Monday, October 31, 2011


HAPPY HALLOWEEN, you guys in the US!
(and other countries that still celebrate this day for some reason!)
(well not "some reason", for $$$, that is marketing purposes)

We tried to bring Halloween and implement it here in Switzerland these last few couple of years, but due to the lack of interest from everyone they decided to officially drop it finally this year...

I hope all you guys are having a great time today, celebration today or not.
(Me? Work work work, hey it's a Monday like any other!)

Have you seen my Halloween comic strip for CoolApe?
Well, follow the link!

I've been also making these following "Halloween 2011's Monster Gals drawings, using your guys ideas and choices from my latest bunch of polls. So check 'em out!
You can find them back by following the drawing tag

Happy Halloween everyone!~~
- Eyz