Showing posts with label B-movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B-movie. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2012

#BestOf Masters of the Universe: The Movie - Live He-Man vs. Live Skeletor

Now, this is from the awesome cheap rip-off Conan, the infamous Masters of the Universe live movie!

Dolph Lundgren rocks!

I gotta say, despite an awesome face, I really dislike this version of Skeletor... Couldn't they have given this best villain ever his traditional buffoon-like voice?
Awwwww... :(

Thursday, June 14, 2012

#LollipopChainsaw - CHECK!

Finally grabbed a copy of Lollipop Chainsaw today!


Been thinking about it since I saw it in store this past Monday.

Go grab it, like now!
It's a fun old school arcade hack 'n' slash game, from co-creators Suda51 (No More Heroes) & James Gunn (Slither)!! Need I say more?!

Friday, May 18, 2012

#Gaming NEWS! new Lollipop trailer

Here's a new Lollipop Chainsaw trailer, this one's purely a James Gunn-sorta video. Or Suda. Well, both men have sort of the same mindset anyway...

It features the lovely Jessica Nigri once more cosplaying as Juliette. And is quite weird...

Haha, both hilarious, and kinda disturbing...

For the actual real life "fanboys" that look and act like those guys: You guys are truly f***ed up! (and we know they exist, you know who you are, out there!)

Monday, February 27, 2012

VGR Blue Stinger

It's been a long time since I last posted up a survival horror game review.
(heck! I still haven't finished Resident Evil 5 as a matter of fact!)

Blame it on me playing a lot of them simultaneously at the moment.

I launched not long ago a game play of Blue Stinger and simply couldn't put the gamepad away....

VGR: Blue Stinger
From Climax Graphics/Activision/Sega
Played on Dreamcast
Also available on /

Type Survival Horror
Year 1999

Haaa, Blue Stinger. I can't think of this game without smiling.

Released as one of the Dreamcast's launch titles, and developed by the little creative team of Climax Graphics. It was also funded (and in Japan, published) by Sega as a killer app to sell their 128-bits console.
Blue Stinger was even released in some places, outside Japan, days before the Dreamcast was even available in stores!

It is a survival horror like there's been many other on the system after that.
But this is one was clearly more action oriented than designed around "horror" properly said.

What is this title about?

It all started with a shooting star...

In a brilliant and pretty random storytelling fashion, the game opens up with a cinematic cutscene, starting out 65 million years ago, no less!

It was the era of the dinosaurs.
Then, a meteorite crashed near the Caribbeans and ended up an entire species across the globe. It was the extinction of those giant lizards.

Flash forward, "present day", in the year 2000.
And island was found where the meteorite struck originally.
Dubbed "Dinosaur Island". The Kimra Corporation founded various installations, including genetic laboratories and biotech research facilities on this island.

Ballad of the last rescuer~

You are Eliot G. Ballade, member of the Emergency Sea Evac' and Rescue team. ESER for short.
(the game loves acronyms, be prepared to see a lot of them!)
While Eliot was with his friend Tim enjoying his vacations and fishing in the ocean, another meteorite falls from the sky right on top of Dino Island. After a mysterious explosion, a dome of energy emerges and completely seals the island off the rest of the world.
Tim gets trapped inside the barrier, while Eliot's stuck with the island inside the dome.
Suddenly, a mysterious spirit-like creature takes the form of a Nephilim (a fictional creature). It helps Eliot get ashore.

What is this Nephilim, where does it come from and what are its intentions?

No time to get any answers, because Eliot finds bodies everywhere, everyone appears to be dead on the island. Some kind of monsters are roaming free on the land.

Dogs of War.

But you're not alone on this island!
Eliot meets this captain of the HMS Sienna, also stranded near the Kimra complexes.
With this Dogs Bowser who is actually a resident there, Eliot sets up to find what really happened on the night of Christmas on.....Dinosaur Island!

More action-adventure than horror/thriller, Blue Stinger is a survival horror unlike any other!

Fun, colorful.
It is also one of these very rare Christmas themed games.
Yes, you read me right!

Like Christmas NiGHTS before that, but unlike any other of these games either.
You see, Christmas as so very little to do with the plot. It just "happens" to take place at that time, like Die Hard in a way. Which just provides the settings with "Merry Xmas" posters, Christmas trees inside the market, though no snow around. (it is the Caribbeans afterall!)

The whole game looks lovely.
Almost cheerful because of that.
Christmas music jingles around the "once-populated" area, lots of lightning instead of the gritty settings of your usual Resident Evil...

The characters look nice enough, but the animations are sort of stiff (it's is an early Dreamcast title!). But the backgrounds entirely in 3D look like what Code Veronica would also switch to later on, look great! The environments are amazing and full of details!

What about the gameplay itself?

Come to daddy!

It is more action focused than your usual tension filled horror games.
You control Eliot, or Dogs, in fully explorable 3D settings. From a behind the shoulder perspective. (a gameplay change which Capcom would use and perfect in more recent Resident Evil games)
There's a lot of exploration and backtracking to do around the island.
Labs, markets, apartments, caves, parkings, etc.

Our characters respond to the stick perfectly, though they do run a bit awkwardly.

When unarmed (at the start of the game, or by using your short range weapon), the game sort of feels like a beat 'em all. Eliot karaté-punches his way through the monsters, Dogs is all about the heavier wrestling/sumo/etc. fighting styles.

There's literally dozens of weapons, covering a large and unexpected range of weapons. From the usual pistol, minigun, sword, triple-barreled shotguns, to the heavier rocket launchers, napalm launchers and even more difficult to get/more expensive/secret weapons like the laser gun, demolition gauntlets and a lightsaber!!

You can buy items, such as food and ammo from vending machines all over the place. Usually near saving machines and maps of the island.

To do so you need to collect money.
And that's where the fun begins!
The game is clearly designed to make your way through the masses of creatures you'll find there.
Most are designed like The Thing from John Carpenter's classic. These monsters here can be punched through, so they never present much trouble if you're prepared to face them.
Once defeated, they'll explode in a rain of blood, with a bunch of money flying out of them.
Which is great.
I mean, money was originally used in games to censor blood in retro games, while modern games normally went with blood for realistic purposes.
Having both is so unreal.. (something No More Heroes would copy much later)

Monsters respawn every time you come back, which money you'll quickly make big amounts of money pretty fast.
The smaller monsters, flying insectoids and running bugs don't give money, so they also don't respawn.
There's various giant creatures, huge bosses to defeat all over the game. You'll have to spend your ammo carefully depending on your foe.

The game meant a lot for Sega, so it doesn't come as a surprise to see Ryan Drummond (the original voice of Sonic on the Sega Dreamcast) as Eliot and Dogs Bowser voiced by Deem Bristow (aka the original Eggman).

Later on our heroes are joined by the mysterious Janine King, member of KISS (Kimra's security) who happens to be an expert shooter (she is voiced by Lani Minella). Janine is a non-playable character that helps our characters at various points of the story.

The voice acting might sound a bit silly, but it's actually pretty good in my own opinion. It is the characters that are over-the-top.
It's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously, with Dogs complaining about stuff all the time, Eliot hitting on Janine constantly despite the situation.

The whole game sort of feels like a movie.
A B-movie to be exact.

It has a great "action movie" soundtrack, the music really give this game a unique feeling.
According to the mood and places you'll visit, you'll hear more epic tunes, supermarket jingles, etc.
Even the sound aspect is worth mentioning, with great sounds made for each special effect, from the grunts to the footsteps.
It all sets up a great atmosphere.

All in all it is a very long game for the genre.

It is also the kind of experience you wanna revisit.
The game offers various unlockable features in true Resident Evil fashion.
From the usual unlimited ammo to new weapons, alternate costumes for our cast (above pictured costumes notwithstanding, the Santa suit is from a specific portion of the story) and some other funny modes ("big eyes",..).
It's a big epic crazy story featuring colorful characters and locations.
It all comes full circle in an epic conclusion like you rarely see usually.
Sadly, the adventure ends on a
To be continued
note, after the credits...

Overall, it's a fantastic experience and highly recommended title for all Dreamcast owners.

Simple and fun to play. Clunky animations and way to run aside, it's a charm to play~

Developed by (the sadly closed now) Climax Graphics studio, it's a very fun and quite original sort of free roaming Survival Horror set on a large open world you open gradually.
It certainly takes the genre into new heights and direction.
Instead of the usual gloom, gritty and dark Survival Horror, it is more fun, closer to an Action/Adventuretitle.

The goal here is quite simple. Explore bio-labs, tons of rooms and bigger open places on island, collecting keys, ID cards while going through hordes of monsters.

To do so you'll have plenty of crazy weapons to play with.

It is sort of like the Dead Rising of the Dreamcast.
I can't make a better comparison, gameplay wise.
Tons of monsters to fight, big open spaces including markets, a movie theater, etc. You regain your health by eating and drinking stuff. The story is quite over-the-top, not taking itself too seriously, and the game will have you run around all over this place, to help survivors and often under a countdown depending on the situation.


