Sunday, April 25, 2010

TLC Top 15 Favorite TV Shows (old dA stuff)

This is the last stuff from deviantArt I had to upload here as well.
From now on, only exclusive stuff on this blog!~

My second TOP LIST, this one is about my favorite TV Shows!
First of all, lemme remind you, this is my list of my favorite stuff, we all have our different tastes!

I'll gladly discuss about your own favorite shows, just write them down in those comments!

Honorable mentions to great
shows that didn't made the cut:

(In no special order)
My Name Is Earl, very fun show with great characters
Fringe, current show, kinda like a mix up "X-files" meet "Lost" mystery
Scrubs, fantastic 8 season run with a forced 9 season now
The office (both the original and US version) great concept, never gets old
Boston Common, 2 season only of a fun sitcom with awesome characters in it
Highlanders, tv spinoff of the classic movies, pretty cool
The Pretender, very entertaining spy/thriller show, early alias/24 kinda vibe with 2 great tv movies but unsolved storyline
Martial Law, inspired by the movie "Rush hour", great tv serie with jackie chan long time friend Sammo Hung
Relic Hunter, indiana jones-ysh serie with a lara croft kinda heroine, with some pre-national treasure aspects to it
Firefly, great short lived scifi show with an old west original aspect. Followed by a movie and comics but not followed by many people when it aired :(
And finally MASTERS OF scifi/horror, fantastic modern tales which reminded me of good ol' tv serials. Made like short movies, had classic directors and writers attached and are a must for scifi or horror fans!

Here's the list now: