Here's another awesome stand-up bit from the Laugh Factory youtube channel! (check out those guys over there, they rock!!)
*crossing fingers they won't take this one off the web for no reason...?*
Monday, July 2, 2012
#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: Cir-El
"Supergirl" Cir-El is my favorite! (here's more proof of it!)
What a sight it is to find someone cosplaying the tomboy-ish girl of steel for a change!
She is cosplayed wonderfully here by rukiku from deviantart.
And I must say, lovely pic!
You captured her perfectly, well done on the costume and all ~<3
What a sight it is to find someone cosplaying the tomboy-ish girl of steel for a change!
She is cosplayed wonderfully here by rukiku from deviantart.
And I must say, lovely pic!
You captured her perfectly, well done on the costume and all ~<3
#Conan - Deon Cole Is Tired Of White People Standing Ovations
I'm kinda sad to see they took out that awesome video of Deon Cole can't take a joke already. (at least, for now)
Anway, here's a fun little sketch from Deon on ConanO'Brien to make up for it:
The dude's right, though.
I'm also pretty tired of people just clapping their hands of the time for barely any reason... (just watch any of those "talk shows"...ALL the FRIGGIN' time! like mindless robots! ugh...)
Anway, here's a fun little sketch from Deon on ConanO'Brien to make up for it:
The dude's right, though.
I'm also pretty tired of people just clapping their hands of the time for barely any reason... (just watch any of those "talk shows"...ALL the FRIGGIN' time! like mindless robots! ugh...)
Sunday, July 1, 2012
#StandUp - TJ Miller's Proceeding Hairline
And another clip from the Laugh Factory.
I missed TJ Miller's crazyness.
Check this hilarious bit:
Only TJ asks the questions nobody thinks of~
I missed TJ Miller's crazyness.
Check this hilarious bit:
Only TJ asks the questions nobody thinks of~
MMmh... too lazy...
...feel like... like a.. sloth?
These guys know what living means!
...feel like... like a.. sloth?
These guys know what living means!
#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: Batman and son
Just, d'aaaaaw! :)
The streets have never felt as safe as since Batman & Robin started patrolling them~
The streets have never felt as safe as since Batman & Robin started patrolling them~
ComicPageOfTheWeekend: PG convention
Here's the famous oh-so cute cover from the "Power Girl Convention" issue from Sami Basri & Judd Winick's run on PG book~
Just, d'awww!
Power Girl © DC Comics
Just, d'awww!
Power Girl © DC Comics
Saturday, June 30, 2012
#BestOf CURB - #StandUp - Larry David at the Largo
This is some bits from the Curb Your Enthusiasm pilot waaaay back on HBO.
Yeah, I can't wait for the new episode/next season...
The awesome Larry David Stand Up parts of the hour long pilot:
Watch CURB, support Larry David & HBO!!
Yeah, I can't wait for the new episode/next season...
The awesome Larry David Stand Up parts of the hour long pilot:
Watch CURB, support Larry David & HBO!!
#SuperDictionary: buy + buzz
Today's word, "buzz"! (plus bonus "buy" thrown in for good measure, since it was best to keep it anyway)
After El Dragón introduced previously, the Super Dictionary invents yet another never-to-be-seen-anymore hero.
Here comes Conjura!
Though I could do without seeing her again, since she's basically a swap palette of Zatanna.
Super Dictionary © DC Comics
After El Dragón introduced previously, the Super Dictionary invents yet another never-to-be-seen-anymore hero.
Here comes Conjura!
Though I could do without seeing her again, since she's basically a swap palette of Zatanna.
(Click for bigger pic)
Super Dictionary © DC Comics
Friday, June 29, 2012
I Never Stabbed Soji Boi - Dj Tee
The internet went crazy last night when rumors and pictures started floating around about an occurence between DJ Tee and Soji BOi, an upcoming artists on the set of video shoot. A bottle was broken by DJ Tee and he stabbed him, Tolani and ordered his beat up his sister.