The original Japanese release deserves its own separate paragraph at the end of this present review.

The game was originally quite different from the western title we all know it now.
You see, it used an original cinematic styled camera system, kinda what you have in all classic Resident Evil games.
Instead of the 3rd person behind the character's shoulder, it was presented using a fixed view which changed dynamically. Closer to what Capcom did with Resident Evil: Code Veronica if you will.
But this posed a lot of troubles in action segments.
So Climax redid the whole presentation of the game for the American and European release, presented as the definitive edition of the game.

Enemies let also more money and the difficulty was made a bit more progressive too.

In a way, it's a pretty different experience with its own feel.
If you can, I recommend trying this one too, but it isn't the best and ultimate version of the game, the Pal/Ntsc-US is.

This Japanese version is fully dubbed in English. Besides Japanese subtitles, it's all the same as the other game (voice, menus, etc in English). My Pal port was only tweaked for better views and challenge.

I give it:
 2.5 / 3 Quacks!
Japanese Blue Stinger:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

BestMovieScenesOfAllTime - ..and I'm all out of bubblegum

From the awesome cult horror 1988 B-movie They Live!

Though, yes, it is mostly associated with Duke Nukem these days..

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Best Movie you'll ever see: Bruce Lee and Popeye in Hell vs. Dracula and James Bond

This is actually a real movie!

This insane movie is actually Dragon Lives Again. A 1976 Bruceploitation movie that featured yet another fake Bruce Lee (taking advantage of his fame after his death) and a Chinese Popeye!

They really went all-out for this one, it's like the ultimate crossover!

"This is truly one of humanity's greatest work, from any culture, and any time period, this is without a doubt a cornerstone of human achievement." - some guy on youtube
Well said little fellow. Well said.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! New Onechanbara game!

What, you don't know what these are?
It's a long running franchise of hack 'n' slash games from the lil' japanese developer D3 Publisher.
You know when you look at video games these days, and you call some of the titles AAA-games, and the smaller budget games. Well, D3 is known for producing even less expensive games.

They've been known mostly for their "Simple 2000 Series" back on the PS2 days.
Which was a series of very cheap games, that still play moderately well, and were at least fun enough.

Because that's what's important at the end of the day. Games are meant to entertain.

So what if they don't all look like blockbusters?
D3's been king of the B-movie-like genre of video games. They even produced some pretty good ones (including my all-time fav, Splatter Action).

And now they're gonna have a new Onechanbara!

Their games rarely get released outside of Japan, you need to import most of the hidden gems, but their most famous series "Onechanbara" has been edited across Europe and America over the years with either under different names (Zombie Zone, Zombie Hunters...) or pretty faithful ports (the Xbox 360 and Wii installments).

The latest episodes, on the Xbox 360 (Oneechanbara VorteX/Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad) and on the Wii (Oneechanbara Revolution/OneChanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers), while not innovating or reimagining the series, got enough attention that they outsold previous episodes, were sold in most countries and helped produce 2 live movie adaptations!! 

Anyway, enough talk.
I like the series, and despite all its flaws, I actually loved those two games.
(and no, I won't use the silly cliché "so bad it's good" because it ain't bad - bad is playing through the mildly boring and generic Resident Evil 5 or ruining a perfectly series-Duke Nukem Forever)

The games are mindless fun, it's like watching a good grindhouse or B-movie. You know it gets dirty in the corners, but overall it's enjoyable!

Onechanbara Z Kagura is the all-new installment for Xbox 360 this time again. And from the looks of it, it looks like a big improvement since any past Onechanbara! °__°
The game does actually look good.
You will be able to slay through hordes of monsters, zombies and for the first time in the series, werewolves and vampires too!
Returning to the game are everyone's favorite bikini Samurai-clad Saaya (as a previous title implied so well) and newcomer Kagura, who will replace schoolgirl Saki instead.

Here's some screens:

It looks pretty good actually, which surprises me, and quite gory :D

And here's the official trailer:

Can't wait!
I much rather to play these so-called "little games" than any of the Ninja Gaidens. (but that's just me probably...hey! to each their own!)

And for the kiddies/fanboys crying for a PS3 episode, it's not that a simple matter!
To develop on the PS3, companies have to buy the development kit for it, and for very little companies like Tamsoft (developing the series) it's quite expensive! If you're like Ubisoft and have dozens of them across the world, of 300+ employees each it's not a problem..
But there really isn't a simple choice for them to make (nor a profitable one) episode on the PS3. Maybe porting an existing episode later on.. The 360's the easiest HD console to develop for, thus, the cheapest; an asset for a budget game.~

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Yor: The Hunter from the Future week - Conclusion

The week went by so fast, no?

