Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! Batman: Arkham City Collector's Edition

Here's a look at the upcoming Collector's Edition for the game Batman: Arkham City!

It will be out on October 18.
It contains: "a custom Batman statue produced by Kotobukiya, a collectible art book, early access to the Iceberg Lounge Challenge Map and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns skin, Batman: Arkham City album from WaterTower Music including original songs by hit artists, available via digital redemption, Bonus DC Universe animated original movie, Batman: Gotham Knight and four collectible cards."

I guess I'll be okay missing this one out.
I mean the challenge/survival map pack is...well...alright.
Skins/music...well...not much interested...
The animated flicks, 'got them all already!
And the rest isn't that incredible, besides that awesome Batman statue, which I tend not to collect, so...

I liked the first game's Batarang with the original collector edition though: