Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! New "Akrham City" pics

I loved playing the first one, I want and will play this new one, but I still think that the story pitch and game title Batman: Arkham City is a bit silly.

Anyway, Rocksteady studio offered a new batch of pictures  of the upcoming Bat-game.

Everything looks great.
Is this the new Extreme!! of the 2010s? People keep bashing the 90s' art direction, but with games like this and the other console blockbusters, it seems like we're back into Extreme!!-mode.

Side note: Where's Harley Quinn? 
And who's that 20-something slutty goth cosplayer?
Not that I have a thing against 20-something slutty goth cosplayers (I rather have a thing "for" 20-something slutty goth cosplayer)