Friday, June 29, 2012

#Gaming NEWS! #DeadOrAlive5 : Rig & Bass in action!

There's a new trailer for Dead Or Alive 5 out there!

This new trailer showcases Rig, the new character, and Bass Armstrong!
Fighting in this all-new level:

Besides the fact he seems to have a pretty "classic" background for a fighting game character, his gameplay doesn't look half bad.
Rig is amnesic, and decides to call himself like that because that's apparently where he woke up at first. (smelling a SF4's Abel-type of connection to the final boss comin' up here...)
He is a Canadian Tae Kwon Do fighter, which brings another style and country to the series' roster, which is nice.

The only surprise "left" in the roster now might be the long-rumored appearance of another Virtua Fighter character, Pai Chan.