Friday, May 27, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! New AC trailer, old Thor trailer

"The rat" smells your fear

2 new gaming videos for the day!

Here's a brand new full trailer for the upcoming new AC game called Assassin's Creed: Revelations for later this winter.

And it looks pretty cool so far :P

Old Ezio? Check! Altair back for home console systems? Check! Weird conspiracy mysteries hidden messages in the video? Check!
Can't hardly wait :D

And here's for absolutely no reason the trailer for the DS version of the Thor videogame tie-in that came a month ago. You know, that 2D 16-bits styled action game, by the amazing studio Wayforward!
What? Old news your saying? Hey! This is a blog about retro gaming and stuff. I can post an old news if I want to.
Now, get the hell out and get me some pictures of Spider-man!! NOW! Chop chop!