We are still gathering information about this but, DJ Tee has taken the issue down to twitter to get things clear out his name. In various tweets he has stated that “the bottle shattered and cut me & him….broken pieces that was shattered around us…..he was an extra on shoot I did today, its long story anyway he smashed a bottle against hard metal above our head“
The injured guy is an upcoming artist known with the stage name Soji Boi, and the matter is still unclear. The injured as not said anything but we received information that he is receiving proper treatment at Ikeja Medical Center in Lagos.
Kaffy, Nigeria Dancer was also at the venue, but we are not sure if she was there when the incident occured.
Below are the tweets & pics from incident.
Entertainment Base Interviews Wazzyno
Wazzyno tells David Prince of Entertainment base everything about him in a chat. Check on it!
Tell a little bit about yourself, what was your childhood like?
My real name is Olawale Samuel, I am from Osun State, Nigeria, I schooled here in Lagos, am an artist formally known has Don Soulja but I changed my name to Wazzyno recently.
When and how did you first become interested in music?
I started music 13years ago, I started as a Gospel singer way back in my church as a chorister.
What is the name of the church you started from and where is the church located?
Celestial Church of Christ Orelope Central Parish at Egbeda, Lagos, Nigeria.
What are your musical influences?
I am so addicted to music when I was young but I started as dancer, dancing back in the days in my school with a dancing group called D Saint
Apart from you, do you have anyone in your family who is a musician?
Yes I have a brother who sings too. His name is Sunday but he sings juju music
What else do you do besides play music?
I am photographer also, I repair Laptop and I do music downloading.
Good to hear you must be a good business man
Was it an easy thing to break in into the Nigerian music industry?
It was not an easy thing at all but with God all things are possible.
How was it when you first started?
It was hard but now God is taking control because I just discover myself by working with some great guys like Lace, Terry G, Zee World, Lkt, O Black, Olamide, Skaliey etc.
Was it easy to meet those artistes?
No it was very hard to meet them, especially Terry G, Olamide and Lace because they are very busy guys.
How did you feel when you met them?
I felt great because that has been in my plan for this year
Why did you change your name and why were you bearing Don Soulja?
Well Don Soula was just a forge name that has no meaning to the society and I never believe in that name I was just using it then as an intro for my fans so right now am moving on with Wazzyno which means came out of nowhere.
Hmmnn that’s good.
Yeah it is and I am very sure the name will profit me.
Tell me more about your relationship with girls?
Well, I don’t fornicate but I appreciate the way girls run after me for autograph.
So like how many girlfriend do you have at this moment?
Let me say Thirty-eight
Why did you decided to be a musician?
I did not decide to do music; it has been in me when I was a little boy. It is a gift from God
Your latest single with O Black what is it all about, tell us more about the song and how you wrote the song?
It is a girl that inspired me when I was in the club about two months ago and the title of the song is Down Low which was produced by O Black, mixed and mastered by B Myne.
So when are you planning to release your album?
I will release my album October 29 2013
Okay what is the titled of your album?
Turn By Turn
Hmmnn nice name
Your word for all your fans out there
I love u all my people, stay blessed Wazzyno a.k.a Don Soulja cares.
Senior Citizens and Canadians
In other news, Eric Loney is bugging me to post an update about the last race at Skibowl, because "when Charlie doesn't do well he never posts a race update about it on Team Robot." Way off base, Eric. I just never post on Team Robot anymore about anything.
Anyway, Eric is stoked because I crashed at the last NW Cup and he didn't for the first time all year, allowing him to just sneak onto his only podium of the year.
Other things I did that worked out in Eric's favor:
At NW Cup #3 this year, I finished in fifth place, which got me stoked to go onto the podium. Moments before going up, I found out that I wouldn't be on the podium because I got beat out by a junior, Bas Van Steenbergen. Not only was I disappointed to learn that I got beat by a junior, and one who doesn't even know what freedom is and has a name that sounds like it's kind of communist and not trustworthy, I was going to be deprived of the only thing that I look forward to anymore: the momentary but mostly undivided attention of other people. Devastated, I tried to make lemons out of lemonade and I tried to draw as much attention to myself as possible as I went up, dejected, to pick up my check for sixth place.
Moments later Bas got to take my spot on the pro podium and stand in as fifth place. I was bummed, and so bitter that weeks later I wrote about the episode in a blog that no one reads.
