Monday, April 4, 2011

Fightin' NEWS! 2 random new vids in anticipation

Time for some fightin' games-related news!

This blog post is Van Damme-approved.

First, it seems this new Tekken Tag 2 will be more polished than some current fighting games have been *coughMarvelVsCapcom3cough*
Anyway, the game will feature a lot of little scenes, be it as introductions, endings, pre-matches animations, etc...

Check out this cute lil' video of  J.a.c.k. and Alisa:

Simple, doesn't affect the gameplay at all, but a nice touch nonetheless^^

Meanwhile, Johnny Cage kicks ass in the upcoming new Mortal Kombat!

Is it me or are his facial traits closer to JCVD as ever??
Like, back to the roots  
(trivia: the MK series started out as a fighting game starring Jean-Claude, then left JCVD to embrace a more original approach while Johnny Cage sprites still kept some Van Damme motion capture here and there)