Friday, October 14, 2011

Star Wars NEWS! A Sith returns...

Oh ho...
Remember this guy?

That's right!
He's "back"! °__°

At first I didn't like much the idea but...
The decision to continue Darth Maul’s story was something that came directly from George. We all agreed that his return needed to be unique, unexpected and revenge filled. We don’t know what his outcome will be, and as a fan - that’s exciting.
Alright, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt...

Here's the trailer..

So? You guys happy to see him back or not?
He was sort of hinted, what with his brother appearance earlier.

Darth Maul did actually already return in the expanded universe's stories taking place farther ahead. Be it as a force-ghost in later stories or even with an half cyborg body in Star Wars: Visionaries.