Anyway, Casey Northern and Scott Tucker felt so bad for me that when the same thing happened to Eric at Skibowl, and he got beat out by Bas and by some other junior named Vezina, they let Eric go on the podium anyway. True story.
Afterwards when I talked to Scott about it, I congratulated him for righting this wrong and not making the "pro" podium into the "pro, junior, sport, cat I and other category" podium.
"Charlie, at Eric's age he doesn't have much to look forward to anymore. It's the little victories that get him through the day. At Skibowl we thought we could do our part to make his otherwise sad, lonely, and unexceptional life a little brighter. I mean for heaven's sake Charlie, Eric is so old that he actually remembers the Alamo. Give him a break."
-Scott Tucker
"I want to take this opportunity to apologize to my fellow Americans. We, and I, let the Canadians win again on our home soil at Skibowl. This will not stand. I am training diligently to help do my part to prevent any more freedom-hating Canadians from winning here in the states. I'm sorry, and it won't happen again on my watch."
-Mel Gibson
"I Will Marry Another Wife In December" - Pastor Okotie
A lot of drama seems to be playing out at the Household of God Church which is leading by Pastor, Chris Okotie. The pastor whom some people known as a politician (he was a presidential candidate) and his wife, Stephanie put an end to their four-year-old marriage recently due to "irreconcilable differences".
But according to latest reports, the Lagos-based Pastor is ready to marry another wife, which would be his third marriage.
But according to latest reports, the Lagos-based Pastor is ready to marry another wife, which would be his third marriage.
The politician-pastor, who was said to have revealed that what he fell for in her wife was the beauty, he did not consider some important virtues, Pastor Okotie is planning to get married again by December. It was gathered that his reason is because the Bible said it's not good for a man to be alone.
Pastor Okotie seperated from his first wife, Tyna, after 17 years of marriage. The news was a suprise for so many people since it was highly celebrated. They had their honey moon in Dubai, London and France for some weeks.
Wales sucks
Vital continues to have amazing Slideshows, and Sven continues to win at photos- case in point, our team portrait in the prior post, the one with the Thor hammer. Yeah, I know, your team does suck. Yesterday's Windham coverage was awesome as always, except for one thing really bummed me out.
After this picture of some random slow looking female that I've never heard of, was a caption that I thought was pretty honest, but also pretty crummy:
"There are only 162 starters for tomorrow's qualifier compared to nearly double that in Europe. Is that just the state of USA racing? There are almost more Japanese riders here than Americans. Yuki Kushima loving his Kashima out here today." Credit: Sven Martin
I'm not above internet squabbling, so I thought I'd weigh in. Sure Sven works his ass off around the clock for a meager income to bring us the best World Cup coverage anywhere, but I figured now was as good a time as any to shit on the hand that feeds me, so I declared war via the comments section. Here's what I wrote, and I think it addresses an important, misunderstood element of the long-running debate "why does America suck so bad at racing? (Except for Gwin):"
"I'm not even going to talk about UCI points. We all know that there is a serious lack of UCI races on the North American continent. That situation sucks, but it's actually sort of secondary. In practice, the way most Americans (and I think most people in most places) get to race their first world cup is by representing their national federation. AKA wear the flag jersey.
Example 1: Eliot Jackson not sucking at La Bresse last year
Example 2: Me sucking at Leogang last year
There are 47 countries in Europe, with a population of 700 million people. In contrast, The USA is one country with 350 million people. Every UCI-recognized national federation gets 7 spots at any world cup. That means Europe's 700 million people have 329 available spots at any given World Cup round, and America's 350 million people have 7 spots. That sounds like less to me. And just a wild guess Sven... I bet all seven of those USA spots were filled at MSA and Windham.
As long as the UCI chooses to give the big US equal representation as small countries like Latvia and Switzerland and Austria, you're going to keep seeing wacky, disproportionate, unrepresentative populations at World Cups.
Anyway, Aaron Gwin's the man
So I guess the long and short answer is, yes Sven, that is just the state of USA racing, at least until things change, which they won't. The UCI is a bunch of old, Swiss roadies. I doubt they're going to be sitting around one day and think, "hey, Jurgen, you know what would be awesome? Let's help make the playing field more level for the Americans!" So prepare for the U.S. to, largely, continue being mediocre.
