Monday, January 30, 2012

Gamin' NEWS! In space, no one can hear a game being delayed

Here's something I forgot to post on the blog last week.

Remember that Aliens Colonial Marines game from Gearbox Software?
Yeah, that very same one that kept being delayed since the early 2000s? It's back on!
Sega announced it had been delayed now to this Autumn 2012.No more precisions regarding the month though.

It will available on HD systems and PC. And a rumor has it on Nintendo's upcoming Wii U as well.

Here's a brand new CGi trailer they made for the occasion:

Oh man.. I hope they don't scr#w this one up...
I mean after the way Gearbox butchered Duke Nukem Forever, I don't know if I have much faith in them anymore...
(yes it was "butchered", more on that on an upcoming review of DNF!~)