Tuesday, July 26, 2011

SDCC - Various video game trailers and gameplay vids PART2

Here's another post of video games-related videos.
This time, more SFxTekken (or Final Fight to be precise), Soul Calibur, Assassin's Creed and Halo.
First up, the Halo one. It's not really completely new footage, rather a comparison between the Tech used in the original Halo 1 and this Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary.

Like someone else said: "Look at that water. LOOK AT THAT WATER!"

Now, unto some fighting games!
Capcom brings in another Final Fight character in Street Fighter X Tekken. Some, joking, are already starting to call it Final Fight X Tekken. What's with all the FF characters lately?
Why didn't they simply call the game Capcom X Namco...? (or are they keeping it for the sequel?)
If Ono really wants to, why don't they make a Final Fight fighting game (like on the Sega Saturn!) using the SF4 engine?

2-on-1 is that just a joke for the trailer or will he be one "of those characters"? 
Cody and Guy too?? (well...I like those guys, they kick ass!) And why's Cody still in handcuffs?

Meanwhile, Namco finally released a proper trailer for Soul Calibur V!

The game/story takes place ~17 years later since the last?
Doesn't look like so:

The game will both feature aged well known characters and new ones, their offsprings.
Did Ivy actually age? Wait..lemme guess..she never aged anymore due to her contamination by the Soul Edge/sword.... excuses...

And finally, here's Assassin's Creed: Embers, an upcoming Animated Short Film by Ubisoft!

Ubi opened an animation studio and a movie producing company. And the first order of the way seems to be making some Assassin's Creed movies.
Love the way it's still "next gen" modern, detailed, etc.. but a little bit stylized as well :)