Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gamin' NEWS! moar costumes 4 Street Fighter 4

While announcing and confirming that SF3 characters Yun & Yang will be joining the cast of Super Street Fighter 4 in the coming soon arcade release (and I'm hoping to see those two down the road on consoles, since Capcom made SSF4 on purpose download-friendly this time), they also showed what the new costumes will look like.

I, for one, am not a big fan of this commercial trend Capcom's been following lately...
Costumes shouldn't be something you pay for, specially not in a 3D fighter were it's simply made (just check all the costumes mods for the PC version!) and when the date is already present on the game disc (true! Or else, you wouldn't be able to see the other players' costumes on the online mode.... also check the file size of the costume packs!)...
But at least this new batch of costume is being currently made for the game. It was improvised after the game's release..
However...I think Capcom will put on a free normal update for the game that will add the costumes for everyone, and then you'll have to pay to "unlock" them (providing costumes for everyone, for online date streaming purposes..)

I just wanted to show the costumes, for fun, and not discuss current gaming trends and the stupid microtransactions everyone's buying into these days...
Here's a look at all the pics Capcom released:

Here's the opinion of a long-time SF fan (huh....that's me!..):
-They look alright.
-Some look pretty cool in fact!
-Some are even inspired by old Capcom artworks and such.
-Others look quite rushed... badly designed...

There's a bit of everything in here!

 And here's some in-game footage.

Now what I would love to see:
-Capcom should really give those free... Seriously, no joking. And it's not like giving something for free without goal. It builds fidelity, a positive decision for fans which builds loyatly to the brand, etc.. Plus it will keep players playing Street Fighter!
-Or they should propose directly a big pack with all costumes in one, no need for smaller packs.. it's stupid.
-Costumes should be cheaper! I mean, it's not the actual "costumes" people buy, it's something to unlock them!! Like less than 500 Microsoft points FOR ALL of them!!
-Why not make it 2 costumes per characters?! I mean, it's not like this took that much time to build on Capcom's side. It's not like redefining movements, gameplay, interactions.. It's just a skin!

Anyway, that's my two cent opinion~