Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gamin' NEWS! more on #AnarchyReigns + Transformers

Here's a couple of videogame news!
3rd person action games it is for t'day!
First up, Sega and Platinum Games just released two new trailers for Anarchy Reigns, on both Sega's (SegaSide) and Platinum's (PlatinumSide) website of the game.

Duality is the key word here.

They both highlight Jack Cayman and Leo's scenario. (which just goes to confirm this game's simply MadWorld 2 at heart)

Loads of gameplay and CGi cinematic scenes in there!
It is basically a continuation of the story of MadWorld. And the game itself plays pretty similarly in the singleplayer mode. (the multiplayer will be more action/match/arena oriented)


Meanwhile, Activision released an all-new trailer for their own Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
This sequel to War for Cybertron is looking pretty promising, if you ask me.

And I'm not a fan of Transformers (mostly a casual fan you can say), but seeing these "dinobots", "insectbots", etc. come together in this epic conclusion.. High Moon did a great job of improving an already fun enough game.

Keep an eye out for this one, 'round August 28.