Thursday, July 29, 2010

Comic NEWS! the Taskmaster and GUY GARDNER!

Hey, I keep posting stuff about games or movies and stuff...
So a little comic news every now and then won't hurt!

Seems they decided to hire me again at Marvel. Hu hu hu...

I first heard of the Taskmaster in the Deadpool comic series...And loved the concept behind that guy since then!
Some know him for his fights against the Avengers.

Anyway, it's a great character!
A mercenary, like the 'Pool, who is able to mimick and understand everyone's movements and replicate them. Kinda like DC's Batgirl/Cassandra Cain or Lady Shiva.
And as a mercenary is able to kick everyone's ass. I like mercenaries in comics for their over-the-top crazy methods and colorful type!
He used to train other mercenaries in his very own private school, but since Deadpool kicked his ass and honour in front of everyone...

Anyway, the guy doesn't appear that much anymore in comics...
He had a very decent fun limited series in the early 2000s!

Marvel just announced a new limited series that could end up into an on-going series!
Taskmaster #1 will be out in September 1, written by Fred Van Lente with art by Jefte Paolo and covers by Alex Garner.
Here's a sneak peak of it:

Is that Bob?!
The art looks kickass and I sure am intrigued by this!
I'll probably end up checking at least the paperback earlier next year ;)

On DC side, something I really wanna check out at some point is the new series Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors!
A third on-going Green Lantern book! If this isn't the proof Green Lantern's now on of the big dogs at DC's!
First issue, GREEN LANTERN: EMERALD WARRIORS #1, will be released on 8/11.

Now, I like the idea of having a third series to explore some other concepts, like this one some other Lanterns non-Hal Jordan (main series) nor missions and struggles of the whole Corps (GLCorps series).
This series will have as main protagonists Guy Gardner, Kilowog and Arisia.
Nothing to say against Kilowog or Arisia. Solid choices there...but I would really have prefered a series for Kyle Rayner instead, you know, the artist-lantern!
Guy should instead join and be a full-time member of the current JLI (Justice League Generation Lost) series!! That would be better in my eyes!
Alan Scott already have the JSA where he's a main character. John Stewart rocks the Justice League book. Kyle should lead this new spinoff, letting the GLCorps series deal with only alien Lanterns! And GUY at the JLI!! Simple as that!...

Oh well, here's a sneak peak of this new series, lead by Peter J. Tomasi on the writing and drawn by Fernando Pasarin:

I'll definitively have to check this out anyway! Perfect voice for Guy Gardner here!