My computer died.
I'm left totally computer-less, that is until Monday at work.
Dammit.. I'll finally be forced to buy a new machine....
(writing this from some shared means)
- Eyz
Friday, September 30, 2011
Madrid'den Milano'ya taşınan Diego Forlan'ın bir gününün önemli bir kısmı Giorgio Armani ve Louis Vuitton'dan alışveriş yapmakla geçiyor.
CBR Superman/Batman: Metal Men
Here's yet another comic featuring the Metal Men, in their updated incarnation!
This series makes actually their first modern appearance in the modern DCU, specially it is the first time they were actually show again since Will Magnus' role in DC's big crossover epic 52.
In this little 3-issues story arc from the on-going Superman/Batman team-up series, we got to see how the Metal Men currently looked like. And it was here that the newest Metal (wo)men, Copper, appeared first.
Though the plot clearly takes place some time after The Metal Men mini story-wise.
(Some details are left sketch, which Grant Morrison wanted to explore post-52 had he wrote the Metal Men mini himself)
Comic title: Superman/Batman #34-36: Metal Men aka "We, Robots!", "B.I." & "Computer Crash"
Art by Pat Lee & Craig Yeung
Story by Mark Verheiden & Marc Guggenheim
Published by DC Comics
From 2007
Lineup Superman/Batman, Metal Men
Format: Three issues story arc from the Superman/Batman on-going series.
This is actually a filler arc written by Mark Verheiden & Marc Guggenheim, in-between larger stories running in the pages of the Superman/Batman monthly title.
Since its launch by Jeph Loeb, the Superman/Batman has been a great place for various artists and writers, rotating their turn on this series, to explore the relation between Batman and Superman and their place in the larger DCU.
This filler arc sees Batman and Superman colliding against the return of a formidable foe, the return of the OMACs, from an earlier event, and Will Magnus bringing the Metal Men back to the foreground of the scene.
Metallo's back!!
The story opens with Doc. William Magnus, genius scientist, trying to survive in today's economy and make a living.
The problem is that Magnus and his Metal Men are now ruined. Expelled from the limitless resources of sovereign nation Oolong Island.
Now, Will, Gold, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Tin, Copper and Platinum live all under the same roof. With no ways to pay the bills, it's only a matter of time before they cut their electricity.
Will's lab assistant sees only Helen Garin way out, getting rid of the robots.
Magnus wants to recast them as modern heroes, find enough money to rebuild the unfinished Gold who was left bodyless after recent troubles.
After an attack on Waynetech's Research Center by Metallo, Magnus is left with one last idea that might just do it....
The Metal Men attack Waynetech as well!!
But really, they prove themselves to Bruce Wayne being formidable enough to be the answer Wayne and Lucius Fox were searching for.
The Metal Men are body guards and enforcers for Wayne Enterprise!
But was this a good idea, to hire in the "Meta-human" circles to protect a normal building from extra-ordinary situations?
Soon enough, Brainiac enters the scene, the Metal Men get corrupted and a plot to gain complete control of the rogue Human-Robot-hybrid technology of the O.M.A.C. projects throws Batman and Superman in the middle of robotic threats!
I...Am... BRAINIAC!!
In "A.I.", Superman and Batman are (re)introduced to Will Magnus and the Metal Men (post-Crisis).
The story is fun enough. It's a pretty straightforward story to be honest.
The art by Pat Lee is extremely stylized.
What some might call "fusion" rather than you usual classic comic book superheroes art style.
It works great on the Metal Men shape-shifting abilities. Though Bruce Wayne or Kal-El do look a
The Metal Men are hired as security guards, which is a great set-up for a longer series if you'd ask me.
They go on a rampage and steal a prototype OMAC unit....
Overall, I enjoyed this arc, but it was clearly a filler.
As a fact, it has never been collected in a trade paperback collection as of now.
Nice enough if you want more of the current Metal Men. But could have been better.
I give it:
Atletico Madrid'e giden Arda Turan'ın köpeği İstanbul'da kaldı. Adı LeBron ve Florya'nın yeni maskotu oldu. İdmanlara eğlence katıyor.
FanFilmFriday: A Boy and his Blob Reunion
Here's something random :P
D'you know the classic gamin' series A Boy and his Blob? No? Check out the important facts quickly then.
Here's what has become of this dynamic duo after the epic events of the original story, in a little fan animation from DORKLY..
Kinda sad too....
But funny!
D'you know the classic gamin' series A Boy and his Blob? No? Check out the important facts quickly then.
Here's what has become of this dynamic duo after the epic events of the original story, in a little fan animation from DORKLY..
Kinda sad too....
But funny!
Gamin' NEWS! reboots, sequels and vaporware
In today's gaming news post, let's check out some long awaited sequels (Sonic, Zelda...), rumored remakes (Syndicate) and long forgotten titles resurrected from development hell too (I Am Alive).
First up, Sega released another trailer for Sonic Generations (Sonic: White Time and Space in Japan!!), this one showcasing Sonic's 128 bits era. (Dreamcast/Gamecube/PS2/Xbox)
It's the official announcement of Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure), City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2) and Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes)!!
Plus a "surprise" boss battle is also announced with the little tease at the end.
Meanwhile, Nintendo released this new "romantic" trailer for Zelda: Skyward Sword.
Have a look at this all-new Link and Zelda!
On a less positive note, 1993 Bullfrog game is being completely reimagined in this remake by Starbreeze Studio.
Some fans been hating it, others can't wait for it.
I'm just sad it's gonna be yet another FPS oriented RPG-lite adaptation (like what happened to X-Com or the Fallout series). Too much of the same idea in my eyes. Can't games be different/try original gameplay these days? NOoooOo! One things sells, let's all copy/past it!
Anyway, here's the new Syndicate!
Looks actually kinda good. Better than what we've seen of the new X-com for example.
But I dunno...
Finally, here's one from Ubisoft.
Several YEARS ago, they announced a new game (around the rumours of a Beyond Good & Evil 2 started if memories serve right) which was called I Am Alive.
It promised to run on their then-new Assassin's Creed engine, offer a huge open ended world in a post-apocalyptic scenario. The game would feature some survival elements, trying to survive, gather food/water, etc.. Some light parkour/platform too, which is the norm for all Ubisoft titles these days.
It probably would have played kinda similar to Assassin's Creed 1/2 or Splinter Cell Conviction I guess. 3rd person style action game.
Today, a new trailer was releasedd, the game confirmed to be finally coming to Xbox 360, PC and PS3.
Only now it is a downloadable title, the look and probably the game seems to have been completely redone from scratch, featuring a first person point of view.
Check it out!
The game is "Alive"! Looks like a complete overhaul. Might be fun, not sure if I like the new tone of the game...
Will probably be an interesting title anyway.
And that is all for the day~
Here's a bunch of pictures from the upcoming live Avengers movie.
And yes, "that guy that isn't Hawkeye" is Bruce Banner....
So here's a bunch portraits of our heroes...
Iron Man.
Most popular of the bunch, thanks to some pretty darn' good movies.
Bruce Banner. (Hulk)
Oh no... we lost Ed Norton for this schmuck? Really?
The Black Widow.
Captain America.
Thou shall not disrespect thee gods!!!
Guy had random cameo in Thor, now looks like this earned him a spot on the cast.
(plus having a lesser profile non-main starring in his own movie-character will help keep the budget manageable)
Here's the whole happy crew.
And here's some shots from the making of the flick:
Alright then.
Looks like everyone's having a blast!
This better turn out good!....
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Stoke City maçının kadrosuna alınmayan Guti Hernandez, bazı işleri olduğu için İspanya'ya gideceğini söylemiş fakat oradan İngiltere'ye geçerek takım arkadaşlarının yanında olacağını ifade etmişti. Fakat takımla ipleri koparma noktasında olan Guti, Beşiktaş sahada puan ararken twitter'dan yeni sevgilisinin fotoğrafını geçmekle meşguldu. Guti'nin bu hareketleri özellikle sosyal medyada büyük yankı buldu ve eleştiri yağmuruna tutuldu.

Manchester kentinden başta Tevez olmak üzere birçok futbolcu şikayetçi. Onlar da her fırsatta soluğu sevdikleri kentlerde alıyorlar. Bunlardan biri de Mario Balotelli. İtalyan sevgilisiyle Pazartesi günü Milano'daydı.
New X-men series coming from Marvel, after their latest X-men crossover event (which saw Cyclops confront Wolverine and both breaking the X-men into two groups), from writer JASON AARON....
Taking the title from that great recent X-men cartoon was a smart move~
Though would you let your kids join Wolverine in a, err.., private school??
Naming the school after a dead person, a married woman you used to obsess over...??
Is that creepy or what?