Some other things that nobody talks about:
Why is England so fast at downhill? Well, the other sports you can consider if you have the skills to race World Cup Downhill are motocross and skiing. For reference, this is what skiing looks like in England:
Why is America so slow at Downhill? Again, the other sports to choose from are skiing and motocross. There are five reasons why skiing will always be more popular than downhill mountain biking in America:
And there are about a million reasons Glad-wrapped together that explain why Villopoto would like to take his superhuman winning skills to the Monster Cup instead of the UCI World Cup:
Plain and simple: we have big mountains, so skiing takes a lot of talent, and we have AMA Motocross, which is the premier racing league for the entire world, aka $$$$$$$. Downhill isn't even on the radar here, whereas for people like the Athertons or Blenkinsop or Sam Hill, they either got to choose between mountain biking or watching goats chew grass:
After this picture of some random slow looking female that I've never heard of, was a caption that I thought was pretty honest, but also pretty crummy:

"There are only 162 starters for tomorrow's qualifier compared to nearly double that in Europe. Is that just the state of USA racing? There are almost more Japanese riders here than Americans. Yuki Kushima loving his Kashima out here today." Credit: Sven Martin
I'm not above internet squabbling, so I thought I'd weigh in. Sure Sven works his ass off around the clock for a meager income to bring us the best World Cup coverage anywhere, but I figured now was as good a time as any to shit on the hand that feeds me, so I declared war via the comments section. Here's what I wrote, and I think it addresses an important, misunderstood element of the long-running debate "why does America suck so bad at racing? (Except for Gwin):"
"I'm not even going to talk about UCI points. We all know that there is a serious lack of UCI races on the North American continent. That situation sucks, but it's actually sort of secondary. In practice, the way most Americans (and I think most people in most places) get to race their first world cup is by representing their national federation. AKA wear the flag jersey.
Example 1: Eliot Jackson not sucking at La Bresse last year
Example 2: Me sucking at Leogang last year
There are 47 countries in Europe, with a population of 700 million people. In contrast, The USA is one country with 350 million people. Every UCI-recognized national federation gets 7 spots at any world cup. That means Europe's 700 million people have 329 available spots at any given World Cup round, and America's 350 million people have 7 spots. That sounds like less to me. And just a wild guess Sven... I bet all seven of those USA spots were filled at MSA and Windham.
As long as the UCI chooses to give the big US equal representation as small countries like Latvia and Switzerland and Austria, you're going to keep seeing wacky, disproportionate, unrepresentative populations at World Cups.
Anyway, Aaron Gwin's the man
So I guess the long and short answer is, yes Sven, that is just the state of USA racing, at least until things change, which they won't. The UCI is a bunch of old, Swiss roadies. I doubt they're going to be sitting around one day and think, "hey, Jurgen, you know what would be awesome? Let's help make the playing field more level for the Americans!" So prepare for the U.S. to, largely, continue being mediocre.
Some other things that nobody talks about:
Why is England so fast at downhill? Well, the other sports you can consider if you have the skills to race World Cup Downhill are motocross and skiing. For reference, this is what skiing looks like in England:
Why is America so slow at Downhill? Again, the other sports to choose from are skiing and motocross. There are five reasons why skiing will always be more popular than downhill mountain biking in America:
And there are about a million reasons Glad-wrapped together that explain why Villopoto would like to take his superhuman winning skills to the Monster Cup instead of the UCI World Cup:
Plain and simple: we have big mountains, so skiing takes a lot of talent, and we have AMA Motocross, which is the premier racing league for the entire world, aka $$$$$$$. Downhill isn't even on the radar here, whereas for people like the Athertons or Blenkinsop or Sam Hill, they either got to choose between mountain biking or watching goats chew grass:
full power
just kill yourselves now! the end is near. the brilliant mind behind the team robot name is back from a hiatus in "mormanland" and ready for action. Bosstron AKA Polygitron AKA the NIGHTBIRD AKA the Night Robber AKA Baaron AKA Aaron is ready for action in the NW. *recent team photo cutousy of sven martin photo

Flaming Lips Knocked Off Jay-Z
Jay-Z just lost his place in the Guinness Book of Records to punk rock group Flaming Lips for their musical feat.
