Monday, July 26, 2010

Street Fighter X Tekken - thought

The more I think about this newly announced game...the...less I seem to like it.
There, it's said!!

I do really like the Street Fighter series! It's fun, arcad-ysh, etc..etc...
And I kinda equally like Tekken! Well, not Tekken 4..that one, on 3D planes, was pretty bad... but apart from that episode, they're mostly pretty good, if a bit more random/brutal/button mashing that SF.

So we're going to have a SF X Tekken crossover, two in fact.
One from Capcom using the SF4-engine and another one from Namco, using their newly polished engine.
I kinda find this whole deal a bit cheap now that I think about it...

It means most fans, and yeah we all know it, will buy 2 games. Twice the current high price of next gen games....

And let's have a look at those games.
Street Fighter X Tekken will be mostly a new "SF4" only with less SF characters and some Tekken characters thrown in....
Now they better play with the roster a bit, and not only have SSF4 characters in it!! I hope to see some random Alpha/SF3 characters in it!! (Alex!!!) And why not at least one SFEX guy?!? (Skullomania!! And stop sayin' they aren't copyrighted by Capcom, that's internet geeks and Udon's excuse!! I remember seein' Skullomania in a couple of non-SF games dammit! They're as much Capcom-copyrighted as Pokémon are at Nintendo's. Just because a game's not developed by the publisher will make them non-copyrightable!)

Oh and if you're thinking about "Woow, this will be pretty intense! A crossover between a energy/special attack-based game and a air juggling/combo-ysh fighter?!"
Well, fear not, it seems Tekken characters will play exactly like SF characters in this one, using specials, ultras, etc..

But what about Tekken X Street Fighter?
SF characters will be created played using the Tekken gameplay (left arm/right arm/left kick/right kick).
This might turn out pretty original. And they will be remade in Namco's hitech graphics too! What a change of pace!
And since the last Tekken, Tekken 6, was in fact a ~2007-ysh arcade game ported on our systems only recently..This will actually be the real new 2010s Tekken game!

They've probably been working on it since a while ago already, Namco publishers did talk about a new upcoming Tekken game they were workin' on...guess it was this one already!
So graphically and probably gameplay-wise it will actually feel a bit like a new installment (not SF4 all over again with a slighty different cast).

Now, I'm not a super fan of one franchise...or the other one..
But I kinda find this whole deal a bit mis-matched...
Tekken characters won't be played as usually against the SF guys in their game,
so will the SF cast feel in the Tekken game...
If only Capcom was still making 2D games...I at least the visual different and whole concept would have almost required the two separate games (a 2D fighter in SFXT and a 3D one for TXSF!)

Instead we will get 2 mostly similar 3D fighters (both play on a 2D plan, only, in Tekken you can sidestep!) with a slight different cast, slighty different graphic approach... and totally different gameplays!
Isn't the main idea, using and seeing who can defeat who, based on characters keeping their gameplay?! That's the reason I liked SNK VS Capcom/Capcom VS SNK so much! Nobody threw their attacks the same way!

I would seriously have prefered the other rumoured crossover game... Virtua Fighter Vs. Tekken...
Two martial arts based fightin' games, with juggling, combos and timing-related.
KoF was a better match for Street Fighters in previous crossovers...

On that note...
I know Mortal Kombat already used them...but a DC Vs. Marvel from Capcom would have kicked so much ass!! More than "another-Marvel-Versus-Capcom-now-in3D!!-with less characters!"
Naah...Don't mind me! I'm just all grumpy, as usual, on Mondays...

 Quick, Look behind you! New SSF4 costumes!!