Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Deleted Scenes - That canceled Superman game

Did you know that when we got that modern well done Batman game, we almost a bunch of other (good?) DC Comics inspired videogames?

There wasn't just a Flash video game in the works.
We also almost got a Superman game as well!
Apparently, Factor 5 (Turrican, Star Wars: Rogue Leader, Rogue Squadron..) was working on a Supes game.
They closed in 2009.

But some of the pics of the game in development have recently surfaced on the website of artist Daveed Kaplan.

It seems the project was codenamed "Blue Steel".
We may not see any screens of what would have been like, but we can get a good look at Supes, with his huge S-symbol - which I love btw, but also some of the villains the game would have featured.
Like Lex Luthor, Darkseid (!!!), his son Kalibak, General Zod and Non as well!

I dunno for you, but this could have had some potential...
Was this gonna be Superman's first good game in a long while...?!

Here, enjoy the, oh, so few character art we have to go 'round for now:

 Click for bigger pics!

It gives us some idea what it might have looked like.... Not how it would have played liked, but I can see the strong characterization and art style already giving life to these comic book characters!