Well, that's perfectly in-character for Wolvie then :P
Taking the title from that great recent X-men cartoon was a smart move~
Though would you let your kids join Wolverine in a, err.., private school??
Naming the school after a dead person, a married woman you used to obsess over...??
Is that creepy or what?
Well, that's perfectly in-character for Wolvie then :P
CAGE News! "The Hungry Rabbit Jumps"
Here's the trailer for yet another Nicolas Cage movie, Seeking Justice aka The Hungry Rabbit Jumps aka just Justice now it seems :P
Another Nicky movie! And looking quite CAGE-tastic I'd say!
The film is being directed by Roger Donaldson (and produced by Tobey Maguire..?!).
It has already been released in Italy (for some reason...?) and the rest of the world is carefully waiting its turn.
Gamin' NEWS! two old franchises are brought back
Let's check out the new videos just freshly released to two completely different long forgotten franchises brought back to life with our current modern technology.
And I'm speaking of Sega's SHINOBI and Rockstar's MAX PAYNE!
Here's a brand new Japanese trailer for Shinobi 3D from Sega.
The game's sheduled for November 17 in Japan, and a bit earlier (!!) on Nobember 11 in this part of the world, on 3DS.
Looking a bit nicer and better in motion than what we saw in earlier screenshots.
This game developed by Griptonite Games will tie-in both the earlier 16-bits Shinobi featuring Joe Musashi and the PS2 games featuring Hotsuma with a plot revolving around Joe's father (and protagonist this time around).
It seems the game will be a return to a more arcade-ysh direction, content to unlock, lots of platforming, etc..
Meanwhile, Rockstar Games just released this trailer for the upcoming Max Payne 3:
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but as an old school fan of the Max Payne series and a hardcore fan at that, this isn't looking much promising to me. (see my earlier Max Payne 3-related posts for more on that...)
But, yeah.. so tired of the "Open world sandbox games are kids favorite genre these day so let's make another one and stick a well known IP on it to boost the sales"...
At least, it looks nice graphically, but what more is there to this game besides that?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Outcast Studios - LIVE DRAW NIGHT September 2011 |
This weekend, with the crew at the Outcast forums, we had yet another one of those so called "Live Draw Nights"!
I tried to keep the rhythm, 4 hours of drawings sketches, while keeping my Twitter account updated during the night.
So, there's that. (if you want to follow me there!)
Like the previous times, we had a great time. Various characters and fun ideas during the night.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about... It's a art jam challenge, a sort of "drawing practice session" if you want. Divided in 4 hours, we received various characters ideas to draw under a specific time.
Lots of participants this time around.
The four hours got progressively more demanding and challenging.
Here's last session in case you want to check it out.
Let's check out my entries, if you please~
First Hour
The first hour consisted in a series of 5-10 minutes sketches done back to back.
Nothing much challenging, it was just about keeping the rhythm and entering the challenge with straight quick sketches.
We started simple enough with Nova.
A character I think I never doodled before.
Since I was quite quick on this one, I decided to add-in a bit colors...thing I kept for all the following sketches as well!
A favorite of mine, so I knew exactly how to draw this one without references :P
Wolverine, The best at what he does! Whatever it is that the guy does for a livin'~
'nuff said!
I'll say it right away, I don't like at all how Magneto came out like..
2nd Hour
Hour two was only one big sketch-long.
Meaning, a 45 minutes sketch!
Red Sonja.
Not much a fan of the character though.
The subject was actually featuring her facing a random enemy (or this Death-something guy) or the after-battle.
3rd Hour
2 25 minutes sketch featuring a group/montage of a selected bunch of characters.
Group shot of a those characters.
I went for something kinda JLI-esque.
Same group as before, but this time the montage had to feature a gender switch (I picked Iron Fist) and an age switch (Spider-girl here).
Final Hour
The 4th and last hour of the Live Draw Night!
The final challenge of the night!
Took me a whole fulll hour and a half.
The goal was to recreate a classic comic book cover - as a tribute - but featuring DCnU "The New 52!" redesigned characters.
So I did the only thing I could do...
The famous JLI group shot (original by Kevin Maguire)!
Pretty fun :'3
In the order, from left to right, top to bottom: Godiva, Vixen, Fire, Ice!Tora, Blue Beetle!Jaime Reyes, Booster Gold, August General in Iron, Batman, Green Lantern!Guy Gardner and Rocket Red!
And that is all for this LIVE DRAW NIGHT session~
Thanks for checkin' out my stuff ;)
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