Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cartoon NEWS! The upcoming new DC animated movies

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment revealed some informations about DC's upcoming new animated movies!
First up, Green Lantern: Emerald Knights!

Emerald Knights will be released on June 7, to coincide with the live/CGi Ryan Reynolds movie in theaters.
But with a much better Hal Jordan in the person of Nathan Fillion!

It is mostly based on the Tales of the Green Lantern comics (which I reviewed here)

Here's some new pics of these stories animated:

I like this sort of military/scifi look they have on the art direction.

After that we'll have another adaptation, Batman: Year One.
Based on Frank Miller (only..?) good story.

Here's a sneak peak:

This one's planned for a for a fall release.

It will also bring back the DC short movies, a Catwoman short will accompany B:YO.  My guess? It will probably be the miniseries "When In Rome" in 10 minutes :P

And either later this year or in early 2012, there's another one coming.
Justice League: Doom.
Based on the Justice League story arc JLA: Tower of Babel.

In short, Batman made some contingency plans to defeat all the JLA, in case they'd have to take one of them down one day (due to a change of heart, mind control, body swap, etc..).
But Ra's al Ghul steals these plans, captures and  defeats all of them...and it's only thanks to some small margin of errors that one of them escapes his fate, helps out another one, and so forth.
A great plot by Mark Waid which had some lasting impact in the current DCU. (nobody fully trusts Bats anymore, his secret plans continue to make his alliances uneasy, etc..)
The (sadly departed) Dwayne McDuffie wrote this adaptation and was gonna be behind it.
I'm glad they're keeping his work alive and going through with it.

Hope this one turns out fun!