Sunday, April 11, 2010

So, Avatar is a big rip off of Star Wars?


Kiddin' : D
No worries!
(or not)

Anyway, no I haven't seen that movie, am not interested in seeing that movie and won't probably want to see that movie!

On to the Star Wars connection now.

It's funny how the blue furry things in Avatar look similar to the older blue furry things from the 3rd season of Star Wars: clone wars.
Let me tell you that sub-story in a quick recap:

Obi wan and Anakin arrive on a planet supposedly unpopulated were they find an unknown civilisation. Those creatures were living in peace in harmony with the nature but the Separatist army recently decided to use this planet's ressource as a base. They destroyed the ecosystem and installed their camp, using and destabilizing the native creatures. Anakin joins their ranks, embraces their culture and in the end kicks the oppressor's ass.

Well, that like, super simplified, but you get the idea. : P

On another note, I've been watching many Star Wars stuff, so I might use it for a game/comic/movie review soon. Interested in the good Star Wars comics or games? Wanna avoid the bad ones? Stay tuned!

Also my first review might be a super familiar video game, just so I can have solid base for future reviews.
But it's always to have another look at this kind of games, right? ; )

See you guys around!
You...the 2 or 3 of you reading this! *sob*