang off some internet meme.
With the Spider-man franchise getting a reboot, people started joking with the whole "whole new direction"-thing Sony was throwing at the public, so someone suggest why not have Peter Parker black...then things got serious~

I actually like the idea of Donald as Spidey, even if random, at the worst it would be like an alternate and unique take on the character (like 2099 or Ultimate Spider-man) and at best, he might have been a funnier and much more fitting Peter than Tobey Maguire in Sam Raimi's films...

Anyway, here's a clip from Donald Glover's latest stand-up show, Weirdo. Where he explains it a bit better, from experience first hand:

From Donald's one hour stand up on Comedy Central.

So, would you have liked the idea of Donald Glover!Spider-man...?

The Campaign-To-Cast-Donald-Glover-As-Spider-Man lives on~