You had the teaser, now it's time for a first look at the game's mechanics!
It also confirms the title apparently.
Nice! :'3
It all kinda confirms what I was thinking. The game will controls like Sonic Unleashed and Colours (yay! Finally a fixed and definitive gameplay for Sonic in this era!)
Classic Sonic will have the 2D segments, Modern Sonic will have that hybrid 2D-3D control.
Looking great! A typical anniversary game like Japan love to do.
Will American comics/games/movies have always been about continuities and following an unified universe, Japanese manga/games/movies have never been that bottered about it, while the final product is all about fun.
This definitively has a sort of Godzilla Final Wars to it. As in, crossing over various past and modern concepts in a final explosive "story"!
Can't wait^^