Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! Spider-costumes

Remember the upcoming new Spidey game Spider-Man: Edge of Time?
Well, Activision just revealed some of the costumes you'll be able to use in the game.

It's getting harder and harder to pick those. We've seen Symbiote suits, Captain Marvel costumes, the Civil War Iron suit, even the Mangaverse Spider-man...
Now if they wanna offer new costumes they have to search for 'em harder.

This new game will offer the 4 costumes Peter Parker used during the "Identity Crisis" story arc.
(which wasn't that bad IMO)
Here's Prodigy, Ricochet, Dusk and Hornet!

Sure, some look better than the rest in a video-game.
I liked Dusk in the comic, but here in modern CGi he looks a tad bit simplistic and boring.