Saturday, July 31, 2010
Stan Lee - Shattered Dimensions
Since I've been posting so much about that new Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions game,
might as well post this little promo with Stan Lee on the 'blog!
Such a nice and funny guy! Stan Lee still rocks!
"Spider-man is the sort of hero that could be YOU." - Stan Lee
Just to nitpick on that line... I don't think I would have made a deal with satan, specially to stay with Aunt May but lose Mary Jane :P
(yes, I know, they're finally ending the Brand New Day-status quo, surely after receiving 3+ years of hate mails and bad reviews on the current Spider-man line....)
might as well post this little promo with Stan Lee on the 'blog!
Such a nice and funny guy! Stan Lee still rocks!
"Spider-man is the sort of hero that could be YOU." - Stan Lee
Just to nitpick on that line... I don't think I would have made a deal with satan, specially to stay with Aunt May but lose Mary Jane :P
(yes, I know, they're finally ending the Brand New Day-status quo, surely after receiving 3+ years of hate mails and bad reviews on the current Spider-man line....)
Friday, July 30, 2010
VGR Predator: Concrete Jungle
Here's...a surprise, I guess.
You weren't expecting this one, right? :P
After doing all those Predator movie reviews, I was going to move on some Predator comics...but thought, hey! why not check out one of the few Predator games available~
VGR: Predator: Concrete Jungle
Played on Xbox
Also available on PS2
Type Action/Platformer/Brawler
Year 2005
Around the 2000s came a rather strange surprise for Alien and Predator fans, in the form of an original non-movie related game nor a sequel to the AvP FPS franchise.
Predator Concrete Jungle was an arcad-ysh 3D action game developed for the Xbox and PS2, named after a well liked comic book series from Dark Horse (which I was going to review before this game, but I changed my mind and swapped both reviews :P) but offers a 100% original storyline instead of adapting any other media. And I like this kind of expanded universe media over your usual dull adaptations, there's always some place to surprise and try new directions that way~
1930, New Way City. Same old same old~
The game opens in 1930, in the fictive town of New Way City. A Predator goes up against a mob boss.
He kills the boss, Bruno Borgia but lets his wife Isabella and son Hunter leave... After getting shot!
The Pred tries a desperate escape and finally tries to blow up his ship and himself with it... and fails!!
The Predator loses his honour... He revealed himself to humans and failed to take his life with his self-destruct system...
The other Predators exile this one, now bearing a scar on his eye, on a remote alien planet (with what I think are the creatures from Straship Troopers..!? crossover-cameo-reference??)
100 years later, it is revealed that in his fiasco, the Predator leftover technology helped the humans evolve rather quickly.
There's gang wars everywhere. People developed new technology such as flying machines, invisibility for troops, created the very first exosuits to fight ramping crime in the streets and even use plasma guns!!
Scarface can use tons of wonderful toys and neat gadgets~
The story is told in a non-linear way, which might confuse some gamers.. but I really dig it!
Every now and then, there's some great quality CGi scenes telling the story, under a mysterious voice narrating the events.
It pretty original! The story isn't your usual good guy vs bad guy, concluding with a final showdown...
Instead it jumps every now and then from New Way City 1930 to 2030!
It reveals very few in the beginning and then moves on both timeline to explain what exactly happened. It's a revenge story from Hunter (the mob's son) against "Scarface" the Predator.
Back in 2005, this game didn't get very fair reviews in my eyes..
People were expecting a Splinter Cell-ysh game (since it was so hype back then) and they got a more simple experience than that...
The game is a 3D third person action game. With some light platforming sequences and lots of brawling, you know, like old school beat 'em all games!
Of course, as what you'd expect from a game starring a Predator, you can use a lot of neat alien arsenal.
The game starts out with only the basic weapons, but along the way, you add a lot of new toys and upgrades to your weapons. The claws get longer, you obtain the smartdisc, upgrade to a shuriken-like disc, find the plasma cannon, you also have access to bombs, mines, etc..
There's a lot of weapons to explore and use!
Plus the Predator can use lots of technology, straight from the movies and more!
A thermal vision, an electrical one and more!
You can switch to a first person view to follow and analyse your prey.
Scarface (yes, the pred) can use a medical kit..
You can also play with your stealth, going invisible, using the vocal mimicry to call or frighten your enemies or just use a plain loud roar!
This may happen or not in the game. Try it for yourself if you wanna know....
The problem with the game is that it doesn't really play on the stealth part. In the end, it's still a pretty basic beat 'em all!
But I wouldn't call that really a problem! It's pretty arcad-ysh! The levels go pretty quick and with all the things to find, collect or try, you'll want to go back to some levels in the end!
The game is pretty long, I don't have the number exactly, but it's probably over 30 levels or so~
The 1930 levels are pretty straight forward and fun, and the 2030 quite harder.
Oh and there's some nice replay value, that is, if you're a fan of the Predators! You'll unlock and upgrade many weapons like I said before and new Predator-skins! You can play with the Predator 1 or 2 Pred' (yay!), some original ones inspired by the comics (a Bad Blood Predator,..) or the AVP one (huh..).
The Pred can make stealth instant kills and collect heads. Upon that, there's also special kills to make and "Trophies" to find and collect as well!
All the weapons and trophies can then be viewed on the ship, from the game's main menu.
The game tries also to connect the Alien movies, the Predator movies, the AVP flick and the Dark Horse expanded universe into one singular universe!
And I really think they did a great job be it in the design/visual easter eggs of the game or simply the script!
It's because of the Pred technology that humans evolved quickly (to explore space in the Alien franchise later on), it inspired their AI programs (MOTHER in Alien, which is also a pretty important plot-pont in the game). It connects the Yutani Corporation with both franchises (and Weyland, used in the AVP movies).
And...there's a very neat surprise near the end about the Xenomorphs...
In one sentence: It ties into the overall franchises pretty well.
Overall, it's a pretty fun game. Maybe a bit simplistic for some (haters) tastes, but I like it!
The game isn't "Game of the Year" material, if that's what you're asking, but I find it pretty fun.
The gameplay needs a bit of practice at first, specially if your used to more complexes game.
You'll die easily without some training first!
It's a game that really deserves a chance, even if it may not sound super original, gameplay-wise.
Both PS2 and Xbox versions are pretty close, though the Xbox version seems to be the superior graphic-wise.
I played it originally on the classic Xbox and later on the Xbox 360, where it plays pretty fine (only some minor problems on some CGi scenes..).
There's a lot of materials to be found, if you're fan of the franchise or are just trying to enjoy and learn a bit of the Predator. The game makes you feel quite the predator with all the gadgets, his strength and overall presentation.
And woow, does a Predator jump high!
The script, specially for a game, is pretty surprising good! It sure is better than the 2 AVP movie attempts...
It plays with the Predator mythos, it's a bit closer to the spirit of Predator 2 than 1 (turf wars, etc..) and for something called Predator sure likes to use elements of the Alien franchise!
I'd say, if you like scifi, simpler but funnier games or just to have a look at an underrated last-gen title, give it a try!
Well, if you're a fan, you better already have it!!
I give it:
Special shout out: Verg at Shimano

