Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cartoon NEWS! Clone Wars 2011 teaser

I'm still a Star Wars fan, and I may be a season late but this doesn't stop me from liking the direction the new episodes of Star Wars The Clone Wars will be taking in 2011! :P

Yellow eyes?? Sith force-induced yellow eyes??

Here's the sneak peak video SPOILERS warning if you follow this and don't wanna check it out!

Anakin sure loves to scream NOOOOOO!!! all the time, don't he? 

Am I also the only one who sees the parallel between Anakin/Darth Vader both expended universe "padawans", Ahsoka in the CGi show and Starkiller in the Force Unleashed games?
Both started out with that "reverse-grabbing" lightsabre technique and recently upgraded to dual wielding lightsabres using a quite similar stance.

With that live Star Wars serial TV show announced a while ago, this got me thinking...
The show will take place between both trilogies, right?
Starkiller was modeled after the actor who portrays his voice also.
You know what would be a great pilot for that show? Two ambigous jedi/sith ex-Anakin apprentices fighting each other! Plus that would make Ahsoka old enough to kick ass on screen (if she survives the CGi cartoon...)