Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gamin' NEWS! Tron launch trailer, who'ya gonna call for this??

Some early reviews are already loving it...others not so much.
You may think what you want about this upcoming Tron: Legacy movie. (I'm pretty sure I will still prefer the old one over the new one without seeing it yet...hey! it's ony of my favorite movies of all time for a good reason!)

The "Tron Guy" approves of this post.

First off, related with this intro, here's the launch trailer for the new game called Tron: Evolution:

It will be out around this week almost everywhere (that's Disney for you).
For, huh, like the trailer showed almost all current systems available!

It will be a sort of hybrid Prince of Persia-ysh gameplay, with some minigames, riding the Tron-bike, throwing frisbees and some typical action 3rd person scenes.
Good, bad... No opinion yet.. (maybe will get this much later on on second hand..)

Second trailer!
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime!
Some people thought it would be a sequel to last year's awesome game but it will be in fact a simpler top-down arcade game.
In fact it looks like a remake of an ol' arcade exclusive ghostbuster game from the late 80s!

I would say this looks like a nice enough decent Xboxlive digital game..if it weren't for you meddling kids I mean, reused graphics from the 2009 Ghostbusters game!!
The Cemetery, Hotel, etc..

This one won't feature any voices from the original cast and a much simpler plot.

I'll be in my bunk...waiting for an actual sequel to the Ghostbusters game!~