Is this photo a little ironic? Sure, I suppose. Instead of focusing on the fact that WE dropped the bomb on THOSE folks, instead consider the deeper irony of shimano, toyota, etc. taking over American markets in lieu of a total military defeat. Or just enjoy the subtle genius of the MS Paint.
Back on topic: I just wanted to toss a special thank you out to Verg at Shimano. Verg hooked it up at Sol Vista, and he's also one of the geniuses behind Eddy Merkin.
I forgot my camera, so I couldn't take a picture with Verg, but here's pretty much what Verg looks like:

Here's Verg van program:
Your van:

Verg's Van:

Your Van:

Verg's Van

Your van:

Verg's Van:

Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that hippies suck.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Dave Gibbons - Digital Drawing
At the wacomeurope's youtube channel there's some very neat videos of artist Dave Gibbons drawing methods.
I really like the guy, one of my favorite artists and a very good writer too!
He's the other half behind the Watchmen, wrote my favorite issues of the Green Lantern Corps current run and worked on the artwork and graphics of the adventure game Beneath a Steel Sky for example.
If you want to check out his instructive videos, are interested in this artist's techniques or are just curious about drawing, hit the players below~
The man himself with a fantastic funny sculpt of Rorschach from monkeywiz's blog.
I really like the guy, one of my favorite artists and a very good writer too!
He's the other half behind the Watchmen, wrote my favorite issues of the Green Lantern Corps current run and worked on the artwork and graphics of the adventure game Beneath a Steel Sky for example.
If you want to check out his instructive videos, are interested in this artist's techniques or are just curious about drawing, hit the players below~
Comic NEWS! the Taskmaster and GUY GARDNER!
Hey, I keep posting stuff about games or movies and stuff...
So a little comic news every now and then won't hurt!
I first heard of the Taskmaster in the Deadpool comic series...And loved the concept behind that guy since then!
Some know him for his fights against the Avengers.
Anyway, it's a great character!
A mercenary, like the 'Pool, who is able to mimick and understand everyone's movements and replicate them. Kinda like DC's Batgirl/Cassandra Cain or Lady Shiva.
And as a mercenary is able to kick everyone's ass. I like mercenaries in comics for their over-the-top crazy methods and colorful type!
He used to train other mercenaries in his very own private school, but since Deadpool kicked his ass and honour in front of everyone...
Anyway, the guy doesn't appear that much anymore in comics...
He had a very decent fun limited series in the early 2000s!
Marvel just announced a new limited series that could end up into an on-going series!
Taskmaster #1 will be out in September 1, written by Fred Van Lente with art by Jefte Paolo and covers by Alex Garner.
Here's a sneak peak of it:
Is that Bob?!
The art looks kickass and I sure am intrigued by this!
I'll probably end up checking at least the paperback earlier next year ;)
On DC side, something I really wanna check out at some point is the new series Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors!
A third on-going Green Lantern book! If this isn't the proof Green Lantern's now on of the big dogs at DC's!
First issue, GREEN LANTERN: EMERALD WARRIORS #1, will be released on 8/11.
Now, I like the idea of having a third series to explore some other concepts, like this one some other Lanterns non-Hal Jordan (main series) nor missions and struggles of the whole Corps (GLCorps series).
This series will have as main protagonists Guy Gardner, Kilowog and Arisia.
Nothing to say against Kilowog or Arisia. Solid choices there...but I would really have prefered a series for Kyle Rayner instead, you know, the artist-lantern!
Guy should instead join and be a full-time member of the current JLI (Justice League Generation Lost) series!! That would be better in my eyes!
Alan Scott already have the JSA where he's a main character. John Stewart rocks the Justice League book. Kyle should lead this new spinoff, letting the GLCorps series deal with only alien Lanterns! And GUY at the JLI!! Simple as that!...
Oh well, here's a sneak peak of this new series, lead by Peter J. Tomasi on the writing and drawn by Fernando Pasarin:
I'll definitively have to check this out anyway! Perfect voice for Guy Gardner here!
So a little comic news every now and then won't hurt!
Seems they decided to hire me again at Marvel. Hu hu hu...
I first heard of the Taskmaster in the Deadpool comic series...And loved the concept behind that guy since then!
Some know him for his fights against the Avengers.
Anyway, it's a great character!
A mercenary, like the 'Pool, who is able to mimick and understand everyone's movements and replicate them. Kinda like DC's Batgirl/Cassandra Cain or Lady Shiva.
And as a mercenary is able to kick everyone's ass. I like mercenaries in comics for their over-the-top crazy methods and colorful type!
He used to train other mercenaries in his very own private school, but since Deadpool kicked his ass and honour in front of everyone...
Anyway, the guy doesn't appear that much anymore in comics...
He had a very decent fun limited series in the early 2000s!
Marvel just announced a new limited series that could end up into an on-going series!
Taskmaster #1 will be out in September 1, written by Fred Van Lente with art by Jefte Paolo and covers by Alex Garner.
Here's a sneak peak of it:
Is that Bob?!
The art looks kickass and I sure am intrigued by this!
I'll probably end up checking at least the paperback earlier next year ;)
On DC side, something I really wanna check out at some point is the new series Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors!
A third on-going Green Lantern book! If this isn't the proof Green Lantern's now on of the big dogs at DC's!
First issue, GREEN LANTERN: EMERALD WARRIORS #1, will be released on 8/11.
Now, I like the idea of having a third series to explore some other concepts, like this one some other Lanterns non-Hal Jordan (main series) nor missions and struggles of the whole Corps (GLCorps series).
This series will have as main protagonists Guy Gardner, Kilowog and Arisia.
Nothing to say against Kilowog or Arisia. Solid choices there...but I would really have prefered a series for Kyle Rayner instead, you know, the artist-lantern!
Guy should instead join and be a full-time member of the current JLI (Justice League Generation Lost) series!! That would be better in my eyes!
Alan Scott already have the JSA where he's a main character. John Stewart rocks the Justice League book. Kyle should lead this new spinoff, letting the GLCorps series deal with only alien Lanterns! And GUY at the JLI!! Simple as that!...
Oh well, here's a sneak peak of this new series, lead by Peter J. Tomasi on the writing and drawn by Fernando Pasarin:
I'll definitively have to check this out anyway! Perfect voice for Guy Gardner here!
Chaz mid-season update
It's been a rad season for racing so far. Lots of riding, driving, fast food, sleeping in cars, rain and dust. I've gotten to stand on two podiums, so that was pretty cool. Over the season, I've learned two very important lessons:
A) to wear your team kit onto the podium, or else look like a dork when everyone else looks official, and

