Friday, September 16, 2011

Gamin NEWS! "people fighting, someone's wrath and a domain in binary code...."

And here's some more trailers from the TGS 2011.
On today's menu: people fighting, someone's wrath and a domain in binary code....

First let's check out the upcoming new "Project Soul" entry, Soul Calibur V!
It's one of those games, I'm not actually really awaiting for it. But I guess I'll end up trying it at some point later on, nonetheless.

 Newly announced additions: returning Astaroth and newcomer Viola.

Re-skinned characters, be it the newbies or the old faces.
Such a "glowy" game. It's kinda like that modern Star Trek movie...

Kinda tired of this series. Nothing much change, not even graphically.
The shuffle of the cast is "ok".
The games looks decent though.

Now, for something else, here's the latest trailer for the highly anticipated new Capcom (original IP) game Asura's Wrath!

"See Ma, I don't need no arms!!"

This looks like such a fun badass game afterall!

And finally, another upcoming Sega game.
Binary Domain shows us yet another new trailer:

This over the top action game is look great so far!
This Vanquish-inspired title from Yakuza games developers will be released with a mic/headphones set in Japan only, for a 10.000 limited exemplars edition. For the co-op multiplayer mode, on both PS3 and Xbox 360. The game will also be able use Kinect alongside a controller (finally a game that does that!).

And here's some more videos released through its official website:


Looking neat! :)