Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sonic NEWS! Place-holder game covers confirm and announce future Sonics

So, two place-holder game covers started popping up on various websites confirming the coming of 2 new upcoming Sonic Games!

First off, Sonic Generations (as it looks like it will be called) gets a stand-in cover for the moment:

Here's the launch trailer in case you missed it.

And meanwhile, since it seems that Sega got the rights for another year for yet another Olympic game (a next gen realistic one will be developed by Eurocom), here's what we now are used to by Sega & Nintendo for the Wii system:

That's right! Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games!
All those are simply mock-up covers for now, leaked from spanish/portuguese websites.
And they don't seem to shy away from spoiling the news since the London 2012 has already been officially revealed there in portfolios of people involved with the game over there.

And that is all~
The Mario & Sonic games are kinda decent party games, as far as party games go. (not a big fan here) Though it should be fun enough if it is anything like the previous Winter 2010 one.