B) when you do wear your riding gear onto the podium, whether or not you tuck your jersey in while riding, pull it back out for the podium, lest you have an old man crotch bulge

But, while I may have had difficulty dialing in my podium setup, my interview skills are still on lockdown. I'll be holding a few basic, intermediate, and advanced "post-race interview" skills clinics this winter, so drop me a line if you're planning to be on camera any time soon.
Bike check coming soon, but first I just want to say thanks to all my sponsors. Without them, racing would have sucked really bad.
Thanks Evil Bikes

Thanks Fox Suspension

Thanks Splat-Designs

Thanks Deity

Thanks Kool-Stop Brake Pads

Thanks Hankbuilt:

Thanks Gravity:

It's been a great season so far, and it couldn't have happened without you guys. I'm looking forward to kicking some more ass.

A) to wear your team kit onto the podium, or else look like a dork when everyone else looks official, and

B) when you do wear your riding gear onto the podium, whether or not you tuck your jersey in while riding, pull it back out for the podium, lest you have an old man crotch bulge

But, while I may have had difficulty dialing in my podium setup, my interview skills are still on lockdown. I'll be holding a few basic, intermediate, and advanced "post-race interview" skills clinics this winter, so drop me a line if you're planning to be on camera any time soon.
Bike check coming soon, but first I just want to say thanks to all my sponsors. Without them, racing would have sucked really bad.
Thanks Evil Bikes

Thanks Fox Suspension

Thanks Splat-Designs

Thanks Deity

Thanks Kool-Stop Brake Pads

Thanks Hankbuilt:

Thanks Gravity:

It's been a great season so far, and it couldn't have happened without you guys. I'm looking forward to kicking some more ass.

