Thursday, August 25, 2011

Movie NEWS! Nicky's back!

Yeah, I'm catching up on what I missed, so what??

Anyway, this lil' "pearl" was released not long ago.
Yeah, they DARED make another one! (HOORAAAY!!)

It's the Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance!
Directed by Crank director this time, Brian Taylor.

Enjoy the epicness of the Rider~

Might be bad...and yet still pretty watchable as the first one :P
Nobody wanted another one (besides me) and I'm glad they've made another one.

The original Ghost Rider movies might had a pretty bad to modest reception but it still made plenty o' bucks to convince Sony to produce another one (and keep the IP this way).
It will be out on Feb. 17, 2012!