Friday, February 4, 2011

Various NEWS! A bunch of comics adaptations related new

Here's a bunch of comic book related news~

Fear the gaze of...The Rat!!

First up, the Captain America movie!

There's a lot of new pics of it around lately.
Specially a very good look at Cap's modern day costume for the second half of the flick:

And it looks pretty kickass!
Like a pretty good mix of his classic and Ultimate look.
I like it! They even were able to sort-of keep the wings on the helmet! (not really, but close enough for me..)
And here's more pics: (click for bigger resolutions)


Gaming side!

There's a couple new pics for the long awaited sequel Batman Arkham City!

One hand I really like where all this is going. On the other....

Sure Gotham City is a great landscape to finally explore, and the gameplay, stealth, the atmosphere...
But Harley's so far off-character... Just to make sales/appeal the GoW crowd (that's both the audience of Gears/God of War)

On the positive side, here's a kickass poster:

 Here's a beautiful official wallpaper to move on the thread

And finally, here's the latest character artwork pics of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3.


I'm not bothering putting up the respective teaser trailers nor the screenshots.
Those characters are all fully rendered, on the game's disc and all...yet Capcom will make us pay additional DLC costs to "unlock" them. (seriously...what happened to beating the arcade mode??)
You want Resident Evil's Jill or Dr. Strange's Shuma Gorath? Well, good, pay the special edition (like I might end up doing...don't ask...) or DLC!

It's not even the classic Jill Valentine but the ugly redesign from the zombieless Resident Evil 5! :/