Chinese War Sword
Did anybody watch that movie all the way through? It was amazing? He decapitated two pigs at the same time at the end. Thank you Tony.
Did you watch it? All the way through? Watch it now.
Did you watch it? All the way through? Watch it now.
Movie NEWS! Thor: The Movie: The Trailer
Here it is finally!
You can finally check out how Thor will look like in the movie, as well as Destroyer and others!
How this will turn out? Will the movie be as good as Ironman? Decent as Hulk? Or just a 120+ minutes trailer for Avengers?! Stay tuned for more~
You can finally check out how Thor will look like in the movie, as well as Destroyer and others!
How this will turn out? Will the movie be as good as Ironman? Decent as Hulk? Or just a 120+ minutes trailer for Avengers?! Stay tuned for more~
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
VGR Splatterhouse Part 2
Sorry for the delay :P
This one took me longer than I expected!
It sure was a pain in the a$$ to finish this one, I was kinda stuck in the middle and then in the end of the game...
Anyhow! Here's the 2nd Splatterhouse review!
(don't worry about the review of the "other" Splatterhouse, it will come out later on, at some point)
From Namco
Also available on Virtual Console
Type Sidescrollin' beat 'em all
Year 1992
The sequel to Splatterhouse!
Splatterhouse 2, also called part 2, is exactly what you'd expect from a sequel. Mostly similar, longer, harder, a bit better looking and pretty much respects what came before and tries expanding upon it.
Let's have a look, shall we?
Rick has some unfinished business with the Terror Mask....
Three months have passed since Rick escaped from the mansion during the events of the first game.
He has litterally gone through hell and back and lost his girlfriend Jennifer in the process...or does he?
Since his escape, the Terror Mask, which helped him a lot in the past let him go... Rick tried to go back to a normal life...but he keeps dreaming about Jennifer... Did she really died, possessed by the demons previously? Are those just dream or is Jen really calling to Rick through his dreams?
The Terror Mask calls to Rick as well, and offers Rick the chance to find and bring back Jennifer's soul into her body.
Like Splatterhouse 1, the story is told through in-game animations and "cutscenes". It simplistic and gets the things going on.
Unlike the SNES, most Megadrive games didn't really had in-game text anyway! (which is a good thing, in my eyes, since most games weren't translated in a lot of countries and it only required our imagination, not english lessons :P)
In this game, Rick goes back to the old burnt mansion, from the first game (which was destroyed in Splatterhouse 1's climax) and tries to find his way to the second hidden mansion. Yep. There's a new mansion! Or is it the "spirit" of the original one which re-spawned away? Who knows...
With his Mask on, Ricks' the ultimate slasher-monster!
Splatterhouse 2 picks up just where the first one left, it's only natural the gameplay did the same!
This game doesn't require a lot of buttons, but it does get tricky in its own way.
You can still only jump and attack. But it's quite enough for this kind of game!
Rick punches monsters to death and made them explode under his fists. He can kicks and slide-kicks them too if you jump or try a little tricky input.
There's also a helluva lot of different weapons/objects to use. A bat, some wood, a chainsaw (sadly just for a boss sequence..), a shotgun, etc..
It's mostly similar grounds.
And it may also be this game's problem...
The game came out in '92. Beat 'em all were more complexes by then! Compared to Streets of Rage, for example, this is pretty linear... No 3D plan (not real 3D, but being able to move foreground or background), just one attack button, no special moves, nothing...
I do like it, but it's evident this game felt a bit dated at the time, specially on a 16-bit system!
Killing giant bloody baby-monsters with a chainsaw! This game has no moral :/
The game is 8 stages long. Well, some stages are pretty long, others are very short!
