Friday, July 15, 2011

Wonder Woman loses the pants

Now, that's one helluva head line!

Anyway, it seems DC's still unsure about Wonder Woman new look.
In the following picture, it seems they edited her costume since the last time we've seen the cover of the upcoming Wonder Woman #1.

(warning! minor spoiler regarding the end of the "War of the Green Lanterns" story arc!)

Yep, that's right. Back in the star spangled hot pants.
Will this be her actual new design afterall?
UPDATE: Yes it is!

So the cover of Justice League #1 has officially been edited (see above).
And here's another look thanks to the alternate cover:

On a similar note, here's a better look at Barry(?)'s new Flash costume thanks to an ad:

That's quite ugly. Messy. Over charged with random details. It kills The Flash's simplistic (and perfect) design!
Specially compared to the other looks put next to it.
See, I like that retro and modern Barry Allen Flash look on the right column. I like Wally West and Jay Garrick Flash costumes in the middle.
But that new DCnU look on the left is just too plain detailed. It kills that new costume IMO.

And on a similar note, another ad, for Superman shoes showed this interesting composition:

The new costume is the one of the lower left corner.
Is even DC ashamed/afraid of it?