Tuesday, April 27, 2010

moar ANIME Opening for US Cartoons!

I was really gonna put my movie review today, no kiddin'! But with work-related stuff, time quickly went on today...

Anyway. Since the post about the japanese re-made intros for those superheroes shows was such a hit last time (huh... for you 4or5 guys and gals reading this anyway -__- hey! Look at the page views! that's a lot of 'em already! *update I took out the page views since it made my pages laggy*)
I decided to make another post for some other openings, the only ones I could find. AND I DID search a lot for them!

It seems all the 90s Marvel Animated shows did get an original opening theme in Japan (not sure about the last one, Spider-man).
So, it means the Hulk, the Fantastic Four and probably Spider-man had different intros, but I couldn't find them...

At least I found Ironman.
But first, let's have a quick recap of Ironman original intro:

That's the first opening btw, the second one was pretty boring, check in on the youtube links of this one.

Okay. Decent, classic animation, music kinda average but ok (not as catchy as, say, Spider-man, X-men).


They did redraw the couple of important scenes here and there, but it re-used some parts from the original episodes.
I'm kinda disappointed with this one.
Not as epic as the X-men ones. Music is... average as well here.
: (

Now here's a better one,
remember the ol' Batman cartoon based on the Adam West live show?

It's SEIZURE time!

Woah! I prefered the animated opening to THE LIVE SHOW!
I did catch some episodes on tv here, they used to re-run that and the Adam West's Batman a lot on late afternoons.
The headshots are... strange and use too much time on this video. But it was ok, if you consider the era it was done.
(sure, Hannah-Barbera cartoons were a lot better)

Now, the japanese remade opening intro and the ending as well:

BATOMAN~ I ruuuuuuv yooooouuuu~

WOAH! That's fantastic!
I gotta say, I love this one.
It's great, catchy...
One Bat-word: PERFECT!

Japanese animation looked so damn' cool back in the day (I really much prefer this, Cutey Honey, Mazinger over any modern computer-done Anime!).

I'm kinda sad to say that, but in my eyes, Anime were a lot better than Western cartoons back then... Nowadays, it's kinda the opposite in my eyes. I'd take any of the DC animated modern stuff, Cartoon Network animations and the few others over any TV Anime shows... (not talking about OAV, movies, etc.. just the over saturated TV production)