It's pretty much the same as Splatterhouse 1. Sidescrolling levels, some with "forced sidescrollin' action".
There's a ton, and I mean a ton of bosses in this game! Some levels with multiple boss fights!
The game while still being influenced by horror movies, tries to stay away from tributes and references this time. Enormous ugly monsters, flyin' heads, giant bloody babies, and more! There's still some iconic monsters, like a H.P.Lovecraft-ysh monster in the lake, zombies, etc..
There seems to be a return of the mirror image-double of Rick from Splatt-1, only this time he's more monster than Rick and has a burnings disfigured face.
Oh, and it's not sure, since there's no dialogues in-game, but it seems we finally meet Dr. West in the game, as a crazy mutated boss throwing potions at Rick!
As you know or can see by the pictures here, The Terror Mask has changed.
He's evolved into something different.
Not by censure like some might think. But by design. The game series was planned with sequels in mind, like classic slasher flicks. The mask is turning into something else... Almost...controlling Rick?!
From time to time, you'll hear it talking (well, more like laughing) in story sequences.
All Hail To The King, baby!
There's a lot of stuff going on in this sequel.
The game tries some original ideas, with a boat boss fight, an elevator, recurring main monsters...
But it feels more like a Splatterhouse-again than a proper sequel.
At least the game's pretty hard! I had more trouble with this one, even with infinite continues than with the first game and it's limited continues!!
The music of Splatterhouse 2 is probably my favorite aspect of it!
Simply put, incredible!!
Namco's never really been big in the 8-bit and 16-bit era (before Tekken), apart from their classic Pacman, they weren't really well known nor well loved. But their production didn't have to bow before their competitor's, like Capcom or Konami. Even if gameplay or graphic-wise, it wasn't on top of the market, musically it was on par, if not even better! Splatterhouse's got some pretty catchy and well played musics in it!
The game doesn't seem to have a lot of music tracks, and repeats some themes here and there...but it still rocks those 16-bit audio chips!
In the end, Rick and Jennifer, brought back in body and soul from the depths of the new mansion, escape from all the madness and the demons trying to bring her back...
The 2nd house disappear in the lake...
And Ricks leaves the Mask behind..
"As long as that mask can happen again...,,
Overall, Splatterhouse 2 is the proud successor of the arcade classic Splatterhouse.
It's very similar to Part 1. But, let's be honest, if you like cake wouldn't you like to have more of it?
It's main problem is being too simplistic graphically and gameplay-wise, specially for a 16-bit game!
There were a ton of excellent beat'em alls at the time...
At least, Splatterhouse had something unique going in for it. It was very gory and not censored at all, which is quite something for the time! Remember, Splatterhouse 1 kinda forced the creation of gaming ratings anyway!
This sequel was specially developed for the Megadrive, there wasn't an arcade version for this one.
The game wasn't censored this time. But there's a slight original difference between versions again.
The Japanese version, which was the last one to come out, has a little variation in the Terror Mask. It seems to be the Red mask from the US port of the TurboGrafx, only, colored in white this time. So in the japanese Splatterhouse 2, Rick doesn't wear the Hockey/Skull evolved Terror Mask, but a cleaner with a slight different shape mask... Strange!...
Anyway, it's a very fun and gory beat'em all.
Pretty difficult some times, you gotta learn to beat this one by trial and error (my favorite gameplay orientation!).
Once you master it, there's not a lot of replay value...but at least it's something you can go back to everynow and then :P
I'd say if you like the genre, slashers or simply the first game, give it a try!
Edit: Oh, and it's available on the Virtual Console on the Wii!
I give it:
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