Remember that new Spidey game?!
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions!
Well, the box art's been revealed!!! WOOooooh!!
And it doesn't reveal anything since there's a fake Spidey place holder in place of the last dimension...
That's pretty cheap, Acitvision!! Come on!! Show us the last guy!!
I guess they're holdin' it for Comic-con! :(
Well, wait and see~
Remember, guys and gals, I've already placed my bets on what will turn out to be the last dimension in this blog-update!
We'll see how right I turn out to be! (or wrong... I could be wrong...naaah!)
Oh yeah, and pre-ordering the game at Amazon will offer the players another Spider-man, Civil War/Iron Spider-man!
Now, I'm not one to buy into all that "pre-order exclusives" stuff. I usually wait to buy my games. Like my movies, it can wait and I don't need stuff usually on day-1. Heck, I'm even considering buyin' this in second hand!
But you gotta admit, Iron Spidey looks pretty cool in this pic!~
Sadly, he will not offer a new "dimension" nor be used in classic Peter Parker levels.. but on the 2099 dimension only (random!).