Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! Here's some more news/trailers

Here's a couple more game-related news I forgot to post.
Mario & Sonic, Assassin's Creed and Grasshopper studio's new title!
First up, remember those Mario & Sonic Olympics games?

Yep, they made another one :/
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Beijing was...okay I guess (but as the first one it was kinda, sorta boring and way too much gimmick-y)
Vancouver was much better, thanks to the far superior Winter sports.
But we're back to "normal" Olympics now. They added more variety with the Football/Soccer, Cycling, etc.. So we'll see!

Let's check out the trailer:

Looks great, like most CGi introductions/videos SEGA tends to produce.
I guess we'll see one of these Mario & Sonic party games every 2 years now? (forever?!?)
Until one o' those makes a flop, that is...
This one will be out on November 18 in the meantime.

Ubisoft revealed some more of Ezio and Altair's "last adventure" in Assassin's Creed Revelations.
Enjoy this latest trailer from GamesCom 2011:

This latest adventure of Desmond's Hassassin lineage will be out on November 15.
Ubi said Assassin's Creed: Revelations would conclude both Ezio and Altair's story, we can only assume it will take place within the established timeline or introduce the next stabby hero in the assassin line.
(until Assassin's Creed 3 is actually finally released, that is)

And speaking of which... Awesome game developing studio Grasshopper Manufacture took the occasion, at GamesCom, to showcase their brand new upcoming title.
A sidescroller this time!

Black Knight Sword will be a side-scrolling action game.
It might look simple and silly but it is (even) running on the Unreal engine (!!!).