Friday, October 15, 2010

Gamin' NEWS! WARNING! Mature content!

Moar Splatterhouse screens!
Be warned, though, it's gory, it's bloody, it's for ADULTS ONLY!

This was the less violent pic I could find for this post. Also, sort of poetic~

Alright, if you're checking this article, I'll pretend you're able to maturely watch the following pics and not complain. You've chosen to check out Splatterhouse, noone forced you, etc, yadda yadda...

Anyway, here's the cell shaded new Splatty.
It looks great, fun and as over the top as it should be :P
You can see the graphics uses a nice black outlinned look.
And even the evil double (à la Evil Dead) is here! With a red mask just like the censored US Turbografx original game!

 Click for bigger resolution~

Can't wait! Too bad they DELAYED IT again!! :/
Seriously, I'll be playing Duke Nukem Forever long before this one -___-