The American rapper held the position for the most cities toured in 24-hours, playing seven shows from Atlanta to Los Angeles in 2006. Although Flaming Lips have taken his place in the Guinness Book of Records by travelling to an impressive eight cities in just 24-hours.
While Jay-Z may no longer be included in the Guinness Book of Records, Jay and Yeezy broke their own record on the tour, performing their hit song ‘Ni**as In Paris’ an incredible 12 times in a row.
Shina Peters Begs Gani Adams For Money?
According to the gist, Sir Shina Peters, whose last album did not make any impact in the industry, clocked 54 recently. Just because he want to celebrate his birthday, he allegedly turned himself to an beggar.
He was said to have done this during the birthday of the highly controversial OPC leader, Otunba Gani Adams.
There is a big question and the question is, if this gist is true, what could have made him do this kind of thing? Where was Gani Adams when Sir Shina Peter was ruling the Nigerian music industry in the 90's?
When SSP was the king of Nigerian music scene almost every music lovers in Nigeria danced to his Juju melody. He is seems to be fading out of the music scene because it is now dominated by the younger ones.
We were told that he made so many attempt to get intouch with Gani Adams for his birthday gift but all to no avail. Hmmm! We hope this is not true but efforts to get through to SSP on this gist proved abortive.
Sade Regrets Not Working With Jay-Z
Sade realized one of the mistakes she made in her career is not working with Jay-Z.
The singer revealed to LifeAndTimes that she would love to work with Jay-Z.,
“If I could turn back time? I would have asked Jay-Z to rap on Soldier of Love in 2010,” she said.
Jay-Z is working on his studio album presently and he just completed ‘Watch The Throne’ tour with Kanye West, hopefully Sade would work with Hov on his album.
#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: George Pérez' Worlds’ Finest
Straight from the George Perez' fanclub on facebook.
Here's a fantastic pic of George Pérez alongside DCnU Huntress and Power Girl cosplayers.
Fun fact, Huntress was portrayed here by the very same model Pérez use for the character - Margie Cox.
Though Power Girl here is cosplayed by Heather Kelley. (the model he uses PG is called JC Marie).
Here's a fantastic pic of George Pérez alongside DCnU Huntress and Power Girl cosplayers.
Fun fact, Huntress was portrayed here by the very same model Pérez use for the character - Margie Cox.
Though Power Girl here is cosplayed by Heather Kelley. (the model he uses PG is called JC Marie).
#StandUp - Deon Cole can't take a joke
Been a long since I last watched some stand-up... (well, kinda half-true, I keep listening to them often, just not checking out videos that much anymore)
Anyway, here's another segment from the Laugh Factory. This is Deon Cole, check it out:
Anyway, here's another segment from the Laugh Factory. This is Deon Cole, check it out:
#Gaming NEWS! #DeadOrAlive5 : Rig & Bass in action!
There's a new trailer for Dead Or Alive 5 out there!
This new trailer showcases Rig, the new character, and Bass Armstrong!
Fighting in this all-new level:
Besides the fact he seems to have a pretty "classic" background for a fighting game character, his gameplay doesn't look half bad.
Rig is amnesic, and decides to call himself like that because that's apparently where he woke up at first. (smelling a SF4's Abel-type of connection to the final boss comin' up here...)
He is a Canadian Tae Kwon Do fighter, which brings another style and country to the series' roster, which is nice.
The only surprise "left" in the roster now might be the long-rumored appearance of another Virtua Fighter character, Pai Chan.
This new trailer showcases Rig, the new character, and Bass Armstrong!
Fighting in this all-new level:
Besides the fact he seems to have a pretty "classic" background for a fighting game character, his gameplay doesn't look half bad.
Rig is amnesic, and decides to call himself like that because that's apparently where he woke up at first. (smelling a SF4's Abel-type of connection to the final boss comin' up here...)
He is a Canadian Tae Kwon Do fighter, which brings another style and country to the series' roster, which is nice.
The only surprise "left" in the roster now might be the long-rumored appearance of another Virtua Fighter character, Pai Chan.
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