Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cartoon NEWS! DC animated stuff...

Hey! Let's post a new NEWS post for t'day!

So DC will be releasing DC Showcase Animated Original Shorts on DVD & Bluray on November 9, 2010.
I'm still not really sure I'll be interested in buyin' this one.
Sure, I love Captain Marvel and the rest of the Shazam characters but this still is a compilation of only 3 shorts + one exclusive other one.

The main feature will be this Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam short. A 22 minutes short, making it the longer DC Showcase yet.
I really like the fact that they got Jerry O'Connell as Captain Marvel and Arnold Vosloo as Black Adam.
Which would had been my perfect choices for a live Shazam movie :P
But other than that, this DVD/Bluray will include the last 3 DC Showcases (the Spectre, Jonah Hex and Green Arrow) which I already own, because I bought (and will buy) the special edition of the recent DC animated movies....

Do I want to buy a full price compilation containing "extended" versions of animated shorts + one exclusive one a bit longer? Mmmmh...

Couldn't they make a full long feature Captain Marvel animated movie instead??

Anyway, on the side of the other upcoming DC release, here's a trailer for Superman/Batman: Apocalypse movie based on Jeph Loeb's story:

It sure is looking mighty fine!
Can't wait for this one!
For a "Supergirl movie" it sure ain't marketed as such.
'Guess DC entertainment isn't taking much risks after Wonder Woman low sales :( (boooh to the ones of you guys and gals that didn't buy this one!!)

And here's a first sneak peak look at Green Arrow's Showcase:


And to stay on topic, a nice interview of Greg Weisman, who's working on this DC Showcase and the upcoming Young Justice future cartoon:

Videos provided by ComicHeroNews' youtube account

Fun stuff!
Alway nice to hear from the creative force's point of view.

And finally, if you're a fan of Jonah Hex like me, and don't even want to remember about that thing:


Here's an interview of the real live Jonah Hex, Thomas Jane, voice of Hex in the DC Showcase short.
I'm still hoping for a real adaptation, a Jonah Hex reboot.
Hey, Hulk had one not that long after Ang Lee's movie, why couldn't Hex too??
Perhaps an adaptation of the Old West-event "6 Guns War" with Tom Jane this time, and not magical powers PLEASE!!

Very fun and BADASS interview with a cool dude!