Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mr. Caffeine

I think I forgot to post this, right?
Anyway, last year the best of E3 easily was Konami press conference.

This year?
Well, I'd vote for Ubisoft press conference as funn(i)est presentation.
It was an important conference for Ubisoft who was presenting its upcoming innovations, new strategic moves, etc.. And also a brand new proper Rayman game, a sidescroller again. Lots of highly anticipated titles.
It marks Ubi's big 25th anniversary.

Then, amongst all this, from the Canadian or French part of the staff, a sort of nervous tension was felt. The president had problems finding his words, Michel Ancel (Rayman, Beyond Good & Evil and Rabbids creator) started getting really nervous in front of a crowd (heck! those guys are nerds before all, they're not used to this much audience in front of them... specially Ancel who isn't that a public figure), then they brought in awkward presentation like the inimitable Mr. Caffeine, this year's crazy guy who'll haunt everybody's nightmares for a while...

Anyway, easily the best conference, a must watch for anybody.
It's long, but ya gotta watch this!

I kinda like the silly retro sequences they've improvised in-between actual game footage.

Oh yeah, there's some actual games being shown here. Ya nerds can watch it, I'll skip these for the random segments in-between :P

And here's the last part featuring more Caffeine, Rabbids and Assassin's Creed:

And if you skipped all this, here's the best of Mr. Caffeine for you all to enjoy!

Kill it!!
Kill it with fire!