Monday, October 17, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! Marios, Sonics, Fighters and Transformers!

Doctor Rosen is not amused.

Here's a new bunch of gaming news. 
Today's program, Marios, Sonics, Fighters and Transformers!
Also enjoy my all-new random NEWS! pics. I updated the only one I had (Toby "The Rat" Maguire) and made some new ones to shuffle things up a bit.
Only the best for ya all!
First of all, let's start with a new trailer for the upcoming Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: London 2012.
Sega & Nintendo just announced this game will feature a new and original party game mode. Sort of a Mario Party X Sonic Shuffle if you will, for connoisseurs.
Check out the Party Mode in the following trailer:

Looks like a fair addition, if they want this 3rd Olympic installment to demarcate from its predecessors.

Street Fighter X Tekken gets a release date, March 6 for the US and March 9 for most of Europe (yay!) and a collector edition!

This collector will include a “Build-It-Yourself Arcade Cabinet Bank” that’s about five inches high, a comic prequel by UDON, in-game gems which will act as currency and serve to unlock/update stuff for your game (à la Marvel Vs. Capcom series). It was confirmed for PS3 and 360 only.

Here's a new trailer from the NY Comic-con, illustrating the new features and more:

I already can smell some haters complaining about this Gems-feature from miles....

And finally, you saw the announcement of a new Transformers game, now here's the actual launch teaser trailer for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron:

Stuff hinted, which I'm sure Transformers fans will no doubt dissect and analyze from scratch to bottom.

And that is all~