Friday, September 30, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! reboots, sequels and vaporware

In today's gaming news post, let's check out some long awaited sequels (Sonic, Zelda...), rumored remakes (Syndicate) and long forgotten titles resurrected from development hell too (I Am Alive).
First up, Sega released another trailer for Sonic Generations (Sonic: White Time and Space in Japan!!), this one showcasing Sonic's 128 bits era. (Dreamcast/Gamecube/PS2/Xbox)

It's the official announcement of Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure), City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2) and Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes)!! 
Plus a "surprise" boss battle is also announced with the little tease at the end.

Meanwhile, Nintendo released this new "romantic" trailer for Zelda: Skyward Sword.

Have a look at this all-new Link and Zelda!

On a less positive note, 1993 Bullfrog game is being completely reimagined in this remake by Starbreeze Studio.
Some fans been hating it, others can't wait for it.
I'm just sad it's gonna be yet another FPS oriented RPG-lite adaptation (like what happened to X-Com or the Fallout series). Too much of the same idea in my eyes. Can't games be different/try original gameplay these days? NOoooOo! One things sells, let's all copy/past it!
Anyway, here's the new Syndicate!

Looks actually kinda good. Better than what we've seen of the new X-com for example.
But I dunno...

Finally, here's one from Ubisoft.
Several YEARS ago, they announced a new game (around the rumours of a Beyond Good & Evil 2 started if memories serve right) which was called I Am Alive.
It promised to run on their then-new Assassin's Creed engine, offer a huge open ended world in a post-apocalyptic scenario. The game would feature some survival elements, trying to survive, gather food/water, etc.. Some light parkour/platform too, which is the norm for all Ubisoft titles these days.
It probably would have played kinda similar to Assassin's Creed 1/2 or Splinter Cell Conviction I guess. 3rd person style action game.

Today, a new trailer was releasedd, the game confirmed to be finally coming to Xbox 360, PC and PS3.
Only now it is a downloadable title, the look and probably the game seems to have been completely redone from scratch, featuring a first person point of view.

Check it out!

The game is "Alive"! Looks like a complete overhaul. Might be fun, not sure if I like the new tone of the game...
Will probably be an interesting title anyway.

And that is all for the day~