I started this week on-going Yor-centric clips with the opening scene. It was only fitting to close this subject with the closing scene from Yor: The Hunter from the Future.

Once more, the theme song rocks this movie's soundtrack.

Sit down, relax, enjoy~

One thing is sure,"We will need a lot more hemp before we're through."

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yor: The Hunter from the Future week - The Trapeze scene

While our heroes are attempting escape, near the final act of Yor: The Hunter from the Future,they come across a large pit where the only mean to progress is...
...To ripoff that famous Star Wars scene with Leia & Luke in Episode 4.

See for yourself...

Only, they did it BETTER. EXTREEEEME!! More epic, Yor shows us he is no mere ripoff but a manly man who can trapeze is way out of danger. EXTREEEME!!

Star Wars ain't got a thing on you, Yor!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Yor: The Hunter from the Future week - Robots

In case you have noticed it already from the title, Yor: The Hunter from the Future is actually not justa fantasy movie.
It's also a scifi one.

At mid-point, the movie goes in a completely different way and starts getting all "Star Wars ripoff"-like.

Such was announced when this guy popped on screen:

Easiest robot defeated in a movie ever?

Gotta love his cheap Darth Vader/Storm Trooper hybrid knockoff look.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Yor: The Hunter from the Future week - Hang-gliding Scene

Here's what I'd call easily the best scene ever put on film.
In this amazing sequence from Yor: The Hunter from the Future, our hero fires an arrow at a monster (which he seems to hit accidentally), grabs the petrified creature (already in rigor mortis state), grabs it, uses its carcass as a glider and fly down to the villains before kicking their leader's face, WITH HIS FEET!

Hell YEAH!


Best movie ever? Easily, hands down!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yor: The Hunter from the Future week - Flaming sword scene

Everygood fantasy movie, low budget or not, should always have a flaming sword scene.
Here's Yor: The Hunter from the Future showcasing such scene as manly as a manly man should:

This probably made the movie wins some points in any reviewers' heart, as stuck-up as some serious ones might be.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yor: The Hunter from the Future week - Help Me Cut The Choice Meats scene

It's time for your daily Yor: The Hunter from the Future clip for the week!

In this awesome scene, our Hunter from the Future fights a Triceratops, kicks its prehistoric ass and cuts some choice meats.

This movie spouts insane one liners and crazy dialogues every minute.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Yor: The Hunter from the Future week - Main Title

It's time for another week of awesome movie clips.
This week's theme is Yor: The Hunter from the Future, easily one of the best pieces of cinematographic history ever put together.

What is Yor?
An amazing low-budget cheap 1982 scifi/fantasy B-Movie. It was directed by Anthony M. Dawson ad is easily the best movie produced starring Reb Brown.

Enough with the words now.
Make way for this AWESOME epic theme song!
Warning! Your brain might explode from all this awesomeness!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

BestMovieScenesEvah - Best Death Scene Ever

Ninjas are deadly.
We all know that.

The following clip contains the best/worst acting ever, the best kill ever, the best use of a ninja in a movie ever and is simply hilarious.

Also, the proof taking things out of context only makes them better.

From the cult kungfu-xploitation flick called Enter the Ninja from 1981.

Best movie scene evah? I guess so.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

BestMovieScenesEvah - best chase scene of all time

This one comes from a funny Indian movie.
Easily, the best "car" scene you're gonna see in your whole life.
Forget Terminator 2! Forget anything else! Nothing beats this guy!

I don't like how some people diss this or call this one of "the worst movies/scenes" ever... I mean, it's brilliant!
You're not gonna find anything like this in any of Hollywood's usual cr@p.

"indian movies are the worst"
Is that really what you'd think of this?

This is simply fun!
Pure relentless unstoppable fun!

The movie is an obscure title called Alluda Majaka (also Alluda Mazaaka) from 1995, which is basically a mindless B-movie take on action blockbusters.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

BestMovieScenesEvah - Best acting ever

That's not how you do things in AMERICA!

From this little hidden gem from 1995 known as Witchcraft VII: Judgement Hour.
A quite long series (15 entries already!)  of cheesy horror/fantasy flicks.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BestMovieScenesEvah - Pickup line

Aaah... those good ol' Jaws ripoffs...
So much gold can be found in these hidden gems.

Here's one of the most famous pickup lines from any movie ever:

And it even worked it seem! XD

Once again, from the 2002 